Jan 20 2017
Toshi Densetsu Series Episode 4
Posted by ToT in Toshi Densetsu Series -

Toshi Densetsu Series Episode 4
You are going to watch/stream Toshi Densetsu Series Episode 4 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Toshi Densetsu Series Episode 4 is from the hentai series Toshi Densetsu Series. If you enjoyed Toshi Densetsu Series Episode 4 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.
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16 Responses to “Toshi Densetsu Series Episode 4”
YES! I’ve been refreshing the page the entire day long :3
So was she a shape shifter or a spirit?
“The call from Mary” is a urban legend that if you turn to the phone called “I am behind you” hanging from the ghost whose name is Mary, then turning around, you will be killed.
So, I don’t know if she is a shape shifter, but she is a ghost, so it would not be difficult to change the shape of the body.
Yeah I’m not definitely sure if she is a shape shifter or a spirit, that is a good question. I guess we’ll find out when the subtitles come out. Overall this episode was good/okay. I think it would’ve been better if the MC was a bit more aggressive.
Try searching that urban legend girl on google.
11:00 – 13:00 Literally the same animations for two solid minutes…
This episode had so much potential:/ it wasnt as great as episode 2 though
This series only lacks anal. It’d be a 10/10. Now it’s just a 9/10 for me.
I’ve liked all the episodes so far but this one is boring
Worst episode of the series
i’ll give the legend a read.
lol dat glitch in 07:00
While this type of art style is 10/10 in my book this looked way better on manga because now seeing the guy lying still having no reactions at all whatsoever and the suddenly orgasming, WUT. its like watching a piece of furniture coming alive that was previously dead. weird as fuck. this really needed to be ” lets go 100% as the manga should’ve been” instead make the guy have some type of reactions but i guess eh, maybe they were aiming for the nieche audience that only dreams about having the girl do everything for you. mmm yeah that’s definetly it. while im usually part of that audience now the male part was way too much of a deadfish
That 2 minute loop was legit
Was really looking forward to this……the classic monogatari-esque focus on the eyeballs was nice ….the other shaftie bits too..like the way the back on the girl looked very similar to how it was done on nisemono…..but the gif replays…..i had a tough time dealing with that….too much replay scenes.
Laughing too much on the replay scene that I cant even fap hahahahah
i love this series it is amazing i loved it.and i just want to know in episode 1 who was she waiting for in classroom with letter in her hand.amazing and epic series i loved it.