Feb 21 2015
Kanojo wa Dare to demo Sex Suru Episode 1
Posted by ToT in Kanojo wa Dare to demo Sex Suru -

Kanojo wa Dare to demo Sex Suru Episode 1
You are going to watch/stream Kanojo wa Dare to demo Sex Suru Episode 1 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Kanojo wa Dare to demo Sex Suru Episode 1 is from the hentai series Kanojo wa Dare to demo Sex Suru. If you enjoyed Kanojo wa Dare to demo Sex Suru Episode 1 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.
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33 Responses to “Kanojo wa Dare to demo Sex Suru Episode 1”
YESS! 1ST!! Watch and fap. Reviews later.
Well that was dissapointing. From the images and cover it looked like it could be in the great style of Sei Yariman Gakuen Enkou Nikki.. And this looked like Mizugi Kanojo quality.
A feeling just like you , my level of hype was too much for the other type of animation ;-;
All covers are lies these days….
Sadly, this was not directed by Takashi Nishikawa. If it were, you can expect some crazy shit. It’s sad, because this had a lot of potential.
what are u saying the animation is great !!
The anime is of course amazing and totally fappable. However, this particular animation is based off an eroge by orcsoft, a company that focuses on intense hardcore storylines which add to the sexual drama. In this case, a girl called Erika changes her persona from a mild schoolgirl to a sex crazed whore.
The idea of an innocent girl going full nuts is the turn-on for some of us. We ARE of course presented with really good animation, but that little push which ignites the erotic desire is virtually non-existent in this animation.
Some screens from the official eroge page:
By the way, as a previous poster has mentioned, Sei Yariman Gakuen Enkoku Nikki, be sure to check that out if you like this kind of situation! It’ll blow your shit
She is already a whore even before the MC confessed, she just got a partner(MC) to film her sex adventures. So not from mild school girl to a sex craved whore if your meaning of mild is pure/innocent type of girl.
It could have been so much better and longer T-T
finally first comment
The cover art for this looked great, since I am an ass man of high standing with a mustache.
I’ll see you on the other side gentlemen.
This was awesome!
Ok, so the other side isn’t all the green lol. Just another cuckcold ero vid. I won’t say it was bad, the production was solid. I just can’t get with the “girl who’s been around the block” idea. Slutty girls were never my thing. Simply because I knew a few in high school, and one always smelled particularly strange o.o
Well this is a new take on our progtagonist. He is actually films the shet going on… I hoped it would be like that other hentai where the camera was the trigger in sex. But ehhh this is sort good in its own right but its not that VERY FAP thing thing. The Art was good But the animation TOTALLY threw me off as I thought it was gonna be like the Sei Yariman or Rance Animation wise
Some of you will remember me from my first message, some will not! But one thing is for certain, that i was right. The golden age of good quality hentai which i predicted, you are now standing at the gates of it! They called me mad, out of my mind, that i was sputing non-sense, but i proved them all wrong. I have to go now, the king and queen are waiting… Good hentai btw
some good 3D from UMEMARO :
The Crazy Female Teacher
Lewd Bomb Bust Female Teacher
Lewd Consultation Room
Twin Succubus
Dr. Sugimoto’s Lecherous Treatment
Pizza Takeout Obscenity
Work in Progress
are these hentai series????
Admin, thank you so much for this. I’ve been waiting since it was announced.
Now my thoughts on it… well, I’m kind if disappointed in the team that worked on this. Reason is, Sanagi Torajiro’s imageset for the game is gorgeous.
Now I realize, still images are one thing and animated is another, but I really was expecting more in this regard.
Additionally, the anime was announced 3 months back, and in early January we got preview images. In late January we finally got the preview video, and everything we see in this video is contained in that. Now I wonder, they took 20 days of February to release this, couldn’t they have added in another sex scene? 16 minutes is just too short.
Anyone that isn’t familiar with Sanagi Torajiro’s imageset, I HIGHLY recommend looking it up on e hentai or another hentai gallery that has game images. You won’t be disappointed with that.
You know when this anime was announced, I was so happy I went and got the game to tie me over. I didn’t even care that I barely knew Japanese or anything, I just wanted to get into this story more. I expected to uninstall the game sooner or later as the anime was released. Now? I’d rather just enjoy the voice acting and art of that game over this anime.
Regardless, admin thanks for posting this up. You’re amazing.
Ah yes. You’ve reminded me of what I forget to do and should be doing everytime a new title pops up.
Thank you ToT, your efforts to bring us the latest in H content are always appreciated.
Absolutely dissapointing…
I mean, they have summarized the best parts of the eroge
Animation: 9/10 ign
Rest : a large mehhhh….
And again, evertime I think the quality standards for hentai can’t get any lower. the next month proves me wrong.
My Opinion:
I don’t know what all of you are talking about the stile, but it’s the best hentai than all the hentais released in the last 3 months. Mizugi Kanojo and this hentai Stile are alike, I know and I like both. Sei Yariman Gakuen Enkou Nikki isn’t bad, but i don’t think its better than mizugi and this hentai! I don’t like the fat old man POV and it lacks the orgy, but I love the bitches in this hentai.
About the Story, each his own, but I think bitches are the best in Hentai’s and in this 15 minutes hentai happen more than in all other 15 minutes hentais I know, this is very nice too!
Conclusion: This Hentai measure up to my expectations(it’s all fullfilled what i hoped from the picture). Nice Stile, (for only 15 minutes) nice Story, hope there are coming more! Again: each his own!
(Sorry for my bad english, don’t know if everything is correct!)
Complain, complain, complain!
Jesaz, atleast this one wasn’t made on flash. I’ll fap to this any day than fap to shitty flash hentai OVAs.
I can easily say than, this is one of the biggest whore I’ve seen in a hentai… (I mean a whore who wasn’t brainwashed or blackmailed…)
Please someone send me an invite i want to register to this website O have this hentai epispde subbed and i want to upload its just that i am not registered. Please reply asap.
Read the signup page carefully. It’s there…
Yeah I got registered but now when i try to upload it says you dont have the permission. Do I have to wait for some time??
OHMYGOSH! It’s been so long since i seen this animator back at this…..LOVELY hentai! mn….god whoever animates this is like eating gourmet truffles. So delish~ nom nom
With a title like “My girlfriend will fuck anybody,” I already had some pretty high hopes for this one. I would had prefer she fucked the fat old guys while wearing her last scene outfit though.
would be great if animators would learn to keep the focus OFF the dudes in the middle of the scene, this animation was significantly worse because of that. but it wasn’t all that bad, a bit underwhelming but some of the scenes were fine and it resembled sanagi torajirou’s style enough. i really like the voice actress, seemed like she went just a bit further to be lewd, and that’s perfect for the kind of story and sex scenes shown here.
Is this even NTR if the dude is okay with it?
who ever recommended SEI YARIMAN GAKUEN ENKOU NIKKI was so right that sh&t is awesome so says me unnghhh I just watched it fucking epic!
let me see who recommended it….scroll back and sh&t
oh Alex thank you sir!