Upcoming Hentai for October 2012
Posted by ToT in .H Stigma News -

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More to come once i get news of it.
Ojou-sama Yomeiri Kousou! Episode 1
Date of publication: 05/10/2012
Genre: Hentai
Pisu Hame Episode 4
Date of publication: 19/10/2012
Genre: Hentai
First Love Makoto
Date of publication: 19/10/2012
Genre: Hentai
Unsweet: Netorare Ochita Onna-tachi Episode 1
Date of publication: 19/10/2012
Genre: Hentai
Saishuu Chikan Densha NEXT Molester 2
Date of publication: 26/10/2012
Genre: Netorare, Hentai
Harem Time Feast 1
Date of publication: 26/10/2012
Genre: Hentai
Hime-sama Gentei ! Episode 2
Date of publication: 26/10/2012
Genre: Hentai
Tropical Kiss Episode 1
Date of publication: 26/10/2012
Genre: Hentai
Kansen 5 The Daybreak Episode 1
Date of publication: 26/10/2012
Genre: Hentai
Starless Episode 2
Date of publication: 26/10/2012
Genre: Hentai
Upcoming Hentai for October 2012
You are going to watch/stream Upcoming Hentai for October 2012 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Upcoming Hentai for October 2012 is from the hentai series .H Stigma News. If you enjoyed Upcoming Hentai for October 2012 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.
Never expected Kansen to return and on another note, the guys molesting that girl. I’m getting that feeling that his hairdo, hairstyle and hair color are for delinquents. He also kinda reminds me of the guy in Gakuen.
harem times looks interesting i cant wait to watch it. anyone know the description for it?
No annerose witchslave?? when is the 2 episode suppose to be release i really like that hentai
harem time feast…
well at least i know what its about.
Check out the Manga. http://www.fakku.net/manga/harem-time-english
I am really excited about it getting an OVA.
dude just read the manga harem time it was awesome thanks for posting the link!
saishuu chikan densa next molester 2 …wow i cant wait to watch that i hope its more gang bang than ep 1
Can someone please tell me what this hentai is:http://video.xnxx.com/video1754499/huge_titted_anime_babe_gets_fucked_outdoors
Don’t worry found it Rinkan Club ^.^
Anyone wanna tell me What Hentai this is from o_O ?
I hate the way they name these and the fact that there are no comments to find out what this is is annoying as well… = =;
Shikatte Ingo Episode 01
Why didn’t they animate Kansen 4?
Also, does anybody know what this hentai is?
Rinkan Club 2
And This is?
Cosplay Roshutsu Kenkyuukai Ep 2
its not working on this site is if ur looking for the complete episode try slut load
cant wait for hime-sama gentei!! and tropical kiss’ artstyle looks kinda familiar
to TOT i wan to thank you for what you’ve done in this site
np, you can thank me by disabling popup blocker so i make a few cent lol.
when will the new hentai come out?
what is the name of this hentai http://www.xvideos.com/video2900908/anime_with_uniform_gets_drilled_in_classroom#_tabFavs
hey im looking for the hentai right now give me a day or 2
anata dake konbanwa ep 1
its on slutload look under the name or under mc he has big upload
can anyone name this hentai? thanks
its “do you know the milfing man”
Thank you
what is the name of this hentai http://www.xvideos.com/video2900908/anime_with_uniform_gets_drilled_in_classroom#_tabFavs ……………………… please tell me
thank u
when will ojou-sama yomeiri come out
amyone knows what hentai this is http://www.hentaicredit.com/1445ho/bondHppyH_Hllmv_Hntcr.htm ?
if u are talking about the pics that are fetured on bondanime its Hime Dorei ep 2
@ Luffy316 anata dake konbanwa
@ byryan909 do you know the milfing man
does anyone know when will KUROINU KEDAKAKI SEIJO gets its 3rd episode??
im very eager to watch that next one…
Not being a douche nor anything but I was expecting “Upcoming hentai for November 2012″ right about now.
can someone tell what hentai is this http://video.xnxx.com/video3037210/big_titted_hentai_babe_with_glasses_fucked thanks for the answer XD
“Gakuen Saimin Reido” its a bonus scene i havnt seen it before but the chicks are obvious from that hentai thats all i can give u
ahh i see its a bonus episode ..where the heck should i find that ???XD
can somone tell ,me what this hentai is called?
Netorare Fighter Yaricchingu
is the name of the series i dont know which episode it is
anyone know why Starless episode two havent been uploaded yet ? i cant find it on google either..
Read the FAQ.
just thought someone might know why
Yeah.. don’t think anyone would know, since it got released 2 day ago.
btw are you the one running this site ? if yes i might be able to hook you up with some new art banners and so
i work as a photoshop designer and have been doing forum signatures and banners for almost 3 years ^^
Yea i’m the one running it. And yes you can make one, just that it has to be in (737 x 126) and with “Hentai Stigma” for title. “| Stream | Watch Hentai Online” is optional. Also you can credit yourself at the side if you want.
Thanks for the help. Just remember to account for the space taken by the navigation menu at the bottom. The text link (Hentai Stigma | Stream | Watch Hentai Online) will be removed when you have yours done.
what would need to happen to get a chat room for this site>
i agreee on this, a chat room would make the site more active and more fun
The site had a chat box before, but then people started advertising and it got annoying so i just removed it.
couldnt reply on your post for some reason ToT
well i’ll make a demo here later and if theres anything you want changed we can take it from there
got an steam account or skype ? would be easier to get the info and chat over there than here ^^
Is the email you put on here the real one that you use?
banner demo
you can use this i guess but this is some 15mins work and once i get some more time to do photoshop i’ll make a better one ^^
Nice, I see you got skills lol.
its not really that good compared to what i can make ^^
http://i.imgur.com/fgtyp.png , this is what my stuff sometimes looks like when i put an hour or more into it
but hope you liked the picture and i’ll get to work on something real once i get more free time
Yea this one look even better. I’ll put the demo up for now until you get time to work on the better one.
Any idea when Starless 2 will be up?
Really looking forward to it.
y same the episode im most looking forward is stil not being uploaded rly … all others tht are suposed to come out on 26 yes but starless no…