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Hontou ni Atta Hitozuma Furin Kokuhaku [episode 01]
Junjou Shoujo Et Cetera [episode 01]
Imouto Paradise! 2 [episode 01]
Jyoshikousei no koshitsuki [episode 01]
Fuurinkanzan [episode 01]
Furyou ni Hamerarete Jusei Suru Kyonyuu Okaa-san The Animation [episode 02]
Waisetsu Missile The Animation [episode 01]
RINxSEN+Ran-Sem Cross Mix haru urara, uragiri to zetsub? no kisetsu hen [episode 02]
Shin Hitou Meguri [episode 01]
Upcoming Hentai for August 2013
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100 Responses to “Upcoming Hentai for August 2013”
Can’t wait for Imouto Paradise 2!
Dude it sucked, it wasn’t even done my the same art group!
Dude he didnt even know, look at the time when his comment was published XD
Dude, it really sucked. It was out on august 3, i watched it and i was ready, holding my penis, to watch it then after the video I was like.. What.. the.. fuck? That’s it?! It was done by Mary Jane and hentais made by mary jane sucks. I like the Imouto paradise ep. 2 than Imouto Paradise 2
Dude, where is my car
joushikousei no koshitsuki by otono natsu & waisetsu missile taropun im looking forward those two
Wow what a crappy month…
Cheer up there mate, there are better times a head.
I agree bro.. -_-
You know, I think it’s easy to figure out the Netorare ones now. Just don’t watch the ones that show the girl looking scared out of her wits while naked.
Wiser words have never been spoken.
Wow the NTR is strong with this one (sadly)
Hell yeah Waisetsu Missile, time for some “beastiality”
Imouto Paradise 2 is going to be such a let down, since its being done by mary jane they usually only do a run time of 15 mins as well as only 2 episodes. Also theres a new orange ponytail fang big breasted imouto in Imouto Paradise 2 but since mary jane is doing this adaptation I can already tell we won’t get to see her since their most likely to show case only 2 of the 5 imoutos from the game. Hopefully im wrong in the end and they do show case more then 2 imoutos
I feel ya there, Mary Jane needs to just go defunct now and quit making series just 15 mins long for every damn thing.
Lot’s of new stuff!
Junjou Shoujo Et Cetera seems very intresting. Graphics looks by the cover really awsome.
NTR NTR everywhere, I’ve lost hope in hentai industry,
just curious here…..
why does it seem like everyone hates NTR hentai though every month there is always NTR in the releases…
doesnt it mean that the hentai industry has a big income on NTR …
and doesnt that mean that many actually watches it..
then why do i only see people bashing NTR
just curious here
because they’re narrow-minded people who doesn’t understand the charm of NTRs.
DON’T worry,just share your wife with me then i will understand your charm for will be a gangrape 24/7
Give this man a cookie.
because they’re moralfag idealists who believe in silly concepts such as pure love built around a cowardly betafag not making a single effort yet being surrounded by sluts who aren’t one dimensional. Also because it is easier to self insert as a aggressive loser than a cute betafag.
Yeah that must be it not the fact that it’s even more of a silly concept, I don’t have a problem with ppl watching NTR but to defend it to the point where you call everyone against it losers is retarded. And to put fag behind words does not make new words only shows that you’re some kind of experienced forum asshole. A concept where a guy sees this shit and doesn’t do anything is just silly, considering most homicides happen because of money or love. The ones in ntr do deserve to get their women stolen from them cuz they’re a bunch of pussies but it’s real hard to relate with the generic asshole that steals her too unless you’re like this guy.
hmm maybe I worded this wrong. I’m not exactly saying that everyone who is against ntr is a loser, rather I’m trying to say that some of the reasons why ntr is despised revolves around a sort of foolish idealism. I myself am not really much of a fan of ntr, but at the same time, I wouldn’t go as far as to bash it, or to mock the people who enjoy it. However after being here for a long time, I’ve seen many moral nutjobs spouting speeches here against ntr, rape… while proceeding to proceeding to critcize them for their tastes, and it’s getting real irritating.
Other than that, I understand that most men who see this shit arent exactly going to go do nothing, but in reality, they probably wouldn’t commit homicide either. They’ll probably get a divorce at most, which fits in with the ntr ending, emphasizing that they’ve lost in love, and there’s nothing they can do about it. Maybe “relate” is the wrong word as well, “self insert” might be a better term.
That’s actually not it for most of them, what really bothers them is not the immorality of NTR, its the fact that they guy they identify with is getting screwed over so they somehow feel they are too.
Many of these “moralfags” actually love it when their avatar character (usually the good looking guy or normal looking guy) does the NTRing, cheats, or is engaged in other immoral things because they feel they are the winner in this case and not the loser. This selfish hypocrisy is what makes them 100 times more annoying.
About a decade ago there was no such thing as ntr, or at least it existed but not as common as now. I’m neither supporting nor against it; if you’re fine fapping to those, then go ahead, but just have to admit that most of you who enjoy this “unique” stuff are nothing more than just mindless wannabes who will go with the flow; so in the next couple of years people will start to enjoy monster sex,zoophilia,guru etc. and most of you will gladly do the same. Ok, I agree that everyone has his/her own preference, but again think about those who have to content themselves with 1 or 2 releases, whereas ntr fans have the priviledge to have more. This is pretty unfair if you were to ask me.
The raising demand in Ntr is nothing more than a bad forecast.
god you sound like a fucking retard. First of all ntr has been here longer than a fucking decade, so stop making stupid assumptions because you’re new to porn. Second of all, nobody is trying to be hipster. Seriously, there is no fucking “going with the flow” in hentai because people don’t simply go about discussing it with others with ease. (Mostly because they aren’t retards) I mean, would you actually go onto facebook and say “lets discuss our favorite hentai, my favorite is about cheating!” I mean have you ever even looked at the damn comments here before? Does anyone really go about having a discussion about porn? Otomedori is the top favorited hentai here, and it’s not because everyone’s trying to be hipster. Deal with it, most people have a taste for ntr and there’s nothing you can do about it. Lastly, it’s pretty fucking fair already. The releases are centered around popularity, and since ntr is popular in japan, there’s going to be more releases of ntr. Stop acting like it’s an injustice because the minority doesn’t get the same amount as the majority.
First of all read what I’ve written more carefully, cause I said it wasn’t COMMON, and what I meant is that such term as ntr was barely known. Secondly, on what basis do you assume that people won’t discuss about hentai?If you try to browse a little bit, it’s not that hard And, lastly your nick speaks
for yourself; you are just some delusional despairer who tries to deny everything without any basis, desperately referring to people as fag or retard which is enough to prove you’re one yourself.
If there’s anyone who’s delusional, it’s you. Even if it doesn’t have basis, it’s pretty damn obvious which basis is actually realistic. Your theory, revolves around the aspect that majority of people who watches hentai are idiots who are “going along with the flow.” and simply watching ntr just to be hip. First of all ntr is already a ugly topic. The vast majority of people don’t simply go and start cutting themselves when a few people go and cut themselves. It’s not a trend that people can simply jump into unless humanity is that fucking retarded. Second, this isn’t justin bieber or twilight or some shit. You don’t get recommendations from your friends telling you to watch this shit, especially if it’s about ntr. Lastly, look at your discussion. Did anyone actually state that they watched it because someone told them to? No they went and watched it on their own volition. and 19 out of 48 people thought it was actually average or worse, that’s around 40%, going to show that people aren’t just a bunch of mindless twits. In short, your idea revolves around the aspect that people have become so retarded that their choices in porn have become twisted just in order to fit win with society, while your the only person with free will. Seriously, why can’t you just accept that people enjoy ntr for shits sake.
Dude when i watched NTR something died inside of me,
I could be wrong or you could be wrong in a argument you will never ever know “the truth”
But I trust my feelings and instincts and that is sheet makes me fell like …
The only way i could keep myself watching until the end was because i said myself its a fantasy and considered the girl a whore(something without life that you put your stick in and push around).
wow, even for some ntr I simply skip around to look for a semi happy ending before even watching it, but I’m amazed that you even went farther than I did. Hey, maybe that sort of reasoning (they’re only cartoons!) is why ntr is so popular! Or maybe it’s the aspects that there tend to be better sex scenes in rape and ntr hentai. (I mean, you wouldn’t expect a gangbang in a vanilla hentai would you?)
Either way, it’s pretty much a fact that ntr is pretty popular. While you may feel sick from it, other people may have gotten used to it or don’t have much of a conscience. Even though the reasons for it’s popularity is still unknown, I’m pretty fucking certain it isn’t because a vast majority of watchers are trying be hip or appeal to the rest of society.
Lol, dude. If you say sth like”I feel dead inside,but I keep saying myself that it’s fantasy”, then it’s pretty obvious you’re lying to yourself. It’s like you’re trying to forget about your guilt, and at the same time feeling guilty which is contrary.
Maybe because ntr promotes violence,immorality, and encourages people’s bad behaviour into thinking that nothing bad will result from cuckholding your wife or girlfriend, even though it does naturally occur? Dude, get real. Can you find anywhere ntr outside Japan?Not to mention rape movies which are forbidden.
There’s a lot of porn which you can’t find outside japan. And there’s rape hentai all over the place. That’s why people watch hentai. You want, morally righteous and realistic shit you can go and watch regular porn. And what the hell is your point?
“Ntr promotes bad shit” Yes and? That still doesn’t explain it’s apparent popularity. And while everyone seems beautiful and angelic in public, they might change into a whole different person in the confines of their room. People who have to be seriously retarded to proclaim their fetishes to the public, so how exactly would you know truly how dirty minded they are?
Mmmm… A lot of Episode 1 I see….. I think I’m gonna die fapping *_*
I’m more of the episode 2´s
finally some decent hentais
not only those ones where fucking children or girls in the age of 14 get fucked
thats just..
I strongly disagree.
I am a lolicon, and lolis are glorious.
Too bad we have a small chance of watching the loli from Imouto Paradise 2 get effed, I don’t care about the pink girl or her blue haired clone.
You are mad, seriously.
Anyway, could someone explain me why is the website, in these days, so slow at loading the click function? I must wait for at least 2 minutes minimum for play a video or write.
Ntr or not, the important thing, for at least me, is to find many ‘koki, soft, paizuris and possibly lolis :3
Finally Imouto Paradise 2!
I think I’m gonna die fapping *_* [2]
the hitou series.. has all the same story line.. all hostess are fucked up by the same guy.. BTW does NTR happen in real life!?
looks…decent for a list……i just hope they ain’t no NTR cause some crying man is never arousing in my taste
too bad for yah.. almost all is NTR
I love Murakami Teruaki’s blowjob scenes.
NO TENTACLES!!!!!!!! Shitty month
I really like NTR. Not the scene but the comment about it =]
i really don’t mind ntr the only thing that makes me angry is that the guy loses without ever saying or doing anything like in Otomedori he finds out that both his little SISTER and the girl he LOVES are getting fucked by the same old guy and does nothing you have to say or do something other than watch but other that i’m cool with it
I agree. Otomedori was and still is (At least for me) the most fked up NTR hentai I have ever seen. It just made me so angry, that I wanted to smash that dudes (MC) face for being such a wimp.
Something must be wrong with your head. Getting pissed off deliberately.
You sound like you watch hentai for only one sole purpose – for fapping…
Using a masturbation aid to masturbate? Outrageous!!
Is it just me or when I watch Ntr I neither hate it or like but I do feel sorry for the guy however when I fap I don’t think about the story line and just focus on how good the quality and material are xD
Just saw Imouto Paradise! 2 today and it looks totally different compared to the first one. All I have to say is that there won’t be a drunk camera view anymore with the video only lasting 15mins!!
I also saw Junjou Shoujo Et Cetera, thank god this one is not an ntr!!!
fap fap fap more fap more hentai:)
When watching NTR.. i try to think that all of this are only fiction, and those guys who allow themselves to be treated like this by women are dumb shits….
So far the first 3 hentai aren’t ntrs so thank god for that.
Hontou ni Atta Hitozuma Furin Kokuhaku is about a slutty woman, so no point calling it an ntr (video only 16min)
Imouto Paradise! 2 still the same concept, except no intense sex scenes or drunk camera view ( video only 15min)
Junjou Shoujo Et Cetera is all about romance and no indication of ntr
* I hope this trend of “no ntr” keeps continuing!!!
NTR….the reason I was created. The more NTR, the stronger I get. Don’t misunderstand me, I’m not for NTR, I punish those who are. Those who treat the women they do in hentais must be severely punished, as well as people who want to do it in real life, absolutely love it, and so on. I gain followers everyday who want to put a stop to it. I came from darkness, and drag people with me back to hell. They don’t know true horror, true pain, true agony, true suffering, until I take them. Let them create more NTR, It just brings me closer to them, closer to their painful deaths.
The F*** you smoking and where can I get some? XD
Uh, cool story bro…
Well, I think the whole shIt hentai industry is just a big conspiracy. It’s probably because of those influential “ojii-sans” who are buying out this fine shIT called rape and ntr, cause I don’t believe that out of blue people would get any interest in those. I mean take a look at Eroge games industry, certainly there’s no such thing happening, and you can see which genre dominates the most, certainly not the 1 we are talking about.
I love watching ntr for few reasons but you don’t “see” me bashing other categories because I RESPECT the things that people like. You don’t see
People here should just bite 2 bullets: (1) that ntr is not the only morally unsound hentai category here. (2) Its not up to you which ones get animated.
1. since many of them are morally unsound, how about just get rid of them. Honestly, I’m tired of this whole shIt hentai industry. Is there any reason why these scenes which I’ll never ever encounter in my life should be animated?
Then why not just promote the real thing, just hire some whore to act in gangrape movie?Oh, I forgot it’s forbidden in my country for ethical reasons.
2. It does
“Is there any reason why these scenes which I’ll never ever encounter in my life should be animated”
That’s exactly why they are animated. Because you will never encounter them in real life. Seriously, do you think they could actually do realistic live action elf rape? Or a guy creaming several chicks in a row with sperm still overflowing from their pussies? Or maybe getting screwed in public without the police interfering for several minutes? I’m sure you’ll never find a g-cup virgin in a bar and convince her to fuck you within the hour either. Lot’s of unrealistic shit happens in hentai, which is why people animate it rather than attempting a live action version.
Jesus, you sound like a “no fun” dude. Just because your country bans this stuff, why are you trying to get japan to ban it as well?
1.) So someone who hates hentai commented in this site?? You are already starting to make sense. Hentai was made to entertain a man’s sexual fantasy, with that being said, fantasy and imagination do not exist in your vocabulary.
2.) The only consensus they would listen to is the Japanese viewer’s. If you don’t care about hentai, why would they think your comments are of any value?
1. Only a sicko gets turned on from watching some old farts’ dicks, so no. You seem to get the wrong idea of what is healthy fantasy and what’s not, or maybe cause your head is saturated with ntr that you ain’t able to tell the difference. If so, I pity you, and just thinking about some naked, ugly dudes makes me wanna puke.
2. I will tell you something. A friend of mine who lives in Japan is currently learning english, so from time to time he helps me translating mangas/ln etc. When asked what he thinks about ntr he said he totally despise this shet, and that nobody who’s normal would go as far as buying those. It’s true that in Japan there are many of those weirdo otakus, but the majority are true fans who doesn’t opt for that, and the sudden interest is ntr is what surprise me the most, but don’t expect me to deal with it just because a bunch of zealous ntr supporters tells you what is trend and what’s not.
….i don’t like ntr myself
I just watch it for the sex scenes…if they’re decent
1)STFU like that one friend of yours knows everything that happens in japan -.-
2) STFU cause if you’re so much against it wtf are you even here commenting about?
did you think you was gonna find someone who actually agrees with you and would want to become penpals with you?
or did you just want attention from people online who you will never meet a damn day in your life?
regardless just STFU
~seriously though why is ntr sex scenes really good half the day time?~ ?_?
Lol, what a pathetic kid you are, going berserk and telling ppl to stfu on forum. On top of that making a lame emoticons like “?_?” make you sound more pathetic than I could’ve imagined.
1.) To even suggest and/or conclude a person’s sexuality because they watch ntr? You sir deserve 2 mid-finger salutes. Ntr shows women getting fucked and you say: “sicko(s) gets turned on from watching some old farts’ dicks “? Dear Lord, you’re retarded. You probably fap to old dicks and now are trying to bring people to your level.
About fantasy, tbh, I don’t care what type of fantasy hentai falls into. You can try and explain but I won’t give a damn. To me it’s a fantasy and it will stay a fantasy but people like you are quick to speculate otherwise.
2.) Of course your friend hates ntr, the general plot is enough to make anyone paranoid of their real life relationships. Though there is sense that liking ntr isn’t normal but that is no basis to auto-conclude that any and every ntr viewer is a bastard-in-the-making.
“Majority are true fans who doesn’t opt for that” -You sound like you know them all because you have a friend from Japan. Wake up, you don’t. No sane man would go out to the streets and proclaim they love porn and hentai.
“Don’t expect me to deal with it…” – You don’t have a choice, you should. Hentai was made for Japanese consumers, everyone here is just asking for a slice of the action. If you think they will listen to a foreigner about hentai, you’ll just have your head cut-off by a katana.
Wow so much discussions about ntr…
Honestly at first i hated it and skipped every ntr episodes but now i just watch the sex scenes if they are decent and skip the rest.
Im on that same boat brah
I just care about hentai, not the story.
Is “Bloods: Inraku no Ketsuzoku” a Ntr? Because I loved it, and despite all those years I’ve watched hentai every day, I still have no idea of which are ntr and which aren’t.
Is “Bloods: Inraku no Ketsuzoku” a Ntr? Because I loved it, and despite all those years I’ve watched hentai every day, I still have no idea of which are ntr and which aren’t.
Sorry for the double post; there was an error with the processing.
In any case, if with Ntr is intended an anime like otomedori, is not my genre. I’m not for gangbangs, stolen girlfriends and these.
You know why NTR makes some people so mad? Because if they could even get a girlfriend to begin with, they’d be the guy losing her to a real man. Imagining this likely scenario enrages them!
Even if they found love, they would never be able to hold onto it. Sad really. Oh well, us self confident alpha males will keep enjoying the NTR, and stealing dem bitches.
That’s not the reason why people enjoy NTR at all. Its has little to do with their social standing or how they feel about the morality of cheating, at least according to evolutionary psychology its not. Of course, its entirely possible that there are sick fucks who enjoy it for entirely different reasons but whatever floats their boats, or your boat, or whatever.
Also, I have to laugh at you calling yourself a “confident alpha male.” HAHAHA good one.
Oh, so you understand exactly why people enjoy things? You have that insight no one else has? No, you can only presume things and judge others for their choice of masturbation material, which has fuck all to do with you.
Mostly, you seem angry and frustrated. You’re probably one of the teenagers that can’t get a girl, a prime candidate to be a loveless white knight in future! Look forward to it!
Friends zone forever! Beta males unite! We have found your king!
Also, you are exactly one of those fagtard hypocrites that I was ranting about and you apparently also do not watch a lot of NTR either.
Most NTR are about fat/old/ugly guys stealing girls from the normal/good looking guy. Regardless of whether you have some delusional self-confidence about yourself or if you actually ARE an fat/old/ugly guy, most people DO NOT identify themselves with the ugly characters. This means that if you were to watch REAL NTR, you would probably be raging with the rest of the hypocrites, as few NTR would actually fullfill your fantasy of stealing girls from other guys.
I like ntr. The way to deal with any unpleasant feelings of it is to root for the gut who is taking the girl. After that ntr becomes a lot easier to deal with.
Imouto Paradise 2! Finally! I’m sick & tired of NTR+Gangbang these months… Hail me a lolicon, I won’t give a damn!
Well said, mate
Imouto Paradise 2 artwork, superb, really amzing artwork
and ofcourse cant wait Shin Hitou Meguri, hope we got some surprise from PoRo, ahaha
I’m still right. Just because you can make great hentai, doesn’t mean you can abuse it with horrible NTR stories and such. I will get revenge for those the deserve and desire it. Wherein there’s great, unbearable pleasure, comes horrifying, excruciating pain and suffering.
Seriously bro,
What are you smoking and where can I get it cause it apparently got you high like a kite lol
Keep commenting and you’ll find out when I find you and skin you alive, my friend.
Hell yeah, Shin Hitou Meguri, NTR goodness, here I come. Had no idea this game series was that popular. Hope its not just gonna be a remake of the first one again.
Imouto paradise need more loli imouto!
Wow. Still so many butthurt losers. And for some reason, they just keep coming back to piss and moan about ero anime. Like seriously, GTFO if certain genres piss you off so much. It’s not like anyone wants you here. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
Is there a way someone could check the releases genres beforehand and add tags so as to not start a debate on the next upcoming hentai list. It’s stupid to call people that like a certain genre disgusting and freaks considering in societys eyes we are the abnormals for watching hentai, except for guro if you like guro you’re a sick little fuck and you need to go and talk to somebody about it preferrably a licensed psychologist. But having said that, Otomedori was fucking sick holy shit that guy was put through the wringer, ok let’s just say the guy was a regular joe, he sees this shit sees the guy is old, out of shape meanwhile he’s in his prime and could totally fuck this guy up, I’m not saying he should get the girl, fuck her she’s a stupid slut and deserves the old fucker anyways. They could call this new genre NTRR the extra r for revenge. If japans men are like this, no wonder they have a declining birthrate :/.
Oh yeah there was a retard some posts before that said that these old fuckers are alpha males, an alpha male would not assert his authority through someones woman, he would assert it to you directly, I’m hoping that you listen to me and don’t go out and think you’re an alpha male and get fucked up lol
You ask for a way to avoid the debates and name calling, then you engage in it readily. Another thick cunt spotted.
Stay mad and stay beta, son. Stay beta.
Brb gonna fuck the girl you were interested in and who friends-zoned you hard.
brb gonna kill the asshole who thinks he’s smart but he’s going to die in the most horrible way possible
Well I did say on the upcoming list did I not
, and I called you a retard because you don’t know what an alpha is. You need to google that shit and educate yourself man, an alpha is a very confrontational person, usually not the sneaky, over-weight and out of shape types. Unless that’s a typical alpha male where you live :/. Judging by your smooth talking no wonder you’re “stealing dem bitches” and whatnot good for you bro. I’m very scared you might have fucked the girl who friend-zoned me, and that’s not a very nice thing to do 
For you to actually make up scenarios for strangers on the internet and actually think you’re an alpha is very hilarious indeed, please lose more of your grip on reality and entertain us betas, stay classy
Believe me there’s no such thing as an alpha that comments on animestigam lmao. Hentai is for betas (me included).
(kind off topic) Oh and about the “why do people bash ntr, still ntr is pretty much everything that is made”. Well we who are satisfied with ntr, we don’t complan (90% of this page users), the people who dislikes it (maybe 10% ish) they whine in the comments section, not like it will make a difference but they do… I bet they are all hipsters who just wants vanilla hentai because that’s anti conformist shit.
Liking NTR is not about being alphagay or wimpfagget, liking NTR is a kink, same for Incest and tentacles, its stuff that is wrong, and its kinky as hell, watching hentai without kink is the same as watching hentai without audio, only when the 3 of them are toghether good quality kink, and audio that you get a memorable hentai, sometimes you see a hentai clip on the Net and dont like it, but then you watch the whole episode and realize that was his mother that he was fking, for example i didnt like furyou ni hamerete, but when i watched it witht he subs, BANG forget about everything else THATS THE SHIT, its all about the kink, and btw hentai is not a Fapping “aid”, its more like a Fapping “REASON” xD, dude i love hentai, and i love the kink wherever it is EG: Oil Massage porn all its variants( thats right EVEN GAY O.O jk).
Wow… O_O’ Remember when these pages had barely any comments in them at all?
This is what happens when the topic is NTR XD