Sep 05 2014
Konnani Yasashiku Saretano Episode 2
Posted by ToT in Konnani Yasashiku Saretano -

Konnani Yasashiku Saretano Episode 2
You are going to watch/stream Konnani Yasashiku Saretano Episode 2 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Konnani Yasashiku Saretano Episode 2 is from the hentai series Konnani Yasashiku Saretano. If you enjoyed Konnani Yasashiku Saretano Episode 2 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.
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17 Responses to “Konnani Yasashiku Saretano Episode 2”
what the?
Wow it sure took a lot of work, one image moves left and right, crapiest hentai evar
Its like GIF
this hentai is a WASTE OF INK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sure this isn’t the best work ever, but it’s not the worst in history. You people didn’t experience the let down of Star Jewel 2.
Thanks for the upload!
Yeah T_T, nothing will ever be worse than that.
Man,these guys really try theyre best to minimize the costs on makin these hentais,WTF such crappy animation,wouldve been better if they made it a hentai game
Man,these guys really try theyre best to minimize the costs on makin these hentais,WTF such crappy animation,wouldve been better if they made it a hentai game
Worse st hentai ever
Crap this is a fucking GIF hentai
just awful, in hentai manga its fine, man when they do stretchy animation, use term animation loosely here, this just terrible
God this studio really needs to fucking commit sudoku soon, just fucking stop making shows you retards. No one gives a shit about your Adobe flash tweening skills and ability to trace manga.
This is downright disgusting. I lost my god damn boner; sort it the fuck out CUNTS
I think you mean seppuku lol sudoku is a game.
That’s the joke.