Oct 30 2015
Busou Shoujotai: Blade Briders The Animation Episode 1
Posted by ToT in Busou Shoujotai: Blade Briders The Animation -

Busou Shoujotai: Blade Briders The Animation Episode 1
You are going to watch/stream Busou Shoujotai: Blade Briders The Animation Episode 1 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Busou Shoujotai: Blade Briders The Animation Episode 1 is from the hentai series Busou Shoujotai: Blade Briders The Animation. If you enjoyed Busou Shoujotai: Blade Briders The Animation Episode 1 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.
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25 Responses to “Busou Shoujotai: Blade Briders The Animation Episode 1”
Sorry. Never done this before.
Then shut up if you have nothing constructive to say.
The guy’s just enthusiastic. Don’t be such a dick.
This is… quite bad isn’t it?
By trying to to focus on the story which is cliche as hell, it seems to be a letdown on the sex side of things.
Not engaging at all, 1/10 would not watch again.
IKR its total bull
Animestigma must delete this shite from their site to save bandwidth for much better hentai in the future
Worse than QueenB
Etc is up with hentai now a days !?
Did I watch hentai? Or was this an anime with sex
And I was looking forward to it -_- total letdown
animation is bad or average at best <,<
Anime + hentai=this?
C´mon japan you can do it better than this
This is just terrible Why (?*???)?
101% shet enuffsaid.
This pretty much sucks but lol at 19:41 Lightsaber dick
Not sure if I was watching hentai or power ranger
What is THIS
I won’t even say anything…..well of course other than thank you to the uploader and the people who rip this stuff for free.
I don’t see why people are complaining so much. Yeah, the sex scene was awful, and it was less hentai and more anime, but compared to some of the other stuff? Much better. People worked on this.
I second that, I’d rather see this tame attempt, but at least they put an effort into the whole and didn’t churn it out in 4 weeks.
WOW.Thiis is the best power rangers hentai I’ve ever seen ????????????????:(>:(~_~=.=
Literally shat bricks while watching this horrid fuck
I took out my dick at the start waiting for a good scene to fap to and ending up watching the whole thing with a flaccid
They need to start introducing the spicy vanilla with good animation. This is barely average at best