Oct 24 2012
Unsweet Netorare Ochita Onna-tachi Episode 1
Posted by ToT in Unsweet Netorare Ochita Onna-tachi -

Unsweet Netorare Ochita Onna-tachi Episode 1
You are going to watch/stream Unsweet Netorare Ochita Onna-tachi Episode 1 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Unsweet Netorare Ochita Onna-tachi Episode 1 is from the hentai series Unsweet Netorare Ochita Onna-tachi. If you enjoyed Unsweet Netorare Ochita Onna-tachi Episode 1 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.
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27 Responses to “Unsweet Netorare Ochita Onna-tachi Episode 1”
Another NTR for those that “likes” it XD.
why do i feel like, that “unsweet” at the title is like a warning
They trying to Ward us away because it is actually a nice story…
Nope not nice at all you were right
keep the great work ToT
it wasn’t so bad at least in this ntr we didn’t have to listen to the guy cry like a bitch threw the sex scenes like in otomedori
Dude, the difference between this and Otomedori is the guy in the latter found out but didn’t think of doing anything. He still married her and got the worst thing that could happen to a married man: the wife is a slut and his kid didn’t come from his gene-pool.
In this NTR ( without re-watching its RAW), the “good” kid is still clueless about his teacher-lover becoming a sex slave for his seatmate.
Then this dude is smart and when he finds out about everything in the end he stops contacting her. Then she shows up talking about how she was raped by the guy. Biotch you weren’t raped you gave up the pussy like a slut over and over again…lol
I think it’s pretty funny how they give the cuckold dudes weird, lame voices. Especially in this one. His voice is all nasally. Haha! Nice animation, but sometimes it’s a little odd. Like, at 19:19 – 19:29 it seems like her mid section is stretching and shrinking into itself rather than her actually moving back and forth. I’m not complaining or anything. I’m just saying it looks kind of funny. XD Thanks for upload.
Unrelated. . .
hey guys im looking for this title but i cant find it
http://www.jlist.com/product/WBR059 anyone know what title is this?
its oed 48 im guessing havnt seen it but thats what they are selling it as i dont know where u can find it online
I want episode 2 for Ore wa Kanojo wo Shinjiteru
I absolutely second that.
this is sad, very very sad.
She tries to come back after 3 years and he fucks hers but tells her he does not trust her anymore. This is the only man I have seen break the chain of ntr.
not gonna lie I hate the series and the first dude, my second time for coming back here was the ahegao in it. ”making faces when orgasm”
Sigh, still just one ep
And still just one ep
Anyone know when they’ll make another ep?
There’s enough in the doujin for another ep.
Given that 2 years have passed its safe to say that they didn’t sell enough copies to make more episodes. Shame cos I enjoyed it. Thanks for letting me know there is a manga. I will check it out for some closure.
I really don’t get it.. She’s a grown woman, she should have the power to kick that kid in thale balls.. i means its not a gangrape or elderly man just a kid!! I wish if Ntr contain some logic!!
I don’t know but i love ntrs xDD
Ive read the manga and i really pity the teacher, she became a sex slave in order to protect the guy he loves, the last part when she made a deal if the protagonist guy will accept him again and she explain the cercumstances why she do it , the guy just use her and rejected her , in fact i hate the protagonist at all he didnt do a thing to save her, if he accepted her again she will be free from the chain of sex slave yet he did not accept or even save her at all pity… i hate this kind of story pretty lame protagonist didnt do a thing to save her woman at all
I read all of this and i can say she never showed much interest with the good guy, in the beginning not much blackmail was shown but she slept with him without hesitation, and in the end like he said how can he trust her she was fucking the other guy and he heard how she sounded when she was fucking the guy also being with her again doesn’t mean she would change how she is.
The fuck. That Jun boy is to wimp telling it to her friend never coffees to her beloved teacher come on.but its a great plot and there was no old fart in any scene
What a whore!!!
This is really stupid why cant jun fight for his woman before the other dude went raw. Tsk tsk tsk. This seems basic to me most shows leave with the woman with another guy rather than the faithful. 2019 look out for Bisquet production, i will give the people multiple outcomes instead of one so it can go with your taste.xxx
Lol. Look at all the wannabe tough guy keyboard warriors in this comment section.
Hmm i think like they cancel 2nd chapter or something like that because this isn’t end of the story and you need to read manga.