Dec 28 2012
Kansen 5 The Daybreak Episode 2
Posted by ToT in Kansen 5 The Daybreak -

Kansen 5 The Daybreak Episode 2
You are going to watch/stream Kansen 5 The Daybreak Episode 2 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Kansen 5 The Daybreak Episode 2 is from the hentai series Kansen 5 The Daybreak. If you enjoyed Kansen 5 The Daybreak Episode 2 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.
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18 Responses to “Kansen 5 The Daybreak Episode 2”
what? they never even reached daybreak!
Dude hate characters like that boy, skinny and weak tavam well the two girls sucking him since the first episode, so he lost the girl he loved and his sister to a fat idiot partner and pure bone, do not believe that the hentais as ever most uncreative, like that girl was not raped by the guys from the beach? I did not understand or was more loved anal … the nuclear bomb at the end is now in hell fuck fat ass
The beach rape scene is her fantasy for masturbation.
WOOOO YES!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!! TY ToT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
D this is awesome ^-^ though, i am a bit disappointed that fat bastard was the first to get to her :/ and wdh? D: whats wrong with that guy who’s getting a bj while having his ass licked >.>??? he’s been like that since ep 1 -_-….. anyway, cant wait till this gets subbed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hentai’s are getting quite boring now, with the same old story lines and sex scenes. Just too normal. It all seems like the same thing in a different art style. We need more of those hentai’s like Angel Blade or Viper GTS back. I must say though this was quite interesting fap material xD
Too normal? the hell? There’s rape in this shit, and some wimpy guy getting his ass played with by two girls, and you actually throw the word “normal” around?
Gotta admit that wasn’t normal o.o Don’t know if i should be happy for the poor guy, or just feel plain bad that he’s actually getting raped. But other than that it’s the same old thing over and over. Nothing new, just your normal ol’ rape hentai
ITS FINALLY HERE!!!! Highly fappable too. My biggest complaints are that her first rape scene was too short and that their eyes weren’t even red when they turned into sluts. One of the things I liked about Kansen was that the girls weren’t your typical dumb sluts because they had the virus as an excuse; not here though. That could actually make it more fappable though. The OVA took a lot of liberties with the scenes but I’m not complaining, they had to fit in as much fucking as they could.
That guy getting licked is suppose to be the main character, they made him look even more pathetic and scrawny then he really is. It is accurate though, if you get caught in the game then he’s pretty much useless, he is just one normal guy after all. I’m glad they made the OVA a bad end, compared to the semi-happy ends of the other ones.
“Pathetic” “scrawny” and “useless” dont go with the word normal, a normal guy wouldn’t let himself be caught up in this fucked up shit fest, this glasses guy is a damn masochistic wimp.
omfg i hate bad ends it makes me lose interest if i cant feel good emotionally for the characters >_>
i’ll admit i do like the faces the girls make but they should have made better male characters not some fat swoobaly motherfucker and a skinny boney cancer stick motherfucker and what’s the deal with the little wimp that is appearently being rape;can’t he get the fuck up and fuck the life out those two cheerleaders or does he like getting his ass licked out?………………………… sorry i got a little pissed off while writing this.
As a sadist and a guy who takes what he wants I love ntr, watching someone suffer is what gets me off, but to Chris Farley and the cancer man fucking the chicks wtf disgusting on all levels the chicks are what made it barely bearable. But if I was there I would fucked both chicks in front nof the weakling and as they submit to me I would looked at the wuss and said you lose…all of them now and you have nothing!” And just as he burst in to tears I would bust my nut in to the twin tail chick….i live happily ever after with two meat holes for my cock and the weak nerd kills himself in despair, here better ending you are welcome.
Uhhhh.. I didn’t really understand the red eyes and the explosion at the end…
sh?t dawm mangaka
they got bombed lol