Mar 29 2014
Fela Pure Mitarashi-san Chi no Jijou The Animation Episode 1
Posted by ToT in Fela Pure Mitarashi-san Chi no Jijou The Animation -

Fela Pure Mitarashi-san Chi no Jijou The Animation Episode 1
You are going to watch/stream Fela Pure Mitarashi-san Chi no Jijou The Animation Episode 1 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Fela Pure Mitarashi-san Chi no Jijou The Animation Episode 1 is from the hentai series Fela Pure Mitarashi-san Chi no Jijou The Animation. If you enjoyed Fela Pure Mitarashi-san Chi no Jijou The Animation Episode 1 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.
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106 Responses to “Fela Pure Mitarashi-san Chi no Jijou The Animation Episode 1”
Man, she is so f…g fat -_- Maybe its bad thing to read manga first but why they don’t make Nishikawa Takashi charakter design? Heh…
are you fucking kidding me, she is not fat who the fuck considers this as fat? your mind must be somehow broken because you watched to much toothpick models finger eachother you bitch. And seriously who the fuck even likes thin women with no tits and ass? if you fuck em you can hear the bones collide… fuck.
Man read manga and take a good look. You can also watch Otomedori where ishikawa Takashi make character design. In his hentai women are not fat pig but they still have nice body including big tits and ass:P
idk about fat…at least her body matches up with her assets and her breasts and ass are not way to big for her body. I like the thicker models rather than the too slim ones. Variety is good, the average and petite figures are old, I still like them, but when the animation quality is this good and they have nicely shaped models like this, it is just awesome. Not too over exaggerated scenes or bodies, It is just right for me personally! I have seen really good animation that looks fantastic ruined by overly dramatic sex scenes and character models -_-
I’m sorry, if she’s fat then you MUST like stick figures, its the only explanation. Not that it matters, cuz the scenario sucks anyways.
She is just whp which is quite rare in most hentai. I can understand that it looks odd but I’m glad they didn’t exaggerate her proportions to something that would not make sense realistically and anatomically.
Nonetheless very hot hentai.
She`s thick. He don`t like them thick.
u nuts shes so fucking hot. women gotta have just enough meat on em , bones are not hot
Are you fucking retarded? If you think she’s fat, there’s something very, very wrong with your mind. Explore the world a little, why don’t you? Get out from behind your computer once in a while, leave the fucking basement.
You think she’s fat? ~facepalms and laughs~ dude, when was there a hentai involving fat chicks? (i recall one that is a video game but never a hentai)
She is far from be fat man, it’s only the animations style…
Fat is in the oppai videos like “Oppai Life” and the creators of that series.
Your mind must as fucked up as you
Calling her fat? Are you crazy? Don’t tell me you prefer girls with as large as toothpick
amazing just amazing
Been waiting for this <3
That ending credit music thou
Aaaaaallright, lets see how this turns out.
yay new hentai
I’ve insta fapped on this one so fast, I think my penis broke.
in the last moment y fucking came like a crazy
LOL hahaha
i think this ep is broken….. it says: not found
Keep refreshing it did the same to me.
ohhh worked at last….i must say i hope find a tongue like that someday. was superhot and thx for bring it on +100
Next will absolutely have to be…. TEKOKI THE ANIMATION! *_*
why is there so much pee on this? fucking disgusting, that is a real turn off for me.
I want that ending song!
I hope Tropical Kiss 3 comes next!
Not bad not bad… but lol as much as I love anime openings, hentai openings are just awkward.
Another familier animation….it was something involving kiss but they were just complete pro’s at drawing out the lips and mouth pussy and breasts…also the fluids are really nice too. So i think i’m going to really like this hentai xD
I loved the manga, and I loved this one I hate that they didn’t include chapter 2&3 but still love it! I think a lot people might like this one.
Goshdarn, that’s a sexy rotoscope animation there in the opening scene.
the best ive ever seen
Man..that tongue,and huuuge boobs :3
…but i need an foot fetish hentai..;-;
Thia hentai just made my TOP 10 ALL times Favorit
Very good Hentai, the scenes are really long and not to many repetitive frames. I think I read this manga before a while back. I am glad this one turned out ok…some of the others I have read seemed low budget and very poor when they finally got animated. Adding this to my favorites list..
They skipped chapters 2 & 3.
I hope it shows up in the next ep.
Yo Yo ToT What’s the Name of ending Song yooo ^0^
My god… that was fucking hot… I havent cum that much for weeks, I want an episode 2. I WANT TO FAP MOARRRR
awsome hentai !! Hope there will be an ep 2 !! And , man , cleaning for them is a problem …… or they are very good at cleaning , level = experts
Wagnard you seem to only like anorexic women, are one, or don’t know anything about hentai. One of the three
I Faped and I came when he penetrated her the first time and I stoped
I believe that this hentai is suppose to be enjoyed little by little and destroy your dick or pussy while doing it
I came so hard
Man you guys are easily impressed. Or I have erectile dysfunction…
this is great dude!!!
hope it’s got subbed soon
anime quality is fucking awesome
What’s wrong with her tongue ?? Really weird shape !
holy shitt, this hentai is awesome
This was great. Seems like hentai is starting to have nice juicy plump asses these days.
this is like a good song with bad lyrics
top hentai this year so far
Woot, didn’t expect to be seeing this anime adaptation so soon, hopefully it’s as top-tier quality as the manga.
I hope they make more like this, I know that there are creatures out there that enjoy the rape ones but its fucked up that only on those ones the sex scenes are creative. There are people out in the real world that like experimenting so why not come up with weird shit like this in an anime. where are the willing to do nasty shit and dress in sexy clothes. Thats what I would love to see!!!
I want all of the OSTs in this episode so bad T_T.
reminds me of HHH triple. And by that I mean this ones a new favorite.
the opening song made me laugh so hard lol
Ok so I never ever comment on these things but I just wanted to say this is my favorite hentai. This was a huge turn on for me, I think I was hard enough to cut diamond.
Well except for the piss part…everything else was just exquisite for me.
Same here! Everything got my clit hard as a diamond until the pee part LOL.
Loved it and hope theres more, preferably keeping the broXsis… love that shit.
What company produces this hentai? I’ve seen a bunch of anime with this same art/animation and I like it.
I came.. So much.. Except for the piss part. Everthing else.*fapfapfapfapfapfafapfapfap*
Why do they have to keep showing the fucking guy? Nobody wants to fap to that. The manga is a thousand times better than this
Because believe it or not, they aren’t misogynist bastards and include some shots of the guys for the female audience watching. If you want all chicks all the time, I’m sure there’s enough yuri stuff out there. But don’t be so close minded as to ruin hentai for females in the process.
i’ve never seen such a hot hentai…
best hentai ever!
so well drawn…