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Hey guys, sorry to tell you this but my uploading account got hit and ban again… And because of this the site lost all the new ongoing hentai around 80+. So i need your help (don’t really want to ask) … If you want to donate to H Stigma new video server then please leave a contactable email in the email section. Also be sure to mention that you want to help donate for the new server and I’ll contact each of you personally through email.
EDITED: To save the site i’ll try starting off with a cheaper server so it’ll cost around ($64). If i can get at least half of that goal reach every month the i think the site could pay off the rest.
So far i only got 5 of the new hentai re-uploaded. But this would probably only be temporary and it’ll get deleted again…
NOTE: For those that can’t comment on the site because of anti spam problem, please register on the site and that should solve it.
For those that can’t donate and want to help:
1. Turn off your popup blocker if your using one. This is the site only method of paying off the server now.
2. Helping out posting new video would help put lesser stress on the new server when we get it.
Update Nov 4th/12: Going to start testing out video server sometime this month.
Update Nov 7th/12: Testing phase almost over, going to go live when i’m not busy….
Update Nov 10th/12: Video streaming site need some coding done, going to take a while (busy).
URGENT: Site needs help….
You are going to watch/stream URGENT: Site needs help…. in English Sub/English Dub for free. URGENT: Site needs help…. is from the hentai series .H Stigma News. If you enjoyed URGENT: Site needs help…. please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.
damn i really appreciate what you done to this site tot with the update and new hentai..not only it effects you tot but it effects everyone who on hentaistigma including me..i wish i can help seriously but all i can do right now is give you support tot money is an issue in my current problems..
yea it’s pretty bad. Maybe I’ll start off with a crappy server first and just hope the popup ads can save the site before everyone leaves.
want to donate pls emai me
I would like to help H Stigma new video server with a donation.
Well i could spent a little money for you maybe around 10€ aka 15ish$ dunno the exchange rate. Thats why i stopped smoking to have some “change” mwahaha
i really hate turning off my pop up blocker but for you ToT i will do it for all the hard work you put into this website!
Sorry, I wish could help, but I’m tight on money as well. Best of luck to you!
I will gladly help you out with money and i could reupload stuff too.
If you want to help reupload. all you need to do is find a hentai you want to reupload and just post it on the site. There’s a page on how to post @ FAQ
I can´t seem to find anything about uploads in the FAQ section
Sorry about that… It’s at the “Help Us Out?” section.
A server for video’s isn’t exactly nessesairy….
I’ve noticed that it is possible to upload video’s on youtube ( you just have to put them to private / link only )
This way they won’t get removed ( the max time limit is endless on youtube I think, as long as the file is below 2 GB )
And you can even add subtitle files to the video on youtube, so you can just keep the old video, and add the subtitle file when it’s released.
Yea but the video you uploaded was removed in less than a week…
Yeah, because I accidentally put it on public to see what would happen xD
they got removed within an hour after I did so.
Seems like a great idea…also it could be good way to use more than one account for updating (of course volunteers would be needed) just in case one account gets closed you won’t lose all the videos.
its time,*sunglasses* i shall make my return.
(meaning ill start re-uploading the hentais that got lost (again) + maybe making a list if i get time, wich i dont have cuz of school)
YES finally lol
It’s about time!!
zzzz school has me too busy so maybe itll take a bit before i start uploading (cuz first i have to know wich ones arent working, i know a few that arent so ill start by those once i get time)
I’m pretty much broke, but I did turn off my Popup blocker. Hope that helps.
Off to click on a bunch of pages.
hmm, well I do visit this site multiple times a day… Sure I’ll donate, do you have paypal?
I can help by sending $50 USD thorugh PAYPAL if you want. (Email Edited Out)
I would like to make a donation.
My wallet is to small to help sry hope enough people have spare $$$
how ccould i help if i can help with a little then i would but how ?
you can help by disabling your ad blocker
I wish I could help more but I can only turn off my pop up blocker cause my PC broke so I have been watching this through my phone. If there is any other way for me to do besides the pop up blocker all you have to do Is ask. Be aware the limitations put on my situation to.(:
Adblocker off <3
Y would like to help with a donation.
*turns off adblocker*
I would be glad to help as I visit this site multiple times a day, I shall go now and scrounge up the little money I’ve got laying around. I hope 10€ is enough for now.
hey its me again i havent talked to u in a long time. i would like to help u but i cant give u any money but if theres something else i can do for u let me kno. my sites doing ok up to 1.5 TB so far so i may have some free time to help u out email me with some more info and ill see what i can do.
I visit this site often and many other hentai sites for a while now, I don’t have a lot of money but I know a few ways to get people to want to come to this site so you can get more hits and more hits = more ads pop ups people get = more $$ :3
I would like to donate, please contact for further discussion.
I would also like to donate. pls contact =)
Hey ToT, I got alot of hentai on my computer that I’ve seen are not on this site.How do you suggest I give them to you? Because I dont have the privacy to upload them on some porn site
, just get back to me and we could arrange something where I can give you the hentai (all are subbed)
You can upload them to our new server when we get it.
i really hope this site and tot dont go..ill click on dem adds as much as i can
carful on that im not sure how ToT has it set up but if the same IP clicks on the same ad to much red flage pop up and the owner of that ad may not pay him or may even remove there ad from the site
oh thanks for telling me.
Do you still need a hand?
I would gladly donate monthly.
Yo, ToT ..
Looks like, uploading video’s on youtube might indeed work ..
just like TLOFZERO-san said , i just need to hide it(Hope this works forever) ..
anyway , is there any alternative site that you can suggest? xvideos and slutload are good, but my vids there went down(1 BY 1) .. right now .. I’m using Spankwire .. moar site would be appreciated heavily ..
I used (the one that deleted all 80+ video) I’m just using it temporary until new server is up.
Don’t really know what other good one there is.
So i think ( ) is out of the equation .. well then , I’m just gonna stick at YouTube & SpankWire ..
tot when do you think the new server will be up?
Really not sure, since i wanted to edit the codes myself so i learn a little more coding.But maybe i’ll have to hire someone else to do this because i’m too busy with exams.
Hey ToT, you do a great job, your effort and hard work are appreciated. This became my “goto” site because of the quality and subs. Contact me about a donation.
ad blocker is disable
soo this websit is going to close down, but you guys are getting a new one
hmm what is this new website going to be call anyway?same as this one
Not going to close down, just getting a new server so videos don’t get deleted as fast.
Don’t know if I’m allowed to post this or not, but here is my referral link to a new website that allows this kind of content:
They also pay for views at a pretty good rate. I know that the ToS says no porn.. but the admin posting in the official support forum says otherwise. I have re-posted Harem Time using this service, if you want to test it out.
omg what is this