Feb 28 2015
Boku no Yayoi-San Episode 1
Posted by hentaidude in Boku no Yayoi-San -

Boku no Yayoi-San Episode 1
You are going to watch/stream Boku no Yayoi-San Episode 1 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Boku no Yayoi-San Episode 1 is from the hentai series Boku no Yayoi-San. If you enjoyed Boku no Yayoi-San Episode 1 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.
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56 Responses to “Boku no Yayoi-San Episode 1”
Thanks for the heads up, now I don’t have to waste my time watching this crap.
Damn… I had some hope ZIZ could at least convey some of the manga’s great art, but this is just nowhere close..
“WARNING TO VANILLA LOVERS” DON’T WATCH THIS UNLESS U WANT UR HEART TO BE BROKEN. I have to warn them before they start spreading their tears in the comments.
This would be a nice vanilla hentai if they hadn’t put the goddamn fucking NTR..the brother-in-law would marry his sister-in-law and lead her to happy life since the husband passed away..but those japs sure love their ” Would had a happy live but instead ruined it by some stupid cuckold ” fetish.PS: I’ve read the manga before the animation released..got mad from there too.
I love seeing vanilla lovesr tears on an NTR hentai,, it’s like a festival for butthurt.
This shit is gold, only reading blogs from tumblr made by snowflakes could top this.
I just love reading guy’s like you(no offense) comments. They crack me up, lol.
You are a cuckold bro, there is no lower existence than that.
We’ll have to wait and see what the 2nd episode looks like. Plus it will be interesting to see if they go for the bad ending or the bitter sweet ending. Hopefully the 2 new pages that were added to the manga are put into the episode.
Well, that looks like chapters 1-4. Anyone know when the 2nd episode will be out? That should be chapters 5-8 which will be the worst of it. I wonder how long it will be before it gets English sub/dub. Plus if you check out the most current manga 2 extra pages got added on to the end. Both Yayoi-san and Hiro are still together with Pearl Dicks brat. It looks like Yayoi-san kept her promise to Hiro to be loyal to him and to do what she had to do to win back his love. I guess love does conquer all.
Yeah, i heard about that and decided to try and find it. Turns out, pearl dick died because of drug overuse, which im not sure if its the same drug he used on her. I still feel that this isn’t the real ending since i also read that the author was apperently made to change the ending because of all the rage he was recieving from people. I dont blame them. Either way, ive never liked NTR, and was actually glad that i looked up this h-manga to see what it was about before watching it, but was stuck having to finish the damn thing just for plot because of my curiosity, wish i hadn’t though
WOW!!! I thought they were at Hiro’s brothers grave site not Pearl Dicks. Why would they be visiting his grave site after what he did to the both of them? Maybe it was to show him that no matter what he did to them Yayoi and Hiro will always be together type thing. I just wish they wouldn’t have chopped up the manga like they did. No Yayoi in the sexy nurses outfit that Hiro got for her. Or her cumming and peeing while listening with the stephoscope as Hiro was plowing her. And I guess they did chapters 1-5 not 1-4.
PLZZZ FOR THE LOVE OF GOD can tell me how it ends, if it ends in a happy mood then please tell me where I can find it, if it ends in a NTR don’t bother.
I have legitimately been scarred from this and need to know.!!!!
The ending of this is that she got pregnant. not with his brother thought. and at the last chapter she go to sleep with his little stupid brother like it was nothing … i dont really understand it at all cause it is in korean language. (y)
No way of knowing when the next episode will be out if there ever will be one. At least not at this time. Since it literally just came out. They usually only make sequels if the first episode sells well enough in Japan.
As for the sub. It could be anywhere from 2 days to a month or more. Assuming a group has already decided to sub it. It took a very long time for Himekishi Olivia to be subbed. And don’t even bother wondering about a dub. The last time I saw a hentai get dubbed was in 2007. There’s no money in hentai in the english speaking parts of the world. SO all of the companies that used to license it have shut down.
Also. People should really try not to post spoilers in comments. I know it’s hentai. BUt some of us do care.
Where did you found the last 5-8 chapters of it??? r they english translated??
don’t have eng just jap, go google and search boku… c1-c9
The ending is a good one. He still loves her despite what happens. That guy is a professional in giving pleasure to women. He gives so much pleasure to Yayoi that she becomes addicted to him. In the end, he abandons Yayoi and Hiro takes her. Every now and then he finds a man for her to fuck. She is considering of leaving as she felts she is not a worthy person for him but Hiro refused to abandon her and is willing to look after her and her unborn child. Yayoi is so moved by his kindness and love for her that she swored that she will never betray him again. In the end, she gives birth to a daughter who sees Hiro as her father and live together as a family.
This is one of the best doujin/manga but then animation is quite regular
even for an NTR this wasn’t that good
Lol “Even for an NTR”. I’ve very rarely considered NTR to be good.
Tbh this NTR is nothing compared to some of the “blue” series or etc. If work on just a bit more it could be a good one but. This story could be summarized with Guy B walks in, Steals Girl A with sex, and walks out of story…
This didn’t come anywhere near the manga i mean i like it but it just feels like it has less depth to it
They chopped up the manga. Added things in and left things out. It looks like it’s chapters 1-5 not 1-4. If they do the whole thing there should be 1 to 2 more episodes depending on how much they go by the manga or chop it up again. Chapter 8 could be an episode in itself. Plus it depends if they go with the bad ending or a good ending. With all the complaints the creator of the manga got it will be interesting to see what they do.
tch NTR
42 MINUTES!!!!
That’s extremely generous for the quality of this work, which is gorgeous. Only problem is the story is kind of generic for an NTR, but that’s okay.
I’m glad this came out.
I will never understand NTR. In my neighborhood, shit like this gets you beat up by a bunch of preppy college white boys (true story).
The world is a big place, where I live angry mobs get rounded up and jailed, after a couple of times it stops happening.
When you dwell on the past
While he pounds her sweet ass
When you fuck her in bed
It’s his face in her head
When she’s taking his cock
When you’re out on the clock
When she’s fucked by four guys
And you’re still none the wise
When she’s on the school roof
Making out with some doof
When she blows some old man
With your ring on her hand
When there’s tears in your eyes
When she laughs at your size
When you’re home all alone
Her hips move on their own
Ge- Genius!
Daim… i remember reading this in exhentai… i feel like the animation is good enough. certainly better then most of the monthly release.
sex scenes was very hot but i hate this kind of dramas, i love weman and i dont wish this kind of shit to enemies even. thank you for your well done job guys anyways
Well……..a least the first 19 minutes were just fine. And I mean technically that’s where it splits? anyway, so if you can stop there then this is pretty damn good. After the 20 minute mark……..yea it goes downhill.
still in the end the protagonist is just had stabbed and dying,the mc is just married her and raised his child,and then make a happy face like idiots
not as good as the manga sadly… but I guess its still better than most hentai we get these days
Oh! Now I’m into pieces… What a waste ~_~
U broke my heart.. Where’s the vanilla… What a waste! #_#
I think I may be done with hentai. I never get torn over NTR, but this shit. This shit hit me, and I don’t think I want to see anymore… Not even the fun loving Futabu girls can’t make up for this. I pray no one ever has to experience this in real life.
Horrible Art/Animation and voice acting. The manga is far better than this crap.
So… really should have read the comments first… NEW LIFE RULE
- When watching Regular anime don’t read comments to avoid spoilers
- When watching HENTAI, read comments to know what your getting yourself into >.>
you guys are lame. if this was a NTR where the guy cheats on the girl and have sex with other girls besides his partner, ya would be fapping it and loving it
I don’t understand. A guy cheating on his girl with a bunch of other girls is a great hentai and considered harem. But a girl cheating on her man is NTR and trash. Boys and their egos. Anywho, the blonde guy was hot. I enjoyed it.
Its not about an ego, so please think before you type. Their is a big difference in cheating, and a harem. Plus their is also harems for women, and those are called reverse harems, which are fine aswell, because they all give their consent and fullest approval of. Lastly, if a the protagonist was a female, and she was NTRd by a another female, i wouldn’t be very happy about it either since thats basically a douchebag doing that to her then. Don’t spread hate, but rather do some research.
Has anyone heard a rumor about a possible sequel to the manga? I had read somewhere that depending on how well the manga and DVD’s sold that there might be a chance of a sequel. Possibly about how Yayoi and Hiro get back together. Which would be very interesting but probably more vanilla like the 1st couple of chapters in the manga then NTR. I know the creator of the manga had a lot of complaints about the ending and I guess that’s why he added the 2 new pages to it.
I read the manga 1st of this series but its not yet finished I want to read the jap but sadly I can’t read jap I can only understand jap by hearing it demn….. Why
Vanilla is great and all, But if you want to win in the NTR world you must put yourself in the badass whos fucking her silly, and that the kids a little pussy and that’s why he loses her, that way you can Win/Win Vanilla or NTR. I enjoy both.
Hey we got lucky. They split the video up into 2 parts which basically separates the good stuff from the NTR. Don’t want NTR? Only watch the first video!
Well… the first half was nice
I don’t get it? Why is everyone so salty over a hentai? If you guys are complaining about how the story sucks ass, then you are in the wrong genre. Besides, I’ve seen some retarded vanilla before, which didn’t make a lick of sense. Two people in same room start making out of nowhere after given 1 panel of intro. Really? Btw I’m not a cuckold. I put myself in the shoes of the person doing the ntring. Think of it as stealing someone else’s toy and marking it.
Love how no one gives a shit if it’s rape but as soon as it’s NTR it’s “omg this is wrong!”
Why did i watched the second part :”|
Maybe this is NTR, but in Manga ending is good try to search manga with extra 2 pages after ending too. We will see it probably in episode 2.
I finally found the last two extra pages translated. I found more pages before the two new pages that were translated. The pregnancy thing was kind of dumb. I’m sure the full manga will be translated soon and hopefully the company will do a second part to the anime. I guess it all depends on how well the DVD sold. Keep you fingers crossed.
Volume 2 coming on 7/29/2016. For good or bad, it’s coming!!!