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Kowaku no Toki Episode 4
You are going to watch/stream Kowaku no Toki Episode 4 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Kowaku no Toki Episode 4 is from the hentai series Kowaku no Toki. If you enjoyed Kowaku no Toki Episode 4 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.


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71 Responses to “Kowaku no Toki Episode 4”
  1. derp says:

    …… number 24 only one camping while waiting for episode. hopes lolis get saved. trollsmust die. fap has been killed by ugly as fuck guy . too much to ask for a good ending?

    • Mir says:

      Apparently so. The trailer confirms the dream sequence from ep 3. That said, if you were hoping the bitch from ep 1-3 who’s apparently the traitor got her just deserts, some early pics suggest she does. Too bad for the pink-haired girl but it’s not like the protagonist did much to search for her, the worthless dumbass of a detective that he is.

      • Anonno says:

        The twins “get it the worst” when all is said and done.

        But don’t even recall if they’ve been showcased.

        • Idk what i just saw says:

          Ummm I dont think you will like this episode Lets just say “Taking things to far isn’t enough” is going to happen. I saw it and ill never watch it again 0-0 if i rate it id rate it 1/10 <—- you will know when you see it.

      • Garas says:

        So this isn’t the last episode? I can’t wait for the subs.

    • ThisisIt says:

      You guys are such little whiny virgins, go read manga Victim Girls 12 Another one Bites the Dust

  2. hentaidude says:

    i hate to say but that detective gets the worst on the end of this ep he transforms in a troll boner lose in this own also

  3. adol says:

    I don’t know why I keep watching these, I know what will happen but I keep watching each episode… well I guess that many people watched 2 girls and 1 cup even when they also knew what will happen, the power of curiosity

  4. woot says:

    Of all PORO’s works this is probably the most extreme one. Well guys, just enjoy the freaking good animation and don’t take the plot seriously. No idea why people could rage over some fictional works lol

    • woot says:

      I cant bear to watch the last sex scene though. Too extreme. Like OMFG. Then my little brother just faint right after *O*

  5. TheErosDeity says:

    that was among the most awful things I’ve ever watched. I thought they just cut her eye out when they showed that bit in the 3rd episode. Seriously hope theyère done with this one.

  6. Akira says:

    The bull returns..

  7. The Codex Astartes says:


  8. GorGoMSE says:


  9. GorGoMSE says:

    AWESOME!!! I loved It!

  10. laval says:

    holy shit why did they have to do the pink hair girl like at the end damn that’s fucked up didn’t like it at all, cut off both leg and both arms while fucking her and even worst fucking he in her eye socket damn no no no, i know its all fiction but just that last part really got to me.

    • MtnDrew says:

      i know that feeling man to be honest i expected the girl to be saved but now after watching this i got a huge hole in my damn heart for the girl. They definitely took things to far for the poor girls arms and legs to be severed and a EYE SOCKET WTF !? who does that ? so with you there bud

  11. Kazukye says:

    Dat eye scene
    “I can’t fap to this.”

  12. john says:

    what the hell is this anime.. fuck i love the pink hair but she’s died and they cut both arm and lieg ang fuck all over again. i don’t like the last end shiiiiiiiiit

  13. shittyface says:

    i hate this kind of hentai,woman or girl doesn’t deserve to be treat like that..damn it

  14. 003 says:

    would you guys recommend to watch this? getting a little scared about the comments here…. i only watched episode 3…

  15. Poontang says:

    This hentai is so fucking disturbing specially on that part someone fuck the eyes of that pink haired girl I like that horse or bull scene rare to see beastiality on hentai but they should put more effort on animation we only saw its dick its better of whole to be more realistic ill give this 6/10 just crazy concept too much torture

  16. OK says:

    the eye… the fucking eye!? insta boner kill this ep was ugh… the eye… just… wtf

  17. Garas says:

    Another hot episodes although I feel bad for the pink haired girl. It’s pretty pretty tragic how she allowed herself to get captured so easily.

  18. 4_Shakuras says:

    White scum can kill,rape,and, steal(flesh and bone human beings no less),but we must protect their FRAGILE minds from jap cartoons. Fucking hypocrites.

  19. GamerGoodies says:

    well i only enjoyed one nice scene with the voyeur one. But omg the eye was just….just hilarious xD…..this makes me laugh when they took tips on sex scenes from 4chan Badum*Tch*

  20. BloodEagle says:

    What the fucking fuck. Fucking stupid.

  21. Cookies says:

    DAM!!!!! i was ok with everything till that last sex scene where she doesnt have any arms or legs… well i would still say im ok with that till the fking guy fking her in the eye…. thats just went over the line for me…. ugh my boner is gone =x i would just watch this series till ep2.! and lets just say that thats the end! lol no pink hair girl ever show up! XD

  22. erochan says:

    I do not like scenes where cut off body parts and even raped at the same time.

  23. yur homeboy says:

    Nope! Don’t watch past the halfway point: triple amputee. Need I say more.

  24. dude says:

    what kind of fucked up do you have to be to be able to fap to that?

    • Someone says:

      I fapped to this, almost throw up, laughing hard while having pleasure but finished and enjoyed it in a weird way.

  25. jjevans says:


  26. agung says:

    where was ai now?ai was looking only eps 2…holy shit -_-

  27. Dammit Man says:

    I understand that hentai = perversion but come on… Japan. stahp. pls.

  28. anonno says:


    Oh shit, I hope they really do conclude it now. The rage at the “twin-splosion” would be almost funny to see, lol….

  29. senryakku says:

    I’ve fapped to many things, but this is just retarded.

  30. DatGuyOverDar says:

    Ever have that morning wood you couldn’t extinguish? Well here’s the solution to your problems.

  31. Commenter says:

    Am I the only one thinking that in that food he ate her Arm was evven without sub I mean this guy took her arm ver suspicious and then a flashback about eating.

  32. Adam says:

    One things wrong with every damn anime , they talk 2 much while having sex

  33. Kiasopa says:

    love this anime..

  34. GenoKiller says:

    What the Fuck!!!!!!! this is a Psycopat Murderer not a Hentai. But i Watch Every Episodes… Like it !

  35. HH says:

    @@ another horror espisode?

  36. Liyah says:

    I wanted the brown haired girl to die so badly. I wanted the subs when the dude passed out after he saw the pinked hair girl in the shed lookin place. I hate that girl(brown haired) she deserved to die. In my opinion

  37. Dianaranda says:

    Anyone working on translating this? or beter subbing this.

  38. Scum says:

    that was fucked up, ive seen some fucked up shit but the fucking the eye was too much for me that go’s so far beyond anything

  39. RegretPhantomHive says:

    I have seen fucked up shit in my day. And this shit… this shit just sky-rocketed to #1
    Hell I can’t imagine any manga getting worse than this… If you have though tell me what it is so that I may see more shit like this.

  40. bob says:

    when i watched this i literally had to run to the bathroom i threw up for 5 whole minutes only reason i stopped was because my stache was empty AND WHO THE FUCK FUCKS SOMEONES EYESOCKET IVE SEEN MESSEDUP HENTAI BEFORE BUT THIS TAKE 1ST PLACE

  41. Cammie says:

    It is always nice when a product delivers on what it claims it can do!

  42. anon says:

    the eye scene made me cum. Oops. I wish I could be used like this (if I was high on some kind of very strong painkiller).
    I can’t wait for the subs.

  43. nice_one says:

    i’ll pretend this episode is never exist -_-
    i dont mind watching eye scene (actually it really soft compared to those gut-splater hmanga), but if u want to add guro, why dont u give it since very first episode so i can prepare for the worst end.. but this one has nice story line (and unlucky girl with great body) so i expect good end, not end like this >.< i hope japanese fan will make some uproar, and force the publisher to make alternate ending…

  44. asrt says:

    Rewatching this again one thing is left unclear. If the ogre’s intention was to replace Ruriko’s soul with Momoko’s (inside yukino’s body) Did he fail or not? His last words suggest he managed to do the ritual in time, but her last words are too ambiguous to determine who s the survivor.

  45. SmexyJutsu says:

    Can somebody explain the plot to me from the ep. 1? I’m kind of lost.

  46. spear-rule says:

    I thought it ended in episode 2. boy was i wrong. Dead wrong. This is beyond fucked up

  47. Pinky says:

    Lol, didnt we only see the link haired girl in one episode (this episode) not sure why everyone’s crying over her. :/. The scene was pretty messed up though i was hoping for more Loli action with that oarnge haired chick like in ep2 i just skipped everything especially when I saw her cut up, happy ending is what is we anyways since i skipped through it i got not attachment to that pink haired bitch (subs didnt work during ep3 so i etched it raw and i got this out of it “senseis being fucked and it looks good so im gonna be a dumb bitch and fuck this creepy as dude behind me” :/ dumb broad in the first place

  48. Pinky says:

    Also the whole plot i didn’t folow it because I already knew it was gonna be fucked up (but very good hentai especially with Loli scene) didnt know there was gonna be a Loli but im on a quest to watch every hentai on this site so… Yeah, please god (that dont exist>atheist) protect my soul and my eyes as i watch some of the most fed scenes known in hentai universe,amen.

  49. nigh says:

    wow….that is all just….wow


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