Apr 25 2015
Namaiki: Kissuisou e Youkoso! The Animation Episode 1
Posted by ToT in Namaiki: Kissuisou e Youkoso! The Animation -

Namaiki: Kissuisou e Youkoso! The Animation Episode 1
You are going to watch/stream Namaiki: Kissuisou e Youkoso! The Animation Episode 1 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Namaiki: Kissuisou e Youkoso! The Animation Episode 1 is from the hentai series Namaiki: Kissuisou e Youkoso! The Animation. If you enjoyed Namaiki: Kissuisou e Youkoso! The Animation Episode 1 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.
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48 Responses to “Namaiki: Kissuisou e Youkoso! The Animation Episode 1”
been looking forward to this one, hope it’ll be good
and disappointed again…just hope the other three i was looking forward to don’t let me down either
I started to comment here, wanted to be famous, but now people copy me, dont need to explain it. Uh ah, start copying me… du du du du du du du du du… start copying me. *sigh* I need to fucking stop. Good hentai btw, expected it to be good, since I saw the pv. Now I only need Shoujo Kyouiku and I can be happy ;-;…
I really liked this one. Totally my type of animation and art!
Say what you want, but I was digging the art. Even if it was in 360p.
The only thign wrong was the color in this hentai. If they used Fuller color i think it wouldve been better. What I mean by that is like in the Poster for this hentai see how it looks good because of the color. I was hoping for it to look like Koikishi purely kiss or Rance or even Baku ane
A little dissappointed. The art, textures and colors all look great. But the animation was lackluster and too few sex scenes/positions. It shouldve been faster paced with better positions and shave all the filler bullshit. Seriously about 10 minutes couldve been shaved off and replaced with more sex.
7/10 expected more from this new artist/director. I hope they improve next time
I don’t think its a new artist. Its the same artist that did otome dori I believe.
Looks like Momo, from To-Love-Ru
(Forgot to add this)
- While the style is really cute and light hearted, in the end this is a HENTAI, and in the pure sense of animation, we should be seeing more motion than still images
- xD Don’t ask me… I don’t fucking know why.
PINK GIRL, looks like…. GASAI YUNO~!!! it cannot be unseen!!!
Gasai Yuno without the psychotic killer character.
Pink Pineapple, the last bastion of quality drawn hentais.
The day this company shuts down, will be the day I will turn my back to this soulless world of hentai and never look back.
I think baku ane raised the bar too high.
Baku Ane was good, they put more attention to details like the character’s eyes and shadows. But in terms of animation, anatomy and characterization of the girls, this one’s much better done in my opinion.
You guys are fools! This hentai was great! I give my full approval!
I loved Saki san . She’s hot and aggressive.Wished the last images were moving but nevertheless enjoyed it. Cant wait for the next one.
Love it. 9.5/10 sexy $€?¥
Pink Pinapple’s style isn’t that bad. It’s not like Baku Ane or Fela Pure tier, but at least it’s not nearly as bad as Queen Bee’s gotten lately. I thought it this was great.
13:50 “Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo”‘s music, anyone?
9/10! love it. Old school harem+tsun tsun+loli! Greatto!
Wow i like this hentai, cum so much ~~~ <3
Oh man, that last gray hair teen looked kinda like Menma from Ano Hana. Quite nice i have to say.
Jup I confirm VERY GOOD Animation – Initialy i thought its another borig hentai, but it was very well made, girls are beautyfull, and the final scene is suprisingly sensual.
strong 7/10
Jup I confirm VERY GOOD Animation – Initialy i thought its another borig hentai, but it was very well made, girls are beautyfull, and the final scene is suprisingly sensual.
strong 7/10
not too bad, but no the best, waiting for Shoujo Kyouiku *.*
Well this is going to have to get an episode 2. One for the shut-in girl (the raven haired) and the white haired spirit at full power (a grown up version of her, my personal favorite). I’m actually a little disappointed the design of the pink haired girl wasnt a little closer to the VN, but she still looks good.
“What is this shit” the neckbeards said in disappointment while they streamed it for free and gave the company no profit to make better quality episodes
Regular to good, i expect a little better animation from Pineaple but this is tons better to the shitty GIFS hentais maked for 2 useless companys.
Shit, I’d buy this if it was professionally translated and FUCKING UNCENSORED. Even though it’s vanilla at least they try to have fun with it which is more than I can say for some other vanilla titles to come out. I wish they went farther with it but whatever, I’m just glad it isn’t complete shit.
Uuuhh… What do you mean translated? Do you mean subtitles? If so, hentais take quite a while to be subbed. Hentais are only uncensored when they are licensed by Westerners, which is kinda non-existant on latest hentais.
Yeah, that’s what I meant. Like back in “ye olde” times when hentais were sold as dvds, not only were they uncensored, not only did they have subs as well as english dubs too, but at least you were getting something for your money. Yeah the dubs were mostly horrible, with some actors TRYING to give accents to their characters rather than fucking emote worth a damn (shivers), but it was something.
Now with hentai being as boring and cliche, predictable, and just generally as bad as most of their anime releases I wouldn’t waste money fucking watching it on my chrome.
Solidarity bro.
the animation really good, its not tweened like most hentai’s i watched
Dafuq did they censor his tongue for?
Why do I always like the ones everyone else hates? I’m not a hipster I swear!
Chill bro, I’m here with ya! You ain’t alone…
The animation isn’t bad, its just not that exciting. I really missed pixy and lilith hentai, even though they screwed up annerose 3-4.
Dat loli reminds me of Kate from Zveda. She just loves conquering stuff. :V
that little loli girl got too much energy for me really she reminds me of Kate Hoshimiya from World Conquest Zvezda Plot
It was good, though i wish the blonde one had more scenes actually moving.
Subbed came out on SubDESU. Upload plz?
Plz upload sub?
Looks like the translator has been watching Game Grumps..
The blonde got me. I hope there would be a second episode with the weird girl drawing doujinshi.
ugh the white hair girl is so annoying! I like the pink hair girl!
This is some delicious shit. I hope there’s more to this.