Sep 12 2015
Upcoming Hentai for September 2015
Posted by ToT in .H Stigma News -

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This is the upcoming hentai for the upcoming month, please be patient until it comes out according to the release date below each cover. (HENTAI MIGHT BE 1-14 DAYS LATE. SO STOP ASKING!!!)
Sorry for the late update guys (IRL problems…) I’m going to upload all the subs that I missed today…
Watashi ga Toriko ni Natte Yaru [episode 01]
Crimson Girls: Chikan Shihai [episode 03]
Demon Busters: Ecchi na Ecchi na Demon Taiji The Animation [episode 01]
Gakuen de Jikan yo Tomare [episode 03]
Nerawareta Megami Tenshi Angeltia: Mamotta Ningen-tachi ni Uragirarete [episode 03]
Netoraserare [episode 02]
Upcoming Hentai for September 2015
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54 Responses to “Upcoming Hentai for September 2015”
Very slow month
Sweet! Crimson Girls 3.
It seems like they just forgot about CG after first episode and they finally remembered 2-3 years later.
Don’t care about anything else. Its just big boobs crap.
Watashi ga Toriko ni Natte Yaru [episode 01] is a manga adaptation by Igumo Taisuke. This is a high quality stuff here.
2 words…Queen Bee.
More like queen-bleh
big quested short haired girls? yes please!
Watashi ga Toriko ni Natte Yaru … queen bee…fail.
Crimson girls…..the best works of that company are the anime and game girls (nami,nico,tifa, etc) but this are boreds.
Demon Busters: Ecchi na Ecchi na Demon Taiji The Animation…for lolicons, not my taste. pass
Gakuen de Jikan yo Tomare [episode 03] hmm for my oppaitaste is ok.
Nerawareta Megami…..oppaimagical girls….
Netoraserare [episode 02]…another animation fail.
You forget this adm:
Ane Yome Quartet vol.1
Ane Yome Quartet was moved to 2015/10/09.
that’s the only one that i was looking forward to this month
I hope that those IRL problems are going well.
I wish you all the best
THANK GOD YOU’RE OKAY!! I Hope you’re fine and not sick. Best To you
Watashi ga Toriko ni Natte Yaru… figures the one interesting title this month would look like it’s going to fail because the animation looks janky as all fuck, Demon Busters’ is probably going to be about lolis getting busted by demons – so pass on that, and Gakuen de Jikan yo Tomare is… gonna be okay, I guess; I just hope it finally ends or at the very least has something new happen in it at some point.
I was super concerned that I wasn’t going to get hentai this month. Let alone my birthday month of all days!
Watashi ga Toriko ni Natte Yaru looks pretty interesting.
Another shit month it looks like.
It’s folks like us who aren’t paying for shit that people stop making hentai since it isn’t profitable.
If they actually started making interesting, unique, and creative hentai again rather than the bland, boring, putrid-ass drivel they make now, I don’t doubt there would be scores of people that would shill out money to buy their works. But if their not gonna put any effort into the plot or animation why should we care?
Its probably best we don’t shell out the money for bad hentai though because if we did then they would keep thinking that we want that sort of bad hentai and they won’t bother trying to make it any better. They’ll think they can get away with it. We should only shell out the cash for the good stuff.
Not for imports lol
Let’s face it. The adult anime industry is dying.
If companies like Queen Bee can keep working, it just shows how badly it’s suffering.
The titles this month aren’t anything too impressive. At best, they’re mediocre.
Gakuen de Jikan yo Tomare is probably the best title this month.
Crimson Girls has the potential to be good, but the rape thing is getting stale, I’ll tell ya.
Watashi ga Toriko ni Natte Yaru is animated by Queen Bee. You guys know what that means.
Nerawareta Megami Tenshi Angeltia’s past episodes were decent but nothing special.
I’m not a pedo, so the loli title holds no meaning for me.
Netoraserare is just stupid, and I’m not saying that because I hate netorare. I actually love good netorare. Netoraserare is the furthest thing from netorare. It’s stupidity trying to pass itself off as netorare. No fucking idea how the manga is running for as long as it is.
Here’s hoping the big names are holding off on the good stuff come October, November and December.
Not only that, but also pink pineapple is cutting corners by giving less “life” in most their works in the past few months. Namaki for example look almost like queen bee idiots made it. Baku ane was good, but the sex scenes were looped too much. Collaboration works on the other hand keeps screwing up anime episodes by either putting in constant stupid dildo sex, bizarre disgusting sex scenes, or interesting characters being left out (no sex scenes) and keeping a focus on other characters
Gakuen de Jikan yo Tomare episode 3! Yay! Also there’s gonna be an episode 4 in October! Whoo-hoo!
Nice, they’re doing Nerawareta Megami Tenshi Angeltia. The first 2 episodes weren’t as nice as I would had hoped but they’re still miles ahead of the crap we usually get.
All I want is more futanari or tutu/lesbian scenes. ;_;
There’s been no good futa lately, makes me incredibly sad.
demon buster and tomare look good
DEATh to queen trash
LAME Cartoon porn is way better than queen bee crap. Seriously an amateur to animation could do better than less than half ass queen bee stuff
Why is it that collaboration works and pink pineapple are usually the only hentai companies that can make good non rape hentai?
Pink Pineapple is one of the big names of hentai anime. That said, they cater to the larger audience, so niches such as rape are absent from their works, though that isn’t the case for all their works.
Still no kuro no kyoushitsu ep 2, what a shame. Guess I will keep waiting.
I see a few that look interesting, but Netoraserare just really disappoints me, i love netorare hentai, in fact its my favourite hentai genre but Netoraserare just doesnt feel like netorare, the manga doesnt even have that much sex in it, so enjoy many of these episodes feeling more like a shitty ecchi anime, but apart from that, these other ones look pretty good
Yep another dry month
Gakuen de Jikan yo Tomare is the only good in the list.
Watashi ga Toriko ni Natte Yaru [episode 01] – Queen Bee so never had any hope.
Crimson Girls: Chikan Shihai [episode 03] – Rape, lame.
Demon Busters: Ecchi na Ecchi na Demon Taiji The Animation [episode 01] – Premise sounds okay, but if it has as much loli as people are saying, pass.
Gakuen de Jikan yo Tomare [episode 03] and Nerawareta Megami Tenshi Angeltia: Mamotta Ningen-tachi ni Uragirarete [episode 03] – Both cater to the same demographic. Girls that are unwilling but cant run away, or are simply to stupid to live and breathe let alone run away even though they are meant to be superpowered. At least graphically these will be alright, but the stupidity still makes them intolerable to watch.
Netoraserare [episode 02] – NTR. People who continue to make this genre need to be shot and killed.
So yeah, crappy month.
yeah.. but don’t kill them yet.. let them suffer.. MAKE THEM SUFFER.!
I´ve entered Pink Pineapple web looking for info about Ecchi na Ecchi na Demon Taiji The Animation.
There are 4 main characters, only one is flat chested. And looks cool.
>muh loli
>muh casual
>muh standards
its porn, being butthurt over every single title is autism.
>4 people literally spamming reviews while thinking that titty monsters are lolis
Autism? Says the one that’s greentexting and throwing around the word autism like they understand what it means.
Go back to 4chan, you damn pedo.
>Ugh I don’t like loli
>Ugh I don’t like ntr
>Ugh I don’t like rape
>Ugh I don’t like 90% of hentai
>Ugh my moral code is telling me that this is shit
>Ugh this animation is shit
>Ugh the industry is failing because it makes things that I don’t like
>Ugh I have to make an entire list of “what looks like shit to me” because I just have to tell everyone about the things I don’t like.
Being this butthurt over every single release every single month is pretty dang autistic. I swear, if you had the same social conversations, even on different subjects in public, you would literally be considered autistic. “I’m a expert on movies, but I don’t like romcoms, people who make horror should just die, seriously another thriller? Where are all the regular movies?”
Now that I think about it, you’re right. They aren’t autistic, that’s the wrong word. Well brain problems I guess?
Maybe you should just enjoy what you like rather than trying to get everyone else to learn what you don’t like.
You have a point, man. Constantly complaining isn’t going to help. But here’s the thing, everyone has a specific taste and they all have expectation levels.
Let me just add, greentexting doesn’t help at all. You have a legitimate point but it sounds like you’re just being condescending about it.
Igumo Taisuke? Yes, please!
I heard Toruneko’s work will be soon animated as well.
Back to manga I guess.
I’ll be back! ToT
Dang it, still no Kuro No Kyoushitsu episode 2. Guess I will keep waiting, hopefully no blue balls by then.
*Seing the upcomig hentais for this month….sigh*
Back to exhentai……
cant wait for
Nerawareta Megami Tenshi Angeltia: Mamotta Ningen-tachi ni Uragirarete [episode 03]
NO lolicon again… -_-
The netoraserare manga is pretty good and depicts a much more plausible NTR situation than virtually all other NTR titles out there. If you disagree then you know little about the cuckold lifestyle. I’ve heard of much weirder stories like a guy’s father sleeping with his wife while he watches. NTR has an edge that other hentai simply lack and therefor are boring. It’s funny when people rage so hard about NTR; shows a lot about their fragile ego’s and how they handle cognitive dissonance.
What edge? It’s just your average dumb bimbo gets tricked/forced into being raped scenario, only in ntr the girls boyfriend/husband cries and/or faps in a corner somewhere. I’m not saying “vanilla” hentai is superior or guys are shit for liking it, it’s just that rape hentai is a dime a ton; I’d personally like to see different types of hentai. Like here’s a twist: why can’t women be ntr’ed? Can’t they make a hentai where guys get “stolen away” from their women for a better girlfriend or something like that?
The basic idea of netorare is to make the watcher/reader get the sense that their lover is being taken away from them, and if that feeling is achieved, the mission is won. Some people get off to this feeling, but that’s another story.
There’s been very little variety in hentai this past couple of years. Reverse NTR exists, but that would be in manga. That said, netoraserare is very disappointing, at least to me, and I’ve read a lot of NTR over the years, and it’s exactly as how you described.
where is Watashi ga Toriko ni Natte Yaru [episode 01] ?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah i been waiting for this hentai for so long D:!!!!!!!!!!!
Now please, if you would, get this crap out of my way. I mean, how many times do I have to fucking non rape group on this fucking list before someone gets their shit in gear, and brings home the fucking good stuff! Maybe I should get a steak knife AND ETCH INTO YOUR MOTHERFUCKING FOREHEAD! HOW HARD CAN IT FUCKING BE!!!!! GROUP MOTHERFUCKING SEX!!!!!
Wow. So…… much………. butthurt. Don’t go away mad, hipster. Just go away.
Ohhhhhh no way! DO MY EYES DECEIVE ME?