Feb 11 2015
Iinari! Saimin Kanojo Episode 1
Posted by ToT in Iinari! Saimin Kanojo -

Iinari! Saimin Kanojo Episode 1
You are going to watch/stream Iinari! Saimin Kanojo Episode 1 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Iinari! Saimin Kanojo Episode 1 is from the hentai series Iinari! Saimin Kanojo. If you enjoyed Iinari! Saimin Kanojo Episode 1 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.
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54 Responses to “Iinari! Saimin Kanojo Episode 1”
First! Very nice
youre first? ok you win, im gonna stick it in your tight bum
Second! I’m happy now.
Some dank hentai eh my fellow memers
you bet this is a great fap
we deserved it after those shitty hentais
Can’t tell if they wanted to animate the to look chubby or not… Inconsistent animation but I don’t mind =x Not that much of a fan of chubby guys, but animation was quite on the higher tier that I literally loved it. At least the guy wasn’t old AND fat. Then I would’ve dropped this.
Are you watching hentais for the fap or to make sure the “protagonist” isn’t fat?!
You wouldn’t say the same if the girl were fat
This female character looks INCREDIBLY familier or not but…….At least the chubby guy isn’t a douche like most hentais i seen
Lmao he’s raping her, how is he not a douche?! I’m just glad he wasn’t a crusty old dude.
Welp, I am incorrected by this. The fat guy IS a douche!
Why is it that every hentai that is a fat or old guy has to be an evil bad person that rapes, breaks, or uses the worse ways to control a woman’s body! Does japan have a problem with fatties and old people?
Not just Japan. Does a fat crusty depressing old man not seem more likely to rape and manipulate a woman than a healthy and attractive young man who has no difficulty getting girls to like him? Not saying I like fat old guys in my hentai any more than the next guy. But I actually find it more bizarre that those sexy delinquents in so many other hentai, rape girls.
I. Want. THat. Phone. :0! hahahaha
Thanks AJATT, now I can watch the hentais without subtitles
Where i can i get that phone/app? D:
When the girl appeared i was like… omg K-On art… Change the hair a bit and she’ll look like Yui from K-On…
The title inplies a great watch… I’ve picked enough Japanese hentai terms to know now.
The title inplies a great watch… I’ve picked enough Japanese hentai terms to know now.
best H i’ve seen since Koiito Kinenbi
again ero phone app
Now this is Hypno ERO done right! And is it me or do all “Saimin” eroge have the same title designs, the font always looks the same.
Saimin stands for hypnosis from japanese languge so of course all hypnosis hentai will have the same brainwashing font.
One of best kiss detail and long. If the girl didn’t taste his saliva, his classmate won’t choose her as first victim in Magical ero spell application . Yes it’s a fat guy, as I see eating in secret. Hentai is popular in Akihabara. See for yourself. Sayonara!
I download it but it’s pixilated and I understand the raw for numerous anime I watch. All I say if the mc is a bishounen, it’s add charm here. Through email, he download the mobile application. And upin seeing her classmate, she fanstalizing to date, eating bento together and doing ecchi with him. And the rest is forcing him to kiss and sex.
The plot is too lame! They just jump into hypno! I had higher hopes after seeing the chubby protagonist, but nope this is just about an unhealthy deprived sick person. This sucks!
basically this is hypno phone aka Gakuen Saimin Reido Mk.2
dats not how I image the video is…..more fat peoples…
Why am I thinking of Megumi Kato while I was watching this hentai? god..
Nope, i dont accept this! Any hentai which doesnt follow the queen and king bee style of animation should be confiscated and deleted of all databases on this planet. Why cant you fools see that the Queen Bee, color and cut, animation style is the best. It was a gift by god himself and you peasants cant accept something so beautifull?! It just shows the foolishness of you mortal souls…
Exactly what makes you think god is a man? Or that he/she feels it necessary to gift barely animated erotic art to humans who think too highly of themselves?
The first human was a man, god made man after his own image, i think its easy to see where im going with this. Now you fool, hentai is the only way to avoid certain sins like, dont lust after ur neighbors woman. Since the girls arent real, they theoretically arent affected by this… A truely godly gift of sexual relieve. .-.
lilith was also made in his image, the equal to man, the equal to god’s image…
Try again. Troll harder.
It started really good. But why did they cut to the chase and have the guy hypnotize her? She seemed to like him anyway? If the girl would be a spoiled brat (cliché as it is) this would’ve been much better.
What would I give to see one hentai, where the protagonist is actually doing the “work” to seduce a girl, without turning out to be a total creep aka wimp (I’m looking at you Panty Flash Teacher!). At least some guys here could learn something along the way and call it an “educational fap-spirience”.
Well, I ain’t complaining too much, at least it’s one of the decent looking hentais, they’re starting to become like dinosaurs on our planet.
I’d Like to slice that fatass creep’s neck.
Ren and Stimpy Horse character: “Hmmm….No sir I did not like it”
I like how the condom just randomly disappears xD
hola me gustaria entrar en su gurpo
I call this hentai decent, but nothing beside another hentai than uses the same exact thing a fat dude using a Cell Phone to force girls to fuck him.
……..Too bad she didn’t have a knife to cut his dong off or something.
Well, It’s nice to finally see some hentai being animated in somewhat okayish way (still not a Taimanin Asagi level tho) in this big, growing pile of shit of “lazy/ugly animation and pretty poster” hentais, but the wrong thing with this one is female not being some mean wicked bitch who seriously needs to be taught where her place is.
I know this is hentai with its own hentai twisted logic, but come on. Gakuen Saimin Reido had one really snarky, double-faced, mean bitch to counterweight the really nice girl who even could’ve been a girlfriend for protagonist if not hentai twisted logic.
And here? Nice girl getting hypno raped without any real reason. If it could atleast have this level of animation of Gakuen Saimin Reido… Meh, still waiting for something fapworthy.
good taste… there are not many good Mind control hentai animes i wish there were…
that girl resembles Yui (K-on) and Misaka (To aru no railgun). kinda.
perfect animation (y)
Not sure how I missed this one but its pretty damn good. The art-style, or at least the girl’s facial expressions (especially when shot from the side), is very similar to the work of one of my favorite hentai artists, K-ten.
lol he just left her there
Yeah, now that my doubts have been fixed, i think ill just see how the story ends.
Eh, they had a lot of potential with this one. Could have turned it into a cutesy romance hentai. The girl was perfect for it and the guy was okay pre raping. Instead they turned it into a brainwash/rape hentai. Besides that, the animation was okay, not the worse I’ve ever seen, but obviously not the best.
She looks a lot like Yui from K-ON
First time i felt bad for someone in a hentai