Taimanin Yukikaze Episode 1
You are going to watch/stream Taimanin Yukikaze Episode 1 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Taimanin Yukikaze Episode 1 is from the hentai series Taimanin Yukikaze. If you enjoyed Taimanin Yukikaze Episode 1 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.
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38 Responses to “Taimanin Yukikaze Episode 1”
i cant wiat !!!! now over 30 liao omg why!
Man i just JIZZED from Oni Chichi 2: Revenge Episode 1 and then i check the home page and this is out, Sir’s i will be back in One hour i gotta RELOAD!
What a waste… good animation for loli virgin crap like this…
not seeing a loli here, just a flat chested girl.
U mad?
no, just pointing out what I see.
Loli is good but not all the time, gotta enjoy the large oppai sometimes.
Sometimes you’ve gotta enjoy the little things in life
lol do you know what loli is?
it means little girl or lolita if am correct T_T
Fap fap fap…
Aight, so if oni chi chi didnt ruin my pants this did.
but the night isnt over yet! still have to watch kakusei dere!
laundry machine gonna get a workout tonight!
hope for RINKO series in EP 2 XD~
Aww loli crap. They should have just fucked the busty blue haired girl.
this was pretty good.But it seems like Black-Lilith held back on the intensity a bit
Yeah, I went in expecting some CRAZY intense shit, but in the end I was surprised at how tame it was compared to others.
some people say this is loli but i gues they dont know what the fuck loli is
I liked this one better than the previous productions by Pixy. Granted, the others were better animated, but on the other hand, they were getting repeatedly boring with their batshit-steadycam-gonzo. I also think that the series profits from showing only one lengthy sex scene, than if they shove in the usual three disjointed ones.
The animation is still nice, well drawn and had at least something that resembled a story. To the people who claim that this is loli, I don’t know how I’m gonna tell you that………..guys, there are women out there..who are flat-chested. I hate to be the guy to tell ya Santa doesn’t exist, but deal with it.
And yeah, I too had a good chuckle over the cum tsunami at 25:41.
Finally a beautiful loli / pettanko and they had to ruin it with some fat guy
Well, at least he’s not like most of the fat old guys that are just disturbingly disgusting.
opening yay xd
My standards have been raised. I now expect openings in my hentai.
best part after credits
It’s saddening for me, an experienced lolicon, to see others claim this is loli.
You don’t know what loli is ;-;
For me loli is like Oni Chichi, got to have that cute face XD (even if they do exaggerated the breast)
Not a loli, just a pretty flat chested girl… Loved the hair
Not a loli. Just a pretty flat chested girl. Love the hair and tanlines
Normally don’t fap to flat chested girls but this was hot.The voice, the features everything was hot and cute.The tan made it even sexier.Came loads.Can’t wait for the busty girl.
there is an xtra scene after the end of the credits on this as well as a preview for the next episode
Awesome potential…It’s a shame that there is so little action
This is pettanko not loli…there is a diff between *small cute girls* and *small breasts*
Sure are some loli/pettanko hating normalfags in here.
Yukikaze is superior and delicious.
dont think this is loli!!!
dont like flatchest and the white zone of her body doesnt look good for me. really not my hentai!!
taimanin asagi was better!
oni chichi is the relation of the protagonist a little bit (crazy) special but the girls are good!
and dont think oni chichi is loli either!
loli is more Namanaka Hyaku Percent! with i think 2 underaged girls
i love yukikkaze so much i want save her so badly she is cutest dark skin girl i want to marry her
i wanted to see rinko get fucked not some flat breasted kid
Even Yukikaze went well
Still waiting for next one
i really love this one !