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Shion (Sion) Bonus
You are going to watch/stream Shion (Sion) Bonus in English Sub/English Dub for free. Shion (Sion) Bonus is from the hentai series Shion (Sion). If you enjoyed Shion (Sion) Bonus please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.


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8 Responses to “Shion (Sion) Bonus”
  1. red says:

    lol at that bonus….quickie mode..ty for uplading >XD

  2. Axel says:

    So does this mean this takes place right after Episode 4? Meaning she didn’t die? :D

    • IHopeSoBecauseThatWouldBeSad says:

      The nurse/teacher said, “I saved your life” so I really hope so. I almost cried when I thought Shion died and it was even sadder when she said stuff like, “I’ve lived, don’t forget me.”

      • The Masked Newfag says:

        LOL, something tells me that the writers/producers of the series knew that they’d piss off a lot of people if they made a semi-rape hentai, dangled a happy ending in front of the viewers, and then yanked it away at the last minute. They probably made the bonus video to give people the happy ending they wanted.

        And I’m glad they did. I wept manly tears of helpless rage at the end of Episode 4, until I remembered that I had seen the bonus video before the series itself. Then I just wept tears of joy like a sentimental pussy. XD

        • nobody says:

          Well it actually imply in the game that she turned into a gesist as well driven by the will to be with Hiroki and the help of the nurse. But it was kind of a bad ending because she died and lost her humanity. LOL

  3. sliding touch says:

    no this was a bad end for shion route well i played the game so…

  4. Berkel says:

    When i first saw last episode bad ending i almost crying in hentai… That scene was very sad, but when I saw this happy end i’m happy too. On myanimelist i saw they wrote this is “alternate happy ending” and after last episode misiuzu healed Shion. Man that was crazy, i enjoying all bad endings in hentai like mind break, mind control or sometimes netorare too(probably i have mind break/control fetish) but that was too much for me when someone dying like that in this last scene, it was like hard drama normal anime scene when after that you going to bed and cry alot lol. I’m happy they did bonus episode, i never had that sad feelings for hentai in my life…

  5. Fun fact says:

    E4s end was in line for how sick the series was. It’s not like everything was all happy go lucky like an American sitcom. It was sick AF in every ep. This quickie bonus was likely to quell the ppl upset at E4s end.


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