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JK to Orc Heidan: Aku Buta Oni ni Ryougyaku Sareta Seijo Gakuen Episode 2
You are going to watch/stream JK to Orc Heidan: Aku Buta Oni ni Ryougyaku Sareta Seijo Gakuen Episode 2 in English Sub/English Dub for free. JK to Orc Heidan: Aku Buta Oni ni Ryougyaku Sareta Seijo Gakuen Episode 2 is from the hentai series JK to Orc Heidan Aku Buta Oni ni Ryougyaku Sareta Seijo Gakuen. If you enjoyed JK to Orc Heidan: Aku Buta Oni ni Ryougyaku Sareta Seijo Gakuen Episode 2 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.


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34 Responses to “JK to Orc Heidan: Aku Buta Oni ni Ryougyaku Sareta Seijo Gakuen Episode 2”
  1. ='( says:

    this hentai makes me sad

    • BillHive says:

      Agreed, the dicks are too big, ruined the moment.

    • Dirty says:

      I just can’t seem to understand why you whiny children VOLUNTARILY click on things that you know you’re not into just to leave these ignorant ass comments. When the internet is full of shit that is more to your liking

      • 4_Shakuras says:

        For the purposes of qqing because they’re miserable fucks and harassing those who do like this.

      • CommonSense says:

        Did it ever occur to you that maybe they didn’t see ep 1 and they’re just expressing their opinons after realising what this hentai is about? Take your stones and your glasshouse and leave.

  2. Dake says:

    Missed it so much

  3. Sad guy says:

    That ending is just sad, why, of all people did Yukino had the worst luck of dying a bloody death ~

  4. Fucking Pigs Really? says:

    Would’ve been great without the goddamn pigs…

  5. Fucking Pigs Ya dam right!! says:

    Would’ve been great with more goddamn PIGS…

  6. How...What..WHY? says:

    I…I… I dont get.. eh…. what!?

  7. RandomGuy says:

    well we dont see her getting killed yet so i dont know if this is the final episode or not

  8. *sob says:

    Makes me sad that the teacher from JK to Inkou Kyoushi 4 is propably dead just saying we even saw a referrence to that hentai in the first episode well i dont know if anybody noticed that watched that hentai uhm yeah gonna keep watching those pigs

  9. really says:

    ….wtf lame ending

  10. Go-kun says:

    I lost faith in PoRo. That art style doesn’t answer my needs.

  11. Axel says:

    I laughed at the part where the blonde chick got cock slapped XD

  12. nigh says:

    awesome I’ve been waiting for this since I heard there was a ep 2 :D but LOL they were in a line for the blond girl. can’t wait to see it subbed (which of course I will be back for) but only one thing I don’t remember happening in the game…was that a vamp/demon thing that appeared at the end.

    • hoho says:

      they’re the “elves” that the pig demons are so afraid of. that’s why they were like: “is it time?” “lets get out of here fast.”

  13. Unoshot says:

    I regret seeing the sub of this. I should have watched it Raw cause I keep reading the sub and just getting confuse about this thing. Maybe it was crappy subbing and I should wait and find a good one but there is a part that a girl that said that the school is an all girl school but if I remember from episode 1 they showed a male student get decapitated unless it was a girl dress like a boy. Cause I keep reading it subconsciencely this episode just game me a nice WTF!

    • jlester says:

      i also heard the two girls talk about their school being an all girls w/o male teachers but that would contradict with episode 1 of showing a male student

    • Dirty says:

      They never said he was a student. He had a security guard’s hat on

  14. GamerGoodies says:

    Okie…..this was a supreme boner killer. Rape didn’t even look arousing enough :Y

  15. Logic Man says:

    Its funny cuz Sae was like “please don’t lick me pee becuz it gross”, and Yukino was like “i won’t feel good from your dick orc!” but she came ~_~

    -PS: there was no male students, that was a member of the security staff or a watchman for short, all girl schools have security guards to keep out the peeping toms or rapists.

  16. Mr. Optimist says:

    U know how so many of u think that Yukino actually died at the end, i don’t think she did. Just think of the following, since she is already exposed the goblin or what ever it is might think she’s hot and fuck her, and that sex scene might be even more hot that with the orcs. Or maybe some elves come out of nowhere, kill the monster, but rapes Yukino. Its still hentai so more sex is best!!!! xD

  17. cryoguy says:

    kinda weird.. it helps if it has fighting scenes or anything though.. and those elves took forever to come and maybe help those students..

  18. Dildor the Revenger says:

    wtf @ 19:12 the way the one orc put his hand on the other’s, I’d be like “Woah, back off there buddy I dont roll that way.”

  19. I Came to fast says:

    i was searching for this vid with english subs while watching a few others and finally found it and came after a minute TOT also there needs to be a pig gang bang at the very beginning like within the first minute

  20. Mike says:

    Is the Hentai Completed or cames more Episodes?
    From which PC Game Adapted the Henai?
    The Blond Bitch have become was they have deserved.

  21. desubee says:

    Shame they haven’t made another episode. Would have been cool to see Yukino and whomever was left deal with the elves. I can only assume the elves eat carrion, but if they just leave it there, I’d assume Yukino’s dead.

  22. . says:

    dat ending bruh


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