Sep 21 2015
Watashi ga Toriko ni Natte Yaru Episode 1
Posted by ToT in Watashi ga Toriko ni Natte Yaru -

Watashi ga Toriko ni Natte Yaru Episode 1
You are going to watch/stream Watashi ga Toriko ni Natte Yaru Episode 1 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Watashi ga Toriko ni Natte Yaru Episode 1 is from the hentai series Watashi ga Toriko ni Natte Yaru. If you enjoyed Watashi ga Toriko ni Natte Yaru Episode 1 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.
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47 Responses to “Watashi ga Toriko ni Natte Yaru Episode 1”
this is bad even for Queenbee. fucking terribad gif quality
Damn, I had high hopes for this hentai… But the animation quality is bad, and the production should feel BAD!
You have high hopes for Queen Bee’s adaption?
More like, you should have expected this from the start.
This hentai is part of a unique style. It has good art, good looking girls, Vanilla story. So what if the animation is missing out on a couple of frames. If you look at all hentai closely it is practically the same sex scenes as this one or pisu hame. This is just a different style that makes it look unappealing to those who watch hentai just for the animation. All in all, this is a decent hentai. Just because it’s not like the others, does not mean it is bad.
It is bad.
I can piss on a peace of paper and call it a unique style, that doesn’t make it good. It’s art is average as best but even if it was stellar the jerky animation kills it. Why, because this is animation. If you just want to make stills then be a mangaka. They don’t get a pass if the animation is bottom of the shelf bad, but the art is nice(which again, it’s a C- at best). As for the story, it is someone else’s work who for some reason got the worst studio to animate it, so they don’t get a pass for that either. While the sex it self is the same what makes practically every other studio better is they give more detail so it looks better and is more fluid Queen Bee plays redlight greenlight with its animation which is why it is awful. These guys are an animation, which means its animation is pretty important, especially when they don’t create their own stories. If I want to just have a good story, I’ll play the game. They aren’t wracking their brains over it, so they are failing at their one job, that is why they get so much flack. It doesn’t have to be like everyone else, it has to give people a reason to like it more than everyone else, so when it puts out lazy animation after lazy animation, it isn’t about not fitting in. It’s about not trying to be good just doing the bare minimum or in Queen Bees case, less.
definitely seems like it’s a business decision they made to keep the art as close as the originals as possible. If you stick to the end of most Queen Bee titles, they normally have a small part dedicated to showing comparisons between the animated and source.
I was on the hate-train a while back as well (regarding the animation), but then fell in love with their art style.
Look forward to their titles every month now, the past releases so far have been absolutely spectacular.
Didn’t even watch it…but comments said QueenBee so I won’t bother.
I thought it would be better. I was wrong.
I really enjoy straight shota, this one was pretty nice. Nothing that special but I like mostly cuz I don’t see much straight shota. Animation is doable for me, can’t complain.
I like this style…
The problem with this is that the cum shots weren’t there at all. They missed good chances to enhance the scenes. If you enjoyed Pisu Hame, the animation looks exactly/ very similar to it.
I think this was good almost like my 4th grade fantasy
This was actually pretty fuckin hot, i dont see why everyone’s complaining so much
No wonder there was never a trailer for this. They didn’t want to reveal that it was really using the same motion comic style like Pisu Hime. Ugh, such dirty marketing.
I need a censored version of the girl’s face… it turns me off badly -.-
Its bad cause its nothing compared to the manga. >..> manga quality better
fxxk queen bee ,why they never learn? how come they got so many money to make hentai anime , if this kind of bad quality video not sell as well
Dear hentaiverse,
Stop giving Queen Bee work! They are awful. I can deal with a different art style, but a different are style is no excuse to be lazy. Every movement is like 2 or 3 frames of animation. They are lazy to a fault and maybe I could get over the low frame count if the art made up for it. It doesn’t. This something from the early years of animation not something in 2015. In short stop giving them work. Has animation gotten so good that we need something shitty to balance it out? That is the only excuse I can think of.
the girl have boy face <,< and crap animation like always queen trash
Why is everyone complaining about the art style ? If they keep producing this kind of animation its because there ar people that likes and appreciate it. You guys typing a bunch of words here will change nothing about them. If u dont like, dont watch
while I truly cannot stand queen bee… the thing is… well dominatrix women are a rare thing done right in hentai. Annarose had the potential to be right up there at number one had they not screwed the freaking pooch on the last 2 episodes.
So given that, it’s okish. Certainly no M okui but ok.
The story was actually pretty hot, too bad the animation quality is so bad
The comments in this website are really shocking .. people are like ‘ Nice.. well i don’t like it .. well the writer didn’t do a good job .. well well well , Yall seems like they’re here to watch an anime or something x) i’m just wondering if i’m the only one Masturbating here? XD dafuk
did anyone notice the six fingers on the 2nd girl’s ass?
Is it me or does the girl sound like Aya Hirano?
The longer haired girl is definitely Aihara Ai. Short haired one doesn’t really sound like Aya at all
i actually liked it… big women. wish there were more of these. the animation is uniquie but hey its not that bad. hey beggars can’t be choosers. VA is good too.
Can see why people complain about queen bee very plain art-style and low animation quality. Overall book was better, upsetting.
This was a great hentai to me I think it lived up to my exptations you people seen to complain about every thing but it was a work of art now boku no pico that was some top of the line shit I mean that hentai was just horrid jeez
But Boku no Pico was a masterpiece.
It was alright i thought
Queenbee delivers again <3 they have such lovely seiyuus 10/10 can't wait for the next ep!!
You’re better off reading the manga, Queenbee animations like this sucks ass. It’s actually a decent book, especially if you’re into busty, toned tomboy/tallgirl stuff. The title is the same as the one here, artist is Ikumo Taisuke.
I dont know who is most worts, queen bee and his horrible shitty “quality” animation, of the bunch of 0 taste “experts” in animation who say to this crap is good, and inclusive say to is a “art style” pls go to an ophthalmologist urgently
Queen Bee just has to ruin all the ones that seem most promising with the promotional art. I mean gorgeous sex-craved boyish women? What a waste.
Queen bleehhhh and his fags likers are the cancer of the hentais.
LMAO the story is fuckin hilarious. I lost my boner and just had good ol laughs the entire way. It makes for crappy unfappable animation but the thing is funny as hell.
I think Queen Bee tries to stay as close as possible to the manga. Which is why it has this minimalist animation. People in Japan appreciate that or Queen Bee wouldn’t get the work. It was still good though.
Does anybody know the ending song of this EP?
do you know the title now? hope ur acc still alive :3
do you know the title now? i was searching for it too…
I love idiots who comment and complain. For 1. No one told you to watch it. 2. No one asked for your input. 3. If its so bad please send me your plans for your own. Don’t talk shit about something if you couldn’t do it any better. Stupid ignorant horndogs.
Can someone translate the manga please?
wished Watashi ga Toriko ni Natte Yaru Episode 2 had english dubbed or subbed
for some reason after restarting the browser(actually closed it, played some mmo and then came back) subtlitles arent working
I like It