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Oni Chichi: Refresh Episode 3
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14 Responses to “Oni Chichi: Refresh Episode 3”
  1. Logical Juan says:

    I’m starting to think that Marina died off screen.

  2. The big R says:

    Oh hey…. Airi gets raped…. big surprise

    • Anonno says:

      Uh, it’s pretty obvious that papa set it up because Airi was getting so bored with him.

      Also seems to be a dildo so it’s probably just the “abducted” girl..

  3. RDX says:

    You know I was really excited when I found out the Oni Chichi series was getting continued but the all 3 of the refresh eps have been awful such a disappointment

  4. Shi_Rakun says:

    Man this it’s the worst episode ever,i waited so long for it and i got this, so sad…

  5. Laval says:

    Man this episode was a let down and all that waiting and hyoe just the get this, and i hope that guyin that green costume gets his ass kicked

  6. Haseo San Tacoshe says:

    I’m sitting here wondering what the hell happened to this hentai series how many episodes now 14 i think I’m so disappointed I have been waiting so long for this and this is what I see but it was doing so good for all these years really..

  7. HikkiOwO says:

    is this real refesh 3?

  8. AeiroWultx says:

    Well. Time to wait another 6 months for the next episode.

  9. J says:

    Literally all they did was take a few clips from refresh ep 2 and add in the clips they showed in the promo video for ep 3 and decided to call that an episode.

  10. PoRO X PoRO says:

    Wow. First Euphoria and now this.
    Just great.

  11. Emmanuel says:

    Am I the only one wondering wtf happen to the lifeguard?

  12. Fukkathefutagirl says:

    Bored like hell, really this series turn bored…poro need to work in others novels or doujins and left this crap die.

  13. CHiKuBi says:

    maybe the lifeguard will be the hero

    If its Marina, ill feel better, Im bored with Airi and Sana


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