Oct 05 2014
Samurai Hormone The Animation Episode 1
Posted by ToT in Samurai Hormone The Animation -

Samurai Hormone The Animation Episode 1
You are going to watch/stream Samurai Hormone The Animation Episode 1 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Samurai Hormone The Animation Episode 1 is from the hentai series Samurai Hormone The Animation. If you enjoyed Samurai Hormone The Animation Episode 1 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.
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28 Responses to “Samurai Hormone The Animation Episode 1”
Wait time is finally over
Hmmmm decent at best
didnt like it
Meh, I wished they had expanded more on that incest scene with her father and brother.
Man, what a waste of potential. There are better ninja rape stuff like Ninja Sakuya et al and this one was average at best.
I agree on the wasted potential part. I have mixed feelings about this episode, kind of like the creators put their heart-blood into it but were restrained by other factors. I’d like to see a 2nd episode. This franchise could be so much more, I hope the problem factors get removed and Ep. 2 (if it does come out) will become awesome!
High quality animation and character designs. Sadly, very boring sex scenes. Characters move too slow and talk too much during sex. Would’ve been better if it had less dialogue and more use of background music during sex scenes.
Dude if you want background music then play whatever you want during the video, but don’t ruin the animation itself by forcing it in there. If a hentai plays music it’s an automatic -5/10 to me. It’s fine if you like music, but some of us hate it and definitely don’t want it in there when you can just play any music you want on your own.
Hmm seems like quite a few ppl disappointed with this one.this wasn’t bad to me.but only a 1 time watch for me i may can watch it 3nd time but i wont get anything out of it(if ya know what i mean).i do like hentais that i can go back to(replay value)is what counts at the end of the day.but October isn’t over guys dont get so down in the dumps!.this wasn’t bad to start off the fresh month
Totally agree.
Hentai that have good rewatch value are good hentai’s imo.
Exactly. The more times I masturbate to it, the better it is.
Boring. Nothing but rape. I wonder why the samurai only fought with female ninja.
Then she always lost.
I thought it was decent. Thanks for uploading this so quickly. Great site.
ToT delivers always, all hail ToT.
Man… you guys are way too picky when it comes to hentai. As long as u can fap to it, its good enough. Geeze… this is why you guys won’t be able to enjoy as much hentai. Which apparently sucks for you.
Well, thanks Murakami for ruining me for any other hentai art style (with a few exceptions).
I really like ninja hentai too.
especially the skin tight clothes, nets, and dunno what they use in this one glossy type clothing? anyway thats rather good too.
I remember i really liked Fuurinji Miu in KenIchi: The Mightiest Disciple.
as soon as she changed into that Full body like purple body suit… HNNGG
so many boners.
saiko yo
Pathetic IMO. It’s very rare to find a hentai I like. Sadly my short list of good hentai 100% genre related and character design.
01. Taboo Charming Mother (Misako) I really loved the gangbang scene and the scene in the bathroom if only that scene contained a gangbang too I would have gone crazy.
Turn ons= Character design/Incest/Milf/Old and Young/DP/Gangbang/Voyeur/Homeless
02. Oni Chi Chi (Airi) That scene in the movie theater. Again if it contained a dp with the father or a gangbang.
Turn ons= Character design/Incest/Loli/Old and Young/Anal
03. Discode (Futaba) The scene with the homeless men if only they both fucked her. Also needed a good gangbang scene in multiple positions.
Turn ons= Character design/Futa/Voyeur/Homeless
These are a few hentais that really bother me because of how good they could have been
If you know of any other hentai with similar character designs or genres leave a comment
Turn ons= Character design/Incest/Milf/Loli/Futa/Old and Young/DP/Gangbang/Voyeur/Homeless/Idol
I only like Yuri/Futa hentai and I was hoping maybe this hentai would’ve been like Mizugi Kanojou but unfortunately no Yuri scenes. I wish there would be a hentai with good character animations/art that involved Yuri (Girls only) Gangbang or Futa (Futa/Girl only) Gangbang. I feel that would be awesome.
Most Douhinshi’s I feel should be made into a anime since the scenes the artist create are just phenomenal; like the Futanari Chinpo wrestling by Hisui.
Disappointing, really. DX<
There’s the door. Sorry that anime wasn’t made entirely in mind for entitled scum like you(the idiot above you), though.
masrer roshi?!
…Well, the ending was pretty funny, and the rest of it was pretty good, even if the sex was sometimes a little… abrupt. Woulda benefitted from cutting out the first scene and spending more time with the characters, but otherwise a good first showing.
I liked it. The animation was good, the girls were hot. And finally a hentai with a good looking male lead.
I keep getting 403 forbidden?
Lots of hate, but I liked it. Just wish the comments weren’t so full of picky brats who feel some sort of entitlement. I would love to see any of them put in all the work needed for any media, be it hentai, doujinshi, anime, manga, novel or whatever. Kind of makes the creator’s effprts feel less worth it with flames over the smallest thing.
are we gonna have ep 2 of this hentai??