Oct 30 2015
Gakuen de Jikan yo Tomare Episode 4
Posted by ToT in Gakuen de Jikan yo Tomare -

Gakuen de Jikan yo Tomare Episode 4
You are going to watch/stream Gakuen de Jikan yo Tomare Episode 4 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Gakuen de Jikan yo Tomare Episode 4 is from the hentai series Gakuen de Jikan yo Tomare. If you enjoyed Gakuen de Jikan yo Tomare Episode 4 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.
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42 Responses to “Gakuen de Jikan yo Tomare Episode 4”
Oh man i can’t wait for this shit, it makes my penis feel so good.
Yeah…i want it more
I fuked my wife while watching all 3
Srsly? -_-
you wut m8
Wait, so is it over, orrrr will he continue to have his revenge. I don’t mind spoilers
I reckon he’ll continue, still hasn’t fucked the teacher yet.
He might be R**ing some teachers next but either then that its just students. The animation got boring here.
so its done now right? it shows teacher on the end, and Police was blocking entry to the school
Perhaps he will do a final rape fest and then get arrested in the next episode?
He can stop time at will. Doesn’t really matter if they block off the entrance.
This hentai should have been a one shot. This ep especially feels a rehash of the previous one.
I cannot wait for the subs to know what the pink haired girl is really saying she sound so obvious to what is going on or maybe she don’t care.
I can understand only around 30% of what they are saying, too bad there is no japanese subs I could probably read them. lol
I assume she does not really care or she is in shock. more likely the former.
Imagine this happen IRL even if it’s impossible.
A whole private school of around 100 females students were raped in a single night and there only 4 girls who escaped this.
You sent in 50+ cops to protect the school until these girls are safe or goes home whatever and you hear that these 4 girls were also raped right under your nose…
Can you imagine how the cops who was suppose to protect them feel now?
Cops: There is no way this could ever happen we had the whole school secure every single door was guarded and we were keeping a close eyes on them checking in every minute! lol
Then you start to hear from every single girls than the one who did it was alone and could *Stop time or something* then you receive the DNA result and you realise that all of the semens from every single girls indeed come from a single man…
To be honest I would probably believe all these girls and I would fear for my daughter and wife if I had one. xD
That was an epic ending. Gives each one a final finisher, then it plays some fucking epic conquest music like he just beat the roman empire.
Then a teacher shows up and for some reason he didn’t unfreeze the girls after he left. Cops come and put that shit on lockdown.
Wonder if there will be another, final episode.
This is the final episode. You can tell because at the end where the credits should be, there’s a message instead. Also, he smashed the last of the girls in the school. If he wanted to smash the teachers, he would have. But no where in the end of the second episode do we see a teacher in the wreckage. Just some evidence that this is the last one. I mean, what more could he do?
I think the series should end here. There’s no reason to keep going.
A reason to keep going is to milk the series and get as much money as possible?
I hope the teacher is not a Virgin if there’s another episode… too many Virgin.. not my taste
They are only high school girls around 15 to 17, so it is only natural that they are virgins
So at 18:40 MC removes the swimsuit from both breasts on the pink haired girl, then at 19:54 is magically back on her right breast (swimsuit), then at 20:17 it is back off both breasts again (swimsuit).
Toki wa ugokidasu
He had them that close to each other and yet he didn’t have them kiss at all? Aw man ):
All I hope is that u make another one please, and maybe in the next one he can go after college girls, I’m kinda hoping that their is this one girl that over it alot
Really liked first two last one was disappointing but at least we finally got some anal but this one was pointless barely any difference in the characters from the last one and did they really have to go with swimsuits again lets change it up with bloomers or something at least instead of 3 eps of swimsuits….. just bleh, series started strong ended so boring
Nice one m8
Why isnt the video working???
Does it still not work?
Vide not working… ugh..
It is? Can I contact your email for some test?
Why do all of the girls in this whole series look the exact same, they pretty much all have the exact same body, it’s kinda boring
It’s fap time guys, fape time is always a bliss. Especially when time itself stops!
I sure wish I had that stop watch zib zab zoopity.
So instead of putting these 4 girls in teh classroom they bring it to swim suit fetish territory to finish it off.
Was really hoping he go for the wife…
There’s s note in last seconds but i don’t get it. I want a final episode to know how is the maker of time-stop watch and I want to know who is the rapist
Nc background music what is the title
Nice i fap to all 4 episode. i want more more more rape incest more incest Rape!!!!!!!!!!!!!! episode 5 please come !!!!!!!!!! my penis said it want more s=dont stop make more
It’s ok, to much crying, I did enjoy the forced orgasms tho, it was good but I could be better