Jun 07 2015
Maro no Kanja wa Gatenkei Episode 2
Posted by ToT in Maro no Kanja wa Gatenkei -

Maro no Kanja wa Gatenkei Episode 2
You are going to watch/stream Maro no Kanja wa Gatenkei Episode 2 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Maro no Kanja wa Gatenkei Episode 2 is from the hentai series Maro no Kanja wa Gatenkei. If you enjoyed Maro no Kanja wa Gatenkei Episode 2 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.
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36 Responses to “Maro no Kanja wa Gatenkei Episode 2”
sure its a bit weird but i actually really liked the first episode…
You are fucking kidding me, I hate both episode,especially 1 becaus the wife doesn’t not tell her husband that she got raped and she is feeling good from someone other than her husband, which really pissed me off. And for 2ndepisode the hile thing was messed up, I hated the husband in this episode because …… And I hate the wife too cause at the end of this anime she literally asks the doctor to have sex, although she was not directly implying it.
If I was the husband I would literally kill the doctor or divorce with my wife is she didn’t tell me what happened,and if she did then I would kill the doctor anyway
Hey, I have a simple solution. Don’t watch NTR.
Nobody wants to hear you whine.
U know what chimrichalds just stfu. Maybe ur fucking Mom is whining, no one is fucking whining here,everyone is just tell how they fell, so stfu and say how u fell and don’t be a fucking cunt.
I’m so confused.so,the doctor is actually a good person?and the husband is banging his wife with doctor?I don’t think its a not a NTR genre anymore.cheating might be close for this hentai.
Yeah the husband is actually an asshole and sets up the wife in this, the doctor actually likes the wife and etc. This isn’t NTR at all when the husband isn’t that interested in his wife being stolen in the first place.
The game has 2 routes, which are separated into episode 1 and 2. In one route, the husband allows the doctor to fuck his wife cuz he gets incredibly turned on by it. This is episode 2. In another route, the husband attacks the doctor out of jealousy and protectiveness over his wife, leading to the genuine NTR that is episode 1. Note how the doctor is not in love with the wife in episode 2 but is in love with her in episode 1.
Pretty much spoiler I guess AFAIK the game is split into two parts in part one that is Pure NTR of course IMO because I hate the fact that we all know that the protag is actually maro (for some reason I hate maro so much) and not the husband but i felt the game let’s you feel that the husband is the protag which is fairly obvious and that is episode 1 this episode is based on the 2nd game the continuation of EP 1 on which because of the 1st episode notice the husband before the end of the 1st episode he is awake at that moment that’s when he realized he is turned on by NTR so in one path of the 2nd game he organized for his wife to be fucked by some other guy and he is watching then maro saved the day (note: I really hate NTR so much that i would kill someone if I saw them doing it in front of me but I really like the Ayase) I really do hope they don’t make an anime of Boku no Kanojo wa Gatenkei
So, the 1st eps the husband seems angry when his wife get touched. in this one he get turned on AND also couldt do shit for his wife when shit happend. The wife is to good and naive for the husband… The docter was great is this one. Its seems like hentai is playing a mindgame.
My face during the whole thing… >>> http://i.ytimg.com/vi/UZtr8vt9vRg/maxresdefault.jpg
I mean if we have to go that far, I’ll rather watch the classic fat or old bastard with a huge giant dick fucking the girls, this guy face and voice is just annoying and turn me off. D=
I know right? I was watching this at like midnight and when I turn around for a while and look back, the doctor faced popped up and gave me a heart attack </3
Yeah Kimchi Power
why you bring your wife to meet male doctor? i know that odd but i rather kill her before get fuck by this old kabuki mask doctor. oerr yak!
That clown face guy is a huge boner killer…
the animation is very bad
So this must be Dr. Blake Downs’s older brother who works in Japan as a gynecologist.
Someone, in Japan. They sat down, brainstormed, and were all like “I got it” and they took a pencil, right? They took the pencil in their hand and they..they pushed it against some paper. They then proceeded to draw their idea which they spent HOURS,DAYS, MAYBE EVEN WEEKS UPON MONTHS thinking up. and-and they drew this guy…right? They drew him with facepaint and shit. then they were all like “WAIT! HE CAN’T JUST HAVE FACEPAINT! LET’S MAKE HIM A DOCTOR” so like, they added a coat and shit..and they like made this hentai.. why?
This is the best comment I have seen in so long.
so what’s the purpose of giving the doctor a kabuki face, I still don’t understand.
Crap, the animation is very worst compare to the cover of the hentai.
Damn it, fell for the cover once again.. was really hoping for some duo action!
Didnt mind the first episode too much though (doctor’s weird face aside).., but like what others have said its seems to have left the NTR space a bit?
Well, This hentai is based from a eroge, which is Netori and the main protagonist is the kabuki Doctor
very strange scenario….
the first one’s great, but this one, in my opinion…
is a no brainer….
Is there a part 3? Thanks
the animation sucks!!..looks like they didn’t even put any effort on this episode…at least the first episode has some good stretches of animation..
Maro is actually an awesome guy, like a boss MC. The eroge shows more of his cool and silly sides. And for this adaptation, it was not bad. ( Not a fan of gangbang/rape/ntr route, but I guess this one’s ok. Maro FTW)
I understand the husband’s situation here. So I don’t think he’s that much of an asshole. If you watched the first episode, he’s really furious that her wife can be taken by the doctor that easily since the wife said she’s feeling good he thinks that this is the best way to catch up with what happened. The doctor isn’t good or bad. The wife is just stupid to let someone else fuck her and say he loves his husband. And now his husband is doing what she wants know, she’s regretting it? Meh. Good NTR.
The wife is stupid, the doctor isn’t good or bad and the husband went downhill. If you think the doctor and the wife is good then you’re wrong. Your wife getting fucked and hearing her saying she feels good would you still think the same way? She never did regret what happened. The husband is just giving her, her freedom. He is giving what that bitch wants, you’ll get the husband’s point here. He’s broken. That wife ain’t worth anything from the start she let the doctor do things to her at the first episode. As for the doctor, he’s one fucked up creep. Fucking someone else’s wife and planning to go for another woman. I’m sure he’ll fuck the wife again. The wife deserve what she got and I’m just waiting for the doctor’s turn to get his.
Meh good NTR. Fap much.
I dunno about everyone else, but who here would honestly go to a doctor that looks like he’s halfway into costume for Bozo the Clown?
NTR is the lowest form of hentai
SJ Losers are PC assholes are the lowest form human garbage.
i feel frustrated and horny at the same time
EP3 please
clicks on link…. see’s the guy with face paint and immediately exists …
(forgot about this hentai all together… now I remember why lol)