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Oyomesama Honey Days Episode 1
You are going to watch/stream Oyomesama Honey Days Episode 1 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Oyomesama Honey Days Episode 1 is from the hentai series Oyomesama Honey Days. If you enjoyed Oyomesama Honey Days Episode 1 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.


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33 Responses to “Oyomesama Honey Days Episode 1”
  1. Odz says:

    the art work kind of sucks !! waited so long for this, come on, was hoping something in the lines of Shinkyoku no Grimoire The Animation ep 1, but whatever !!!

    • Yoyoyo says:

      Not the artwork, the animation. Artwork-wise, it’s fine of a bit average. The animation, on the other hand, is pretty much the “let’s draw a still image and move the camera a lot and occasionally change the mouth shapes to simulate actual animation” kind.

      Considering it’s made by a studio named “King” Bee, it’s not surprising they’re as lazy as Queen Bee.

  2. Dragyn says:

    i was really looking forward to this, but i was very disappointed by the animation
    seems that november really was a terrible month for hentai

  3. whoaMan says:

    I kind of feel sorry for this series. The arts are just everywhere and not consistent.

  4. UMM says:

    this is about as exciting as watching a porn gif

  5. Yaku says:

    damn nice

  6. Lone says:

    Underwhelming. Crap animationk

  7. bob says:

    this was nice. Plus the girl has a nice big ass. Hope to see a second episode.

  8. fdfsd says:

    Wow That cover art made me think she was gonna look A LOT Bustier.

  9. sigh says:

    Sigh cover art lied to me that is all she was flatter than expected..

  10. KingFuck says:

    The art style is fucking weird.

  11. ermergerd says:

    I have been waiting for this hentai since fking july. JULY! And this is what I get? I thougt it was delayed because they wanted to make it better, not because none of it was soje at all. Poor art and bad animation tells me it wasrushed and that they were barely able to get it done. During the bath scene it started out with random segents of dick , like wtf even was that. This was the single greatest let down of my life. I could barely masterbait to this crap.

  12. Go-kun says:

    Artwork is pretty solid. I could tell there were the quality dropped at certain points, possibly to skim on the budget. Otherwise, pretty good fap fuel.

  13. Hibiki says:

    …… I waited so long for this……… is there a reset button on my life?

  14. Bad says:

    Cover art lied!

  15. Noob says:

    I think the cover art got me way to hyped for this. After reading through the comments, i simply skipped through the hentai. Animation was pretty damn meh.

  16. troll says:

    Why was this even delayed? I was expecting great animation, back to reading milf manga…

  17. derpderp says:

    I blame queen bee for bringing about all these poorly animated hentai over the last few months….

  18. momo says:

    It’s much better to read the manga that this is based off.

  19. suckers says:

    It’s King Bee. What did you expect? Take heed from now on. If it’s King Bee or Queen Bee, always prepare to be disappointed. It’s the new Vanilla.

  20. Spike says:

    That was garbage. I waited all this time for that. Ughh!!!

  21. andy says:

    show is poor done and the manga is good

  22. fuck says:

    i waited for a slideshow?

  23. SpectralTime says:

    On the one hand, I’ve been waiting for this ever since the translators for the actual manga stopped over a year ago.

    On the other, that opening had just about the worst possible acting, staging, and musical choices I can imagine the opening having. I really rather hope they at least get the sex and humor right.

    • RapeSucks says:

      SpectralTime have you even looked at the manga chapters? Most of the manga chapters are really atrocious. I honestly can’t say I blame the translators for giving up on this. Rape in manga/hentai is one thing, but if you look at the art and ” male characters” that have sex it looks like a messed up freakshow. Also to those waiting for the second episode, I should warn you there is no threesome scene in the manga just a typical dildo blowjob dissapointment

    • RapeSucks says:

      My question is how the hell is queen bee(hentai company) still around? They always do crappy animations to awesome looking mangas like this. I honestly don’t get it

      • FlamingMangos says:

        Sigh… By now, I would assume you would know that its Queen Bee’s style of doing things but I guess you don’t know. Obviously this is made for a group of people. They’re still around because there is consumers for it. Just don’t watch it if you don’t like it. Other people do like it.

  24. retto says:

    This was more funny than sexy, not what I want in a hentai.

  25. anini says:

    oh my good
    hentai I like

  26. Herpderpsensei says:

    The art wasn’t that bad, although it was inconsistent.
    It was a nice change of pace after Euphoria haha. All dat vanilla.
    I thought the humor was really unique as well.
    Also this is my first time seeing this kind of a relationship between the couple in a hentai.

  27. deeznuts says:

    she got dicked really hard oh yea


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