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Otomedori Episode 2
You are going to watch/stream Otomedori Episode 2 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Otomedori Episode 2 is from the hentai series Otomedori. If you enjoyed Otomedori Episode 2 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.


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162 Responses to “Otomedori Episode 2”
  1. ToT says:

    Time for NTR rage hentai guys. lol

  2. dafuq says:

    there is no way anyone can get threw watching this ntr…………….CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!!

  3. kasumi says:

    uh oh its here now let the rage begin lol

  4. Luffy316 says:

    fuck that guy he is such a pussy. is all Japanese people pussy? a american would have fuck that nigga up and then if there in the mood fuck that bitch up to. i am not feeling sad or rage for this dude. i just can’t . who agree.

    • jade says:

      i agree with you bro… i was so angry at the guy on the part where he woke up and he was already married to the girl and he said “it cant be true.. it was just a dream.. it was too cruel to be true”.. or something like that… when he didnt even do anything for the girl.. and in the ep 1 when he saw the girl in the ending he just ignore the girl like she was a dirt… if it was me i would have fucked her good… and make her mine… not somebody else property… ill fucked her everyday even if she would be asleep or tired from sex…

    • rickel says:

      agreed. add to the fact that thats probably not his kid, i would kick dat bitch out and
      beat da shit out of those dudes that made the tapes in a bullsh@# attempt to f@#$ wit me!

    • Teri says:

      It is true that Japanese men tend to be allowed to be more in touch with their feminine side because the country is pretty feminine itself. And now especially after the women’s rights movement went through; the women there are now extremely dominant and the men are kind of just going with it and being quite submissive to them. It might be the first female dominant country in the world.

  5. Neras says:

    This one really made me rage. The fuck happened to his sister btw?

  6. kirito says:

    very bad history, no one in this world would watch several videos of someone you love is in this situation. and worse of all he just accepted lol. he should be raped. my english sucks sry =O

  7. Paradim says:

    Nice, NTR is the best.

  8. megamon says:

    guys whats NTR stands for???? XD

  9. SpiralDeath says:

    yeah and What pisses me off more is that the Little girl ain’t even his kid nor the baby she’s pregnant with Damn this episode almost made me throw the mouse at the monitor

  10. bryan909 says:

    this sucks ass

  11. ShadowWalker says:

    fuck that, i would all those cunts up then throw the bitch and her kids out

  12. Fubu says:

    Okay let’s get things strait. Otome likes being a cum dump. The sister was raped while a child, and the only way for the sister to escape constant rape was to to give otome to them. The sister still has sex with that fucking bastard. The baby isn’t even his, and he found out by the most fucked up means ever. After the marriage, and even while she was prego, Otome is still fine with being a cum dumped slut. Otome just needs to get kicked out, or go die in a ditch somewhere. -_-

  13. kirito says:

    ah the one who should be raped is the guy. Who would marry a girl that sends you movies getting raped??
    and after seeing the movies he was trying to think that was just a nightmare.

  14. Tokashiro says:

    Lol, I almost did the same thing he did to my computer watching this. Except I dont own a game cube. Like fuck, and he still gets married to her even after seeing all that. This is just sad.

    • dariankingswims says:

      I almost did the same thing too.. .but when he smashed his screen I had hoped he would rage out and do something different or at least shot himself for being so stupid. But the creators of this hentai decided to serve up more disappointment and stupidity.

      • Zero says:

        Seriously. If he would have at least jumped off a building or shot himself I would have a small amount of respect for him but he just rolled over and took it like a bitch.

  15. Analnymous says:

    How long again does it take for a Vid to get subbed?

    This, by far, is the only series that I am willing to wait to get subbed.

    Where did those ” I hate NTR” go ?

  16. dafuq says:

    i just re watched this today and i have to say for a hentai the end song was pretty good.

  17. Kapa says:

    I for one enjoyed this. I don’t care if its NTR I’ve seen just about every NTR out there and this is nothing new to me. lol

  18. SpiralDeath says:

    what makes me mad is that they used the additional chapter of the manga where He wakes up thinking it was a dream only to find out it was was actually real when Most ppl know that he comes to terms and accepts that Otome is a complete Slut bag and chooses to help and take care of his pregnant sister Damn that CARN aka Kaan Çaydaml?

  19. gilgamesh700 says:

    This was awesome need more NTR.

  20. thisguyisawesome says:

    When will the english subs be coming?

  21. SpiralDeath says:

    probably like by next saturday i am thinking like 14 days after the release date

  22. thisguyisawesome says:

    You know what, I don’t care if its fucking ntr or not, that was to mother fucking EVIL!!!! I would have killed everyone involved and take her back!!! I mean, I know this is hentai, but hentai or not, that is truly fucking cruel! I would like to meet the guy who created the story and shoot him six times in the face! It might not be real life, but you do not know how this might influence people to do the same thing as in a hentai! I really hate it that they have to add injury to injury by making him think it was a dream to find out it wasn’t. I know what I said, it was fucking injury to INJURY!!!! This might be hentai, BUT THAT IS NO EXCUSE TO MAKE IT A FUCKING EVIL MOTHERFUCKING NIGHTMARISH HELL!!!!!! Oh, and if you’re wondering,”Why are you watching this then?” It’s because the motherfucking hentai producers make the NTR with good quality and boner raising sex. I know there are other non-ntr hentai’s that have good sex shots, but they make this very good so people can watch it. After a while, it gets fucking tiring to see a women or men’s mind get destroyed from sex. At least in the end make the main character kill everybody or something so it can have a happy ending. I don’t care it there noare NTR lovers out there, this is truly fucking sickening and YES, it can influence people in real life to do the fucking same. I don’t see why not, there is a lot of fucked up shit in the real world so it would be no problem to copy something like this. That’s all I will say for now, my rage is subdued a little, but it’s not gone.

    • Analnymous says:

      About your “influence” point: Don’t only blame the influence but also those who got easily influenced (and thinking they can do it in real life as well). Its like blaming an alcohol company because a drunk man murdered someone.

      Although I find the destroying-minds thing minutely appealing, I strongly agree with you on that.

    • Lynx says:


  23. Yuka says:

    I don’t understand some of you guys… I knew this was an NTR and then I was like “Don’t care I’ll watch it anyways”. Though… I found it funny that some of you guys threw things at your computer screens. I’m imagining it right now and I’m laughing and wondering how those who did that managed to comment here?

    • magister Gir says:

      ok watched this one and threw up….. not joking. shitty story honestly, just hands down shitty (yes I’ve watched so many animes/porno’s I look at the plot now) its just like this sickens me incredibly and trying not to find this kind of anime is becoming incredibly hard I come across so many times now I can’t turn one page w/o something like this, THIS IS THE MOST FUCKING FAVORITED ANIME ON THIS SITE!! Truly wtf if you get off to this, great, but holy shit for the love who ever you pray to I hope this doesn’t start to happen in the US more so than it is. If you think this doesn’t happen you wrong sadly you are wrong. give me the chance…. and I’ll end the human race.

    • magister Gir says:

      and I agree it is funny reading how people throw stuff at their monitors. I won’t do that I’ll just puke like I did with Uzumaki.

  24. CLYDESDALE says:

    I’m not sure if anyone else said this, but I just wanted to comment on the reason why most people aren’t bothered so much by this one. It seems to me like all of the other “good,” if you want to call them that, NTR’s showed significant background relationships. Meaning, there was more “getting along” between the girl and the cuckold dude. In this one, there is a brief opening scene where they are all together as kids. Otomi(sp?) and the dude rarely are seen together. Like, maybe once, besides the very end. So, basically, the viewer never gets that sort of connection. In this way, it’s not as shocking as others I’ve seen in the past. Great animation, though!

  25. gilgamesh700 says:

    Could you add html 5 support for those without flash or java on mobiles?

  26. fourtwenty says:

    how can u get turned on if you’re crying?
    crap.. =.=

  27. D. Ranged says:

    So let me get this straight:

    The woman you love is getting fucked on all corners and you just sit by and watch? LITERALLY SIT AND WATCH?! Then you go and marry her, thinking it was alllll just a baaad dream. Next thing you know you’re back to square one, sitting and watching. If she’s not the Otome you used to know why the fuck did you still marry her you dumbass?!

    1) Here’s what I want you to do homeboy. Reach into your pants and see if your balls are still there, because the chancesof them still existing are slim at best.

    2) If there is an empty space between your thighs, GROW A PAIR!!! (I know that may be hard for you) If they are miraculously still there, put them to use dammit! God gave ‘em to you for a reason! ( not sure what that reason was but I digress)

    3) The only way you’ll wake up from this “nightmare” is to confront it or rid yourself of it. And you know what I’m talking about. (More specifically, WHO I’m talking about)

    4) If none of these options seem possible to you because your lack of testosterone, man parts, and a backbone, go back to your mentally-unstable sister or go gay.

    If I sound harsh, it’s because you desperately need an intervention… and a slap across the face… and copious amounts of meat… and another slap across the face… and if I could, slice your head open and check for birth defects and any other mental conditions that could be obstructing your thought process. Your train of thought has been boarding the station for years now, and it has yet to go anywhere. Wake up man, for your sake. Not for her’s, YOU.

    Thank you and good night.

  28. thisguyisawesome says:

    Y’know what would be cool? If there was a place all haters of all NTR, mind rape break, and just plain suck ass hentai animes could go and express their rage and do something about it. This was truly just terrible and….just plain wrong.

  29. Rei- says:

    Good group scenes…..and Idk why you guys are all mad, he fucked his wifes sister so I don’t get why you’re pitying him O.o they both did wrong.

  30. ku says:

    Most depressing story ever. What the fuck is up with the sister? Otome likes getting raped? Man.

    This blowed. Not to mention the guy stood there, looking stupid as shit the entire time.

  31. Yuri says:

    Aghhhhh!!!! Why did i watch this i regret everything Fuck, i wish i can kill the author, Fuck u author RAGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SLUT WIFE, USELESS HUSBAND THE END……..

  32. Ray says:

    Im just sayin…i woulda smacked that slut

  33. woods says:

    anyone know the ending song? :c

  34. NTR says:

    To be honest, this is the saddest NTR ever. I thought it was going to be a happy ending after the credits but i’m wrong… NO!!!! NTRs suck!

  35. NTRnoob says:

    Wait so was all this real or a dream?

  36. Damien says:

    Usually NTRs are tolerable (enough for some inspiration for a sex story with a non NTR-ish ending where the cuckold gets revenge). This one however pissed me off. And that’s only because what happened to the guy was downright fucking evil. If I was ever put in that situation, asses would be kicked and a slut would be kicked the fuck out then i’d go back and kick those guys asses again out of spite

  37. nero says:

    better dead all those guy and that slut woman

  38. loopx says:

    Lol lol just saying no need rage this is stupid jap ntr hentai all time MC just sit and look scene he just need kill al people sex with his girlfriend or sister thats enough but he just watch and watch again so this is eternal loop jap loves ntr so much they make so many hentai series all time mc fool stupid and girls saying give me dick sluty bitchs so there no hope for mc he gone mad and rage but he not kill anyone lol thanks for hentai

  39. Joe says:

    where is the fuckin revenge…omg…bad story..bad author..maybe this is a true story for this author and couldnt do shit that why he fuckin making this shit…making every man bad for not taking care of there own woman…i would of fuckin kill all those fuckin guys along with my fuckin sister who did this fuckin thing to my fuckin wife!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i hate this shittt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. Nhifhiem says:

    Im just…so…incredibly sad for all of them. What killed me the most was Kazu waking from the dream, giving you a sigh of relief, then BAM ! Another DVD shattering his reality. I think this was hentai was great, just not something I could fap to. Im gonna go back to vanilla for awhile..

  41. lilith says:

    Oh, i find the comments so sweet. All those teenage boys identifying with that loser. Don’t you see the girl is not a slut, but she’s merely enjoying herself?!! Good for her! :) the loser probably lives in denial so he can still be with the woman he adores. I think it’s very nice of her to still get married to him! I certainly wouldn’t. Just because a guy adores a girl doesn’t mean she wants him too…
    It certainly beats all the hentai where girls get raped by ugly monsters. That certainly is no girl power.
    The only problem I have is with the incest. I know it’s a big theme in Japan, but that doesn’t turn me on at all.

  42. Brian1 says:

    She done all that just to fuck her brother LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

  43. SirPatton says:


  44. Ryle-chan says:

    3 words . I. Hate.NTR. then why do I even watched this? because you just made a good quality character design and nice hentai shots ._. fuq … just fuq who ever made the story more worser through ending :v

    (1st time watching NTR genre . Can’t blame them :3 )

  45. Kevin says:

    So the child at the end is from him or from these other rapist guy?

  46. jamedom says:

    why he still live with that bitch ????? OH MY GOD …

  47. Lolsssz says:

    i was sorry for the girl not the MC because the MC is asshole in the first episode where otome wake him up otome had a horrible face because she was crying all night(it was in the manga)he didn’t even do anything he just sit back and watch and in the first episode ending where he ignored otome i was like WTF you should consult her because she is breaking from the inside and in the episode 2 the beginning otome where otome masturbates she still inlove with kazuki if the MC just consult her and not just going with the flow this wouldn’t happen.

  48. DeathSkulllKilla says:

    this anime get’s me so mad. why can you just make her your’s, stop being such a pussy, dnt watch other’s do it to her. he gets me so mad part of witch is why i hate this hentai so much, if you lover then make her your. damn stop being such a damn pussy. T^T

  49. Ash says:

    If it would have been me then would one of these three things happen, One I would give her the disc and go away,
    Two I would commit suicide, Three I would give her a punch in the face and ask what the hell she has been doing behind my back. Would you really forgive her if she has done something like that behind your back for perhaps several years?

  50. NaLiDragneel says:

    Atleast they’re happy except for 1 guy


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