Otomedori Episode 1
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118 Responses to “Otomedori Episode 1”
WARNING NTR (childhood/girlfriend gets stolen away through sex). Watched: The NTR in this one is not that strong like Triangle Blue.
lol at the boobs at 15:59 looks like animation error lol
LOL so true, once I saw that I quite literally could not stop laughing.
hay tot and sasaki-san do u know
of any other hentai like
tentacle and witches
Eh? I thought that the NTR is worse here or at least on par with Triangle Blue (since I also read the manga)
I Can, and Houkago 2 are far worst than these, actually True Blue as well if you’ve seen that
ya triangle blue made me go “daaaaaaaamnnn that bastard must die” this one isnt that hard atleast not in this episode
Yea i always get the feeling like your heart is hurting after watching a extreme NTR. For this one i don’t feel that pain so it’s not as bad.
ohhhhhh….. I see. Now that I think about it (or rather feel about), I guess the emotional impact here didn’t have as much as that of Triangle Blue. Soka-soka
Yea, i know that feeling. When i first read the manga i got pretty far in it. But then as it progressed i felt more sick of it and it felt like it was hurting my heart, hell i just stop reading it.
correct your grammar before you write something will ya.
Says the person who didnt capitalize the first letter of their sentence. xD
Read the manga its get bad
yea i did, it still wasn’t that bad since the girl doesn’t know the guy know about her cheating. It’s mostly once sided since the guy was too sissy to do anything and waited 10 days watching the one he love get fucked.
can you tell me where can i read the manga?
Already been posted in one of the comments.
Shit i hate rape… this is most likely like rape
YOU GUYS should watch tru bluies now thAT! is consider eXTREME NTR i literally almost had an heart attack..but the sequeal true blue gaiden was KINDA of a good one if YOU guys know what i mean…..also try to watch I CAN … that shits UH!!! makes me mad
i know what you ar talking about, i saw it a year ago without knowing what it was. it affects yr emotion ffs i wanted to kill that for guy being such a asssucker. not recommended
THANKS MAN THANK YOU!!! who would like watching NTR’S ANAYWAY!?!? sorry for hatting on these types of henre but i can’t stand seeing the main chracters DOING JACK SHIT! when there gf are getting raped! FUCKKING WEAK ASSES!!
rly good
I’ll never understand why people consider NTR as a turn on. Personally I just find it impossible to be turned on when watching the damn thing makes me wanna cut my wrists.
well, can’t please everyone.
What personally makes NTR appealing is because its realistically tragic and that is how it leaves its “signature”.
I feel weird-ed out when I watch those hentai where the heroine gets internally cumbusted yet aren’t worried nor mention they would get pregnant.
That’s bullshit. If I wanted to watch something tragic or emotional, id watch an actual movie that does that. I don’t want this kinda crap in my porno.
NTR are full of nonsense and absurdities…Axel, you’re right!!!
Yeah, totally absurd, same goes for tentacles, she-males, internally cumbusted females that don’t show some fear of getting pregnant, etc.
Thus this isn’t YOUR porno. If you want feel good movies while you fuck/fap then watch something else.
I just can’t help the fact that some of those who hate NTR with a passion just can’t get past all the rage, shit and that innate fear that it could happen to them.
Its probably cuz u haven’t watched enough. There is a scientific explanation for it and have actually been kinda tested in other animals; males become more sexually invigorated when they feel sexually threatened by other males. Its is that very feeling of rage and jealously that turns guys on. Of course, this may not apply for all guys but it is evolutionarily advantageous for males to behave this way. I could go on but it’ll probably take forever.
I’m up for the explanation
Same here bro. I hate NTRs. The girl is such a slut! I feel sorry for the guy though, why did she betray her lover? It makes my blood boil when I watch these kind of hentai, makes me want to beat the hell out of everyone in the video
just pretend that it’s you doing the f-cked up sh-t and not the one being cheated on…lol
It is a progression of perversion…
people say “oh NTR is for strong emotions” ETC. but they fail to mention why I like NTR. I love seeing the despair of the main character, guy or girl, netorare or netori, if someone suffers i laugh like a creepy bastard. you know whats BS? some people treat netori and girl netorare like its okay, but its the same deal. yes suffer worm suffer! how does it feel? how does it feel to be hopeless? engrave this into your brain worms
the guys reaction at the end is so natural….i mean what u expect right ?
you whats gona happen next
would you mind sharing the title of this one thx
I believe that movie is one of the jiburiru series I don’t want to check them all but I know it’s not the first episode
Watch episode 3 (I think), where she gets gangbanged by a bunched of middle aged men until she begs for more. Technically NTR, for about 5 seconds only though.
Utada Hikaru-wannabe song at the end sounds nice
@ft jiburiru the devil angel
I loved the guys reaction. It was perfect,
I approve. But people get turned on by NTR because they imagine themselves fucking the guys gf. Some guys like going after taken women.
u know i hate this kind a hentai, COME ON!!!! the poor guy girl is stolen by some asshole
they really shouldn’t make this kind a videos
people like ntr because of the taboo aspect and the rush of committing an adultery sin it makes them turned on, as well as the aspect of danger, thriller and suspense all rolled into that genre. personally I feel like punching the guy that forcefully steals the girl because he’s a major douche but that’s just my opinion.
Not exactly the same. What you described is just plain old cheating, which not exactly the same as netorare (NTR). It could also be netori, which is when the main guy (a decent or good looking guy) steals someone else’s girl rather than having his stolen; this usually gets the opposite reaction from NTR haters (yes I know, hypocrite much?).
There could certainly be guys (since girls may enjoy it for entirely different reasons) who enjoy NTR for the reasons you listed but it wouldn’t really be the NTR portion that they are interested in, they might enjoy any kind of cheating. NTR is, for the most part, the rage and jealously associated with your girl being stolen by another male because you are sexually inferior.
I only skim tru NTR, hoping that one day someone will have the F*CKING BALLS to punch each and everyone of those bastards.
i feel the same way but im not as kind. i want him to beat the living shit outa those old men and take his girl like a baws
I has watch at least five movie like this and each flim i always want to kill those bastard!!! Damn it! Why they make some genre like NTR. It pissed me off….
That was so fucked up for the guy… And its not those other guys fault honestly if you look more at it its the girl that was a fucking slut and never told him that she was. If she did then everything would’ve been better. That girl is a total douche… Basically she is a porn star if you look at it that way
just gotta say if you take your time to watch ntr you don’t hate ntr. because ntr hentai is meant to make viewers rage or welll enjoy it and I do enjoy ntr and I have to kinda agree to what poo said about it the rush gets my blood boiling and while angering me it also pleases me
I hope they animate the after story portion, poor guy. At least it seems like he finally snapped in the after story though, albeit a little too late.
Also, is she Yuu Ayase? I know she voiced a few visual novels with sexual contents but never expected an NTR.
I usually don’t really like these and felt bad for her in the beginning….uh but it’s obvious she kept going back, and it didn’t seem like they were blackmailing her. So thumbs up for this, I hope they make a second.
where can i watch the manga version of otomedori?? please tell me?!?!?!?
read it here http://g.e-hentai.org/g/486773/0a4d510ebd/
thank you so much!!!!!
Full Manga: http://manga.hentai.ms/manga/H-Manga_Otomedori-English
I also loved the guys reaction at the end first NTR i have seen that the guy even reacts to this girlfriend stealing shit it would be best if he said something like fuck of when he left
Does anyone know the name of the song at the end?
I think the only good thing I can say about this is that all the other people who clearly hate NTR shows that there’s still good people in this fucking world.
I love hentai with scenes showing a penis penetrating into the womb and when the guy cums the girl’s eyes are rolled back.
Had some nice sex scenes I guess but wtf old men? rlly?
and after that first vid I would have gotten a big phat sword/knife, followed that sister around untill she met them again and gutted those pigs out. That is not a case for the police. I would be proud the rest of my life.
You know, sometimes it’s not bad to go to the darkside. I do like a “good” NTR; where a guy just dominates some girl until she loses herself in lust, which by the way, if you ask me, it’s totally unrealistic. Because that is what hentai, and porn for that matter, is, it is purely an extension of one’s fantasy. I’m sure we’ve all been there, when a smoking hot babe just walks by, and you say yourself “Man, the things I would do to her…” You can’t deny that primal instinct, but then morals kick in. Rape is one of the worst things someone can do to another human being. If you don’t realize that, then you’re probably a rapist. And that’s the problem I have with this, the protagonist does absolutely nothing. If someone told me that someone I knew was raped, it doesn’t matter if you’re my girlfriend, wife, friend, etc. I will get to their side as fast as I can.
You man are the definition of a cuck. The girl claims rape and you run to her side, yet she goes out there again and asks to get raped again. lol, if you ask any girl she will say she has been raped like 1000X times. You will surely get tired of running to their side if you keep that attitude.
I actually found this to be really quite enjoyable and good, the ending definitely left a different feeling than what I was expecting but I do hope for more of this porno.
Ugh…once again my heart is torn to shreds by porn, DAMN YOU OVERPOWERING SEXUAL DESIRES!!!
so much comments 0_0
most NTR gets alot of comments, i personally dont like NTR hentais that much cuz i wanna kill the bastard so much i get angry and if it gets a bad ending i get sad and angry at same time depending on how hard the NTR was, like triangle blue
I agree(except for the sad part) but I think its funny that I love rape hentai but hate ntr
oh i remember this manga. i love this hentai too… sort of. i wish scenes were more interesting than just deep fucking every scene with different clothes
it’s wasn’t that bad as triangle blue but was still annoying. The ending was a bit ok but could have been like that guy saying go fu8k some other dude. Lol The animation was good that was the only reason i watched it. Ps to myself Stay the fu8k away from PINK haired girls.
I thought it said Fap before commenting (or your post will get deleted) xD
This has th same art work as Rinkan Club HENCE knew something like this would happen o____O
i read the manga and at the end it gave me a shred of hope when he woke up and it was a dream. BUT NO THEY HAD TO FUCK IT UP AND THROW MORE NTR IN MY FACE! I need a healthy dose of tsundere/vanilla to clear this out my mind o3o
I normaly don’t comment on anything … but this is heartbreaking
If i was that guy .. i would had slapped Otome so freaking had ,and just lock her in a room to guard her .. and if that guy showed up he would had been dead under 3 seconds he ringed on the door
?????? ???????? ???? ????? ??????
Please i need see the second episode from Series of otomedori as soon
I read the manga (unfortunately for me) and I an definitely not looking forward to the next episode
I mean, if I was the guy I would have gone insane and brutally killed everybody that was involved in the rape
well said… even if this is just fiction.. i felt sick in every scene… the thing that amazed me in this hentai is the drawing… the story is just.. …WRONG!
Hm…at the end i would be glad if the dude just left the girl to rot where she is and he’ll say something like I’m not freinds with sluts like you and marry that other girl
YES! that make the perfect ending for an ntr like this but sadly it might not end the way i want it to end T-T
ow god, I just read the manga, I have seen lots of fucked up shit.. but this is the first time I felt physically ill reading. I don’t even mind rape hentai, but this wow, just get a fucking knife/gun and gib them jesus, howmuch does it take for someone to snap.
well i just read the manga and can say that i am totally just feeling sick. how can it end like this with him still being in complete denial and why the hell did he marry her. this story sure was complex with some insane twists that just made my stomach turn. in the end though he still didn’t do anything. what a total and complete pussy he is
MY GAWD!! FUCKKEN having a ragegasm atm FUCK is wrong with this SLUT jesus i felt sorry for her in the beggining because she was all alone and the dude came and try to help FUCKK man when she grew up she just became a tootal slut!!! jesus MAN!!! wanna grab a knife and slice off every people in the fuckking anime !! AH!!
So I kinda skipped parts, can someone explain to me how or why he ended up with those sex freaks?
how come fucked up hentais like this has great drawings? but romance … … not so much…
LOL this is bad but its really erotic
i honestly can’t watch this kind of stuff but if someone can good for them. to me this kind of anime (yes i call Hentai anime deal with it) just sicken me and makes me want to vomit like gore i can’t stand it at all and don’t know why people watch or read it. i found a anime on Uzumaki if anyone has ever read the manga and i actually threw up. for people that don’t think this happens, you’re wrong, it actually does which just makes my stomach turn and knot up making me want to kill myself because the same race as these mongrels. I honestly try and stay away from these kind of anime but now they’re becoming more and more frequent its scaring me. and to think that there areactual kids (go fuck yourself if you think 12-15 year Olds don’t watch this) are growing up with this is truly terrifying me because they’re going to want to do this because it becomes a secret fantasy to where giving the opportunity they’ll do it
mean its a aight hentai but seriously tho.. wuts up with the old ppl? just kinda makes it less awesome. tho im not a fan of the NTR the h-scenes really make this stand out to me just hate the old ppl like dayum
just dislike the old ppl is all im saying
such cruelty…. i need to control my lust of porn!!!
this’s more than cruelty. It’s hell after all -_-
I’m just swimming in all these delicious tears. Keep’em coming, fellas.
You know, I don’t hate NTR because “The girl gets stole away” sure that’s a part of it, but not the whole picture, it’s the MC bashing I don’t really like. I can watch Mind-Break and Forced, and Rape all just fine but when you explicitly have the plot revolve around it being a big “Fuck You” to the MC(yes because I’M watching porn for plot…mostly). Same reason why I can enjoy Femdom but not Extreme Sadist-Femdom where it revolves around practically nothing but pain and zero pleasure(although to be unbiased about it Extreme S-Femdom is for the Extreme M crowd). Really it boils down to psychological bullying and sometimes physical bullying depending on the genre. A good portion of the NTR genre revolves around the bullying of the main character through his love interest which is why Netori is far more tolerable(and accepted) because a chunk of Netori doesn’t revolve around bashing the significant other opposite of the Main Character doing the stealing, and believe me I’ve watched some Netori I didn’t like because of how the significant other was being bashed(despite them rarely ever being shown) and the MC was a complete. Love? Not really something that has to factor in. I say, you wanna take some guy’s chick? Be my guest, but if the sole goal along with fucking the chick senseless is to make sure the guy is mentally(and or physically) destroyed then yep, it’s gonna rub me the wrong way. Do I want the MC to man up? Hell Yes! Revenge? Damn Straight! Either take back or not forgive the bitch? Fuck Yeah! But with all that it’s too much, so I’d rather you make the MC some random ass dude that hardly exists and then it’ll just be rape and mind-break(which would you label this as mind-break since[[SPOILERS like it matters]] she marries him while still doing the fucking?). Oh and I guess I should mention the Sadists that get on the comments sections with hard dicks/wet pussies trolling the people who say “I hate NTR!”. Honestly it’s not NTR I hate per-say it’s the bullying. Hell I read an NTR that the very last chapter ended up Vanilla, blew my fucking mind cause when you see “NTR” as a tag you don’t expect any sort of proverbial “Good End” same with “Rape” and “Mind-Break” but there are obviously some hidden in there. I wouldn’t call NTR trash anymore than I would call Ganguro racist there’s just certain things about both I don’t care for.(In case you were wondering about the Ganguro comment it’s the ridiculously excessive make-up and unnecessarily long nails to which a closed palm looks difficult. Admittedly some Ganguro don’t go that far. But I digress.)
I don’t like NTR that much but for some reason, I find that NTR girls are the hottest in hentai so I just try to ignore the NTR.