Dec 21 2013
Koakuma Kanojo The Animation Episode 1
Posted by ToT in Koakuma Kanojo The Animation -

Koakuma Kanojo The Animation Episode 1
You are going to watch/stream Koakuma Kanojo The Animation Episode 1 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Koakuma Kanojo The Animation Episode 1 is from the hentai series Koakuma Kanojo The Animation. If you enjoyed Koakuma Kanojo The Animation Episode 1 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.
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98 Responses to “Koakuma Kanojo The Animation Episode 1”
My Review on Koakuma Kanojo The Animation ^-^
When I sat down and watched this Hentai I was very pleased on the artwork i just love it looks so different from the Manga i would never suspect it was going to look that good and i just love my special girl Name Akuno Mika from this Hentai i Give this Hentai a 7 out of 10 and Can’t Wait for episode 2 of Koakuma Kanojo The Animation ^-^
my review on your review: “it sucks” out of 10
- no punctuation (kids aren’t supposed to be on this site)
- reviewing porn in the first place
- this isn’t your blog, leave your paragraphed crap on your own site
- acting as if people cared about your review
- reviewing a porno by artwork and favorite girls rather than the porn aspect
- fucking emoticons
(my review on your review: “it sucks” out of 10)
1.) It’s “My”. Learn how to capitalize your first letter at the start of your sentence.
2.) Reviewing another person’s review in a porn site proves someone has too much time on his/her hands.
3.) He must be felt so cool and smart after bashing other people’s comment on a porn site but he couldn’t correct anyone in school because he’s only tough behind keyboard.
4.) After reading this, he will spend so many hours to analyze this comment for grammar and punctuation errors to make a comeback.
5.) We don’t care what will you say afterwards.
Your second and third point contradicted what you’ve just wrote.
Plus, if you’re going to “bash” his comment for grammar; then please take some time to consider how to fix your own. “He must be felt so cool” “We don’t care what will you say afterwards”
And what exactly do you mean by “we”? We means a group, not just yourself pal.
u sir, are an asshole
somelose* is an asshole
It doesn’t take even a few minutes to come up with a comeback. Here: You sound fucking retarded.
Seriously, do you even proofread what you write? Our faggot reviewer needs punctuation because his fucking run-on sentence is a complete bitch to read. You must be one special sort of retard if that capitalization error seriously destroyed your ability to comprehend the point of that fragment.
In the end, you may not give a crap about my comeback, but realize that in the end, you’re the one that sounds retarded with your second grade grammar. Have fun building your reputation as a high school dropout on this site!
Okay, this ends here… No more bashing, because I want to see what people *think* about this hentai and not a full page of argument on tiny things that don’t relate to the hentai at all.
Hmm fine then. On the other hand, isn’t there any other way to make the watermark smaller or move it to the corner at least?
Good job, loser. Bashing a guy who shared his thoughts of this hentai in a review? What did you think the comment section was for? “Hmm fine then.”? At least have the balls to own up and apologize for being an ass.
I, on the other hand, thought this hentai was pretty awesome.
Way to stand up for the guy just giving his thoughts on the Hentai.
I totally agree with your statement.
Can’t we all just get along?
Nope, unfortunately we can’t. Because this is the Internet, where everyone other person’s an asshole, and no one’s allowed to be happy.
It’s the GIFT. No one can escape it. Why do you think Mother Theresa killed herself? It’s cause she looked into the future and saw what the internet does to people. She then lost all faith in humanity and killed herself. And before anyone infected with the GIFT virus replies, let me stop you right now. I know that Mother Theresa wasn’t a clairvoyant. I also know she didn’t purposefully O.D. on whatever she did. It’s called a motherfucking joke. I also hate that I have to quantify my statements now because of the fucking GIFT virus. There should be a purge of those infected with the GIFT.
and ToT Where Can i download this at ? Because i’m really getting tired of all these Ass Holes on here
you can try the download helper addon from firefox… install and then start buffering vid. the download helper icon will start to rotate and have color. click on the black arrow next to it and itll say something like Koakuma_20Kanojo_20The_20Animation_20Episode_201s.mp4 or whatever depending on video. specify download location if you have firefox set up to ask you each time you download and your good to go…. not sure if its me but i can only download 2 vids at a time with download helper… hope this is what you are looking for
I hope it doesn’t stop you from leaving your comments. I really liked your review.
It’s way better than reading those damn “first!” comments.
Fine, I apologize for being an ass. I’m sincerely sorry.
And to make up for it, you can find torrents of hentai on the first several days by simply typing into google the name of the hentai and the word “torrent”. like “Koakuma Kanojo The Animation torrent” The first several links will give you what you want.
If you do not trust those sites, then you can go to a trusted site nyantorrets and get it under the “fap” tab found at the top of the page. Under “all categories” go to “Art – anime” and search the list on the release date. Since everything is in japanese, look for the green highlighted tab and the one with alot of downloads. Now you can watch it in high definition, without the watermark and without dealing with my jerkism either. have fun!
You…you just apologized…ON THE INTERNET. That doesn’t happen…this can’t be real!
But seriously, I have not once actually seen someone sincerely apologize for being an ass on the Internet, good on you.
-Guy is an ass
-Guy apologizes for being an ass
-Guy is suddenly a good guy
Am I missing something?
use IDM(internet download manager) dude. best video grabber! grab any kind videos u want
i Was just minding my own business What’s the damn problem i can’t make a review some people in this world today Really Damn
Both of you guys are fucking dumb….arguing over punctuation on a hentai website smh
Someloser please read number 5
5.) We don’t care what you say afterwards
6.) Butthurt
Fuck OFF
Don’t listen to these trolls, Ashe. I appreciate your honest opinion, and they can go eat a dick if they don’t like it.
People do care about reviews, I do not wish you to call other people kids and stop fighting on the internet because everyone knows the truth, If you were to meet online you wouldn’t even say a Word to piss the other guy off, and I don’t care if you reply to me saying ‘ohh man but ive got muscles and shit’ since that won’t work.
stop flaming other people, only comment if you have nice things to say, I personally say I liked this hentai, I liked the art-work and the sex scenes.
And your mistaking this isn’t porn if you want to go watch porn go look at real people fucking each other not Hentai so don’t confuse Hentai with porn, The true lovers of Hentai hate people calling anime, cartoons and we hate people Calling hentai, Porn.
So just shut up.
and thanks mate for your review ashe101, Finally someone who understands the comment area is to tell other’s if the video is good or bad.
Thanks ReRelix
I love anime and hentai. Been watching shit loads of it since as long as I can remember.
Sadly to say I will partly disagree with one of your statements:
“And your mistaking this isn’t porn ”
My partly disagree is that hentai in general, anime fanatic or not, is labeled as porn by the masses. Even by anime lovers. I’m not trying to be an ass or dick or anything. Yet saying this isn’t porn even though there’s sex involved with the showing of sexual organs and intercourse is enough to call it porn.. No matter if it’s 3D, 2D (anime), or just plain humans having sex.
Yet everything else in your comment before that fragment I just took out, I’ll agree with you fully.
The guys comment was good, up unitil the part of pulling a number out of his ass.
The comment was about his honest experience, but then he ruined it, by trying to make a “critic” out of himself.
Lol. it actyally did sound like the guy mistook this site for a blog,his own blog for that matter xD.
Hell yeah futa
oh sweet jesus at the end there… it says there’s gonna be a pandra OVA…
good god what creatures are they going to conjure up in that thing o.o
gosh dang it, i seen the trailer for this and it looks SO GOOD, its felt like forever since i seen a decent comedy hentai that looks fun and has real character with sweet animation… omg.. ITS SO TEMPTING BUT I GOTTA WAIT FOR SUBS SO I CAN TRULY EXPERIENCE IT 100% HRRNGHHHHHHH THAT PLAY BUTTON IS TEASING ME HRRRNGHHhgHHRGHn
ToT for the insta-kill…
I will still kill all the ones who sinned, that hasn’t changed, nor will it for all eternity.
Okay but can I finish masturbating first? I don’t have a penis so masturbating goes by a little differently.
So… how was the hentai?
So… Uh… How about that semen, eh?
Is this……………do my eyes deceive me? Did we finally get an awesome futa scene in hentai after all these years?
Just bloody amazing. I really hope they can continue this series. I missed this character design and the animation is very good too along with the humor.
But seriously there NEEDS to be more futa/yuri in general these days.
Totally agree.
There hasn’t been much of futa yuri/rencently. And that futa scene wasn’t anything special really but it was pretty good.
Need more.
This animation looks familier…SPECIALLY with the way the mouth is drawn out
Looks like it was made by the same studio that also animated Garden, you can see it pretty clearly.
Holy balls we’re getting PANDRA by next April … I swear to god, heads are going to roll if they screw up with the animation. I do believe that it takes a lot for an anime to come even close to Erect Touch’s drawing style in terms of aesthetics.
…kinda weird the tip of the tail shoots out like a cock….
pandra 2014? oh snap son that should be interesting! as for the actual show the first part was kind of boring to be honest, and part 2 was pretty good. though I could be biased since I mainly came here for the futa
Wow this is so good. I hope there are more futanari realeases in future. Futanari = auto like
Are people here seriously arguing about a freaking PORN anime?! O.o
I think the world is really going to sink, at this rate.
This Needs Uncensored !!!
I think on how both this one and Dekakute Ecchi na Ore no Ane Episode were made by the same author of Aneijiru and Shiwasu no Okina of “Pisu Hame”, am I wrong? The style of both is unmistakable.
shiwasu difinately didn’t come up with the other 3, and queen bee didn’t work with the other 3 either. Koakuma was originally a manga by hissai, and anejiru was a eroge. However, both were animated by pink pineapple, though their styles were completely different. Dekakute Ecchi was originally eroge and a different company than the one that did anejiru, and studio was Trex, so not really…
Futa to end the year off right. Hopefully 2014 see’s the return Futa and Yuri along with more H material like Angel Blade and show similar to it. I. Am. Ready.
Holy sweet mother of god thats a rare treat…FUTANARI! and a good one too! no freaking making a gal a sex slave and all that jazz just cute girl on girl action! This hentai just upped the rank on my favorite with eroge (still waiting).
It has great animation a VERY interesting start up to how the magic of the DVD does its work.
Thanks ToT you really made me happy and not feel very stressed that japan isn’t all about NTR or that other bad crap i been seeing these past few months…
P.S. please for the love of god ToT this is the kinda stuff we want. The ntr is okay but god i MOSTLY hate the hentai involving girls being very easy to take down and become sex slaves. That stuff doesn’t wanna make me fap it makes me feel sorry for the girls =w= so more of this and less of the raping and gross massive penis on loli…yah you know what hentai i’m talking about…(HER HIPS SHOULD BE FAKKING SHATTERED IS SHE RUBBER GIRL?)
This deserve a english translate if you ask me it was good enough.
I normally hate futanari as much as I hate NTR with old fat dirty man, but this one was nice since I like this kind of animation style and I wanted to see the pink haired girl to be fuck anyway so I guess I got what i wanted.
The dick slap scene made me die…
How the hell can anyone hate Futanari? :/
Meh, not a fan of this type of hentai in general, but I have to admit than I would rather watch some Futanari than watching these NTR crap.
I don’t really mind Futanari in reality, but as I said not a big fan of it.
I really like this one for its orignality, it’s something new and dayum the animation is really sexy
Don’t like this artstyle and the hottest chick and only one worth fucking is a futa…wth.
i thought it was awesome
im hoping that there will be a second ep of this and with more futaniri girls in it
) !! keep em up dude great work
superb hentai!!!
It’s ok butt a little too exagerating if you aks me for a hentai, especialy with lollies. Anywai i respesc the creators vision. Peace out!
finally some breasts expansion hentai we need more of these.
I personally love Futanri! But to the other people saying, “Upload more of this type, no more (NTR/Rape).” Please also keep uploading rape like ones too! Sometimes vanilla doesn’t cut it for me
Hahaha its been a long time since i watch such a hilarious hentai
Hahaha its been a long time since i watch such a hilarious argument
came for the video , stayed for the argument
Anyone know how any other hentai with a similar style/quality to this?
Can you tell me who is the artist for this hentai ?
one of the best h of 2013 to me hoping for another ep love the succubus and the futa so good
wish there was more new hentais wit futa
damn I just cum buckets. thank you.
I also review this , “go suck on a dick why the flying fuck would you guys argue on a mother fucking hentai review, HOLY MOTHER FUCKING SHIT” goodnight kids.
Isn’t the first story the Doujin called Tsun Devil by Hisasi
Yes, it is :>
My review of this hentai: OMG my ball just exploded. RIP
BEST futa-hentai since star jewel.
Animation: 7/10
Comedy: 7.9/10
“Plot”(heh. in hentai. heheh): 7 for uniqueness 8 for parody/ 10
Overall: 7.56666666667
I gave it this rating because the animation was quite different from other hentai and anime i watch but the loveable expressions compensated for it. Just maybe it could be an 8/10 because of the cumming tail XDDDDD
This is so funny ! Laughed my ass off, but I also masturbated towards the end.
woah the animation is over 9000
the comments entertained me more than the vid
This doesn’t suck that bad but to tell the truth I enjoyed watching it.Im don’t always watch this kind of thing but when I do,i watch it just for it to make me feel good hehehe XD
Lol, just watch and shut it xD
The things that really killed this hentai for me…evry scene is very detailed and stuff with xrays and evrything what make my dick shoot like crazy and then THIS TOTALLY disappointing cumshotscenes, where like evrything just vanishes the Xray the smooth animations to f*cking simple picture where the girl screams I cooooome 3/10 points
This hentai is great. The story line is arousing and engaging. It’s not one of those super generic story lines, this one actually feels like some thought was put into it. Though, the story isn’t the highlight of a hentai now is it? It’s about the sex and lemme tell ya, this has lots of it. The scenes are beautifully drawn and the animations are very smooth as well as arousing. There are basically two stories to this; the first being a succubus girl and the second being a futa girl. Very different scenarios so it’s bound to satisfy a wide variety of hentai lovers. Both sides of the story do have some silly humor here and there. The only thing I found disappointing was the lack of the pissing scenes. I mean, I’m not necessarily into piss but sometimes a hentai needs it to feel..complete. Thankfully the hentai still holds itself to together very well. It’s an enjoyable watch and I could easily recommend this to everyone.
I give Koakuma Kanojo a Piss out of 10. Very excellent work.
I hope there are more in this series. Very entertaining.
Great thing to watch on Halloween night;P