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This is the upcoming hentai for the upcoming month, please be patient until it comes out according to the release date below each cover. (HENTAI MIGHT BE 1-14 DAYS LATE. SO STOP ASKING!!!)

Samurai Hormone The Animation [episode 01]


Oppai Gakuen Marching Band Bu! [episode 01]


Koutetsu no Majo Annerose [episode 03]


Boy Meets Harem The Animation [episode 01]


Niku Mesu R30: Nikuyoku ni Ochita Mesu-tachi The Animation [episode 01]


Nerawareta Megami Tenshi Angeltia: Mamotta Ningentachi ni Uragirarete [episode 02]

No Cover yet


Spocon! [episode 02]


Oyomesama Honey Days [episode 01]


Love Colon [episode 02]


Demonion [episode 01]


Upcoming Hentai for October 2014
You are going to watch/stream Upcoming Hentai for October 2014 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Upcoming Hentai for October 2014 is from the hentai series .H Stigma News. If you enjoyed Upcoming Hentai for October 2014 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.


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52 Responses to “Upcoming Hentai for October 2014”
  1. PervPatrol says:

    Looks like quite a bit of vanilla right? Nice.

  2. Loki2975 says:

    finally 3rd episode of annerose is coming.

  3. GoodGuyWill says:

    Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnggggggg finally Koutetsu no Majo Annerose episode 3!!1

  4. HurricaneBlazer says:

    Look like we gonna have a big feast this month :) Perfect

  5. kasumi says:

    Woooohoooo! new Annerose!!! & Demonion?? this is going to be great! Demonion VN/Eroge has some really really good RPG elements hell some may even call it an RPG.i gave up on it because i got stuck on a certain level i could not get pass it *SOB* but this is really good.for those RPG & Eroge lovers look up Demonion you guys will be quite pleased!…

    Im looking forward to this month!

  6. bob says:

    Annerose ep 3 Finally. Been waiting for that. Also Honey is also going to be good. All those thick women from the manga. cant wait.

  7. Kiddie says:

    Hope there will be Femdom.
    Damn, whats wrong with me.

    • Xeno says:

      Boy Meets Harem is the one for you then. 4 Girl on the lucky bastard and man will the scenes look fantastic if they adapt it right.

  8. LCedarwoodExtraRichL says:

    i’m excited for this month, and there is some BDSM with the vanilla it looks like, to me

  9. Lukasz6969 says:

    I can’t wait Koutetsu no Majo Annerose episode 4 ^^

    • Slyfer101 says:

      Probably be a year or so for that once this one gets out.
      ziz and pixy have been so damn slow these last few years. Heck, I’m still waiting to see if they adapt any of their other games like the other two Kangoku Senkan series, Carla the Blood Lord, Princess Aria, and a host of other’s that would make for good adaptations.
      Is there no drive in people anymore?

    • Lukasz6969 says:

      My mistake;/ I can’t wait Koutetsu no Majo Annerose episode 3 ^^

  10. KamenFapRider says:

    Another faptastic month. Is 2014 the best year for hentai?

    • johasnneskrauserII says:

      “Another faptastic month. Is 2014 the best year for hentai?”

      Could be. The only hentai that “saved” 2014 is the Kuroinu: Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni Somaru series where every woman knight in the kingdoms finally gets raped by Bolt.

  11. AQS says:

    Looks like a pretty busty month.

  12. Sage says:

    aw yess boy meets harem, and new spocon and annerose

  13. Greed says:

    So is October the month of big tits?
    Anyways, looks like some good ones are coming. Looked forward to a new Annerose, but this one better not have the rape shit >_>

  14. Ken says:

    YEs big boob month… Thank for the website and keeping us up to date for everything. Much respect and much love!!!

  15. RAY RICE says:


  16. sigh says:

    so sick of big boob hentai… we need loli. huge market for that and we hardly see it at all.

  17. james says:

    October gonna rock!!! thx ppl for bring that beaties

  18. Garas says:

    Cool, I am looking forward to Annerose. Isn’t it cruel how the best releases always come out toward the end of the month.

  19. Fail says:

    wtf everything has gigantic boobs, I’m okay with big breasts, but this is unrealistically big. Why can’t we have actual breast that resemble women? this is a real turn off.

  20. Odz says:

    Koikishi Purely Kiss The Animation Special Edition why wasnt this uploaded is september ?

  21. vaynne says:

    sad, no ntr this moth. maybe ill just read some doujinshi for now.

  22. Anonymoose says:


  23. Odz says:

    will there be any new futa hentai soon ? Heard some time ago, not not if true that futabu might get a 3rd ep. and they might make dulce report !!

  24. calamariman says:

    Woot! Boy Meets Harem!! The manga was really hot so I can’t wait for the animation!!

  25. Henk says:

    Looks like a nice month is coming up.

    Dunno what to expect from PIXY/ZIZ @ Annerose 3. After Tentacle and Witches 4, their releases were pretty much always a downer…

  26. durasus says:

    Hey arent we missing Helter Skelter: Hakudaku no Mura [Episode 04] October 31, 2014 or is this one delayed ??
    for the rest mmm it looks like a oke month. personally, i dont realy like girls whit over the top large breast. i like more of the natural looking / normal sice but every 1 his or her thing

  27. sadnes says:

    too…big…booobs…very bad mounth ;__;

  28. calamariman says:

    Big boobs aren’t the problem. It all comes down to proportions. I personally do not mind big boobs in hentai but if the rest of the female characters bodies do not have the right proportions to match, then it won’t do good for me.

  29. YES says:


  30. Overlord Michael says:

    A few videos got delayed how sad

  31. Daniel says:

    Seems like there are some delayed ones again…

    Ah well, the ones that are not delayed look rather fun to watch at the end of the month.

  32. annerose says:

    finally annerose is back

  33. Snoochies says:

    Any chance you guys could put like an Asterix or something next to the title on the home page once subs are added? There are titles as far back as like june that still don’t have subs (not complaining. these things take time). It would be so nice if there were a way to at a glance tell which titles were subbed and which we’re still waiting on.

    I’d love to be able to see which ones had been updated without having to click each title, see if it has subs, then go back to the list and try the next one that doesn’t sound familiar. lol

    If you won’t you won’t. Love this site! Just wish there were a better way to spot which titles had subtitles added and which were still incomplete.

  34. paul says:

    Ahhh no futa this month

    • Futanari Lover says:

      You said it paul :’(
      Tho I gotta admit im looking forward to:
      Koutetsu no Majo Annerose [episode 03] <—- Liked the first to episodes alot
      Demonion [episode 01] The cover makes it look like we could be in for a whole lot of fun :) now if the animation studio behehind it does a great job, there could most definetly be many wanks to be had!

  35. kasumi says:

    Damn it Demonion got delayed that really sucks one of the Hentai’s i was really looking forward to next to Annerose. :(

  36. kkkk says:

    Boy Meets Harem The Animation is gonna be a blast

  37. Annerose says:

    Does anyone know how many episodes Annerose will have? It’s pretty good..

  38. AcuriSin says:

    Argh, only Koutetsu no Majo Annerose looks good. I wish they would create more loli and tentacle hentai, I am sick of the large boobs. >_<

  39. DarkGoddess says:

    Big Breast month huh. I guess this fits that this is Breast Cancer Awareness Month >_>. Weird how this all just fits.

  40. lol says:

    Honey days, you better be good. You delayed twice already!

  41. Bobjones says:

    The only promising one is the 2nd episode of Nerawareta Megami Tenshi Angeltia. Can’t say I’m dissapointed, I’m not expecting anything from Hentai anymore anyways.

  42. DaFapper says:

    Just saw the preview for Oyomesama and I could say it looks pretty amazing. Just hope the animation movements are better than the ones made by Queen Bee.
    For those who want to pre-fap here, just check this previews. :D

  43. ne says:

    can´t wait for demonion

  44. Mirat says:

    I hope Demonion comes out soon. It looks really promising :3

  45. Odz says:

    Niku Mesu R30: Nikuyoku ni Ochita Mesu-tachi The Animation what happen ?


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