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This is the upcoming hentai for the upcoming month, please be patient until it comes out according to the release date below each cover. (HENTAI MIGHT BE 1-14 DAYS LATE. SO STOP ASKING!!!)

Iinari! Saimin Kanojo [episode 02]


Futabu!! [episode 02]


Maro no Kanja wa Gatenkei [episode 01]


Shoujo Kyouiku [episode 01]


3Ping Lovers! Ippu Nisai no Sekai e Youkoso The Animation [episode 01]


Allargando The Animation [episode 01]


Momoiro Milk [episode 01]


Gakuen de Jikan yo Tomare [episode 01]


Kuro no Kyoushitsu [episode 01]


Upcoming Hentai for May 2015
You are going to watch/stream Upcoming Hentai for May 2015 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Upcoming Hentai for May 2015 is from the hentai series .H Stigma News. If you enjoyed Upcoming Hentai for May 2015 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.


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60 Responses to “Upcoming Hentai for May 2015”
  1. Yiulias says:

    This is so meeeh. The pictures already telling this is going to suck (except for Futabu!!). And still no Buta No Gotoki 2, T_T.

  2. Damn says:

    Shoujou Kyouiku delayed 1 month, FUCK

  3. e says:

    3ping and Futaba look great this month.

  4. Hurricane says:

    Futabu!! Today?!

  5. Jimmy Newtron says:

    Everything looks good :D

  6. Bravo says:

    Ever consider posting old Hentai, like from the 1980s or early 1990s?

  7. m says:

    isn’t Shoujo Kyouiku supposed to be released 5/1? every release site says 5/11 or did it really get pushed back from 4/24 to 5/1 to 5/24?

  8. Crimsyndevil says:

    More D-Club! YES!!!!

  9. Spear-Rules says:

    Ok, since i have some spare time i thought i might as well start doing this whenever i can for every month some thing new comes out. Before you continue reading this long post, keep in mind that this is only for those who don’t read the manga, or play the vn or games. If you aren’t one of these people than ignore this, if not then be prepared cause this is gonna be looooong. Basically just to let you guys and girls know what each new hentai is about as well as some of the main genres or categories they will fall in, though in the end it is all up to you and your taste and whether or not you choose to watch it. Reason why i do this? Well though you probably don’t care x), i have gone through the whole A-Z list in this site, and let me just say…… i had to go through hell to be able to find the hentai i liked which i rarely found, and was scarred a lot in the process, but hey its hentai, you never know what to expect XD. Anyways, here it is.

    Linari saimin kanojo! Ep.2: Well if you saw the 1st one, then you surely know wether or not you want to watch it, since the first one was rape and hypnotism. I for one just want to see how the mc handles the situation with the app, aswell as to how the girls and him end up in all this, not really focusing on the sex for this one, but just want to finish the story.

    Futabu!! Ep.2: Futanari huh? For some reason i’m not really bothered by this one, except when they show the massive dicks some girls have XD, if you like futanari, then enjoy, if not well move on to the next. I myself might watch it for the tan one in the middle

    Maro wa no kanja wa Gatenkei: This one…….. -_- NTR. Story is about a doctor who is a pervert and who uses his degree to take advantage of women. He is visited one day by this woman who apperently isn’t very expirienced with sex…… As the doctor begins to caress her and “TEACH” about it during the course of time, the husband finds out, smashes the doctors hands, and he becomes useless as a doctor. Cool right, finally someone with actual balls to claim whats his. Well this bacfires on the dude, and guess what, stupid chick feels guilty and decides to take care of the doctor…… -_- yeah this one is out of the question.

    Shoujo kyouiku: Lolicons only. Story of a teacher who has never had sex in his life, arrives at a school where he meets a few girls as his students, though in the end, he learns with them… if you know what i mean ;) . If you have a taste for lolis, well go ahead and get ready for this one, i might give it a try too.

    3Ping Lovers! Ippu Nisai no Sekai e Youkoso The Animation [episode 01]: Long ass title better have a long ass running time x). This one is just mostly your usual harem about an mc with a whole bunch of heroines who go on an adventure while having fun along the way. This one might be the best one for this month, but thats just my opinion.

    Allargando the animation: When i read this manga, it was rather strange, mostly since the plots were somewhat ok, but at the same time….strange, it involves outcasts enjoying or having sex with the girls they want, though sometimes they would get weird or just downright creepy. This one is very diverse, with spitting, drugging, and a lot of oral. Might watch for animation

    Momoiro milk:Incestual hentai is mostly what i know about this one being, couldnt really find anything else. Not really an incest fan so NEXT!

    Gakuen de Jikan yo Tomare: Another rape/hypnotism, mostly just like linari only a bit more violent apperently x) and with a different hypnotizing method. might pass, but damn i am curious

    Kuro no Kyoushitsu:Last one of the month, once again i wasnt able to obtain much about it other than it seeming like it is going to be a harem, but i’m not sure. I’ll have to watch this one, though i’m kind of fearing what i might find.

    Well thats it for this month, hopefully at least one is to your liking. Congrats if you read this long XD.

    • Gogeta says:

      Thanks, keep up the good work.

    • ChaikaTrabant says:

      wow ty for taking the time to do that keep up the good work at least i know what to dodge and not waste my time on ^_^

    • PervPatrol says:

      Hey this is solid man, appreciated. Now I know what to avoid, seems we share similar interests anyway.

    • Oz says:

      Thanks for taking the time to make this list. It helps to know what I’m getting into before watching something. The only one that seems interesting this month besides Futabu!! is that 3Ping Lovers one. I hope you make another one for next month too.

    • razgriz says:

      waooh noob you ara all right, just saying the tru, nice noob, good job.

    • unknownfactor31 says:

      Thank you for taking the time to check out these episodes and taking the time to write about them. It helps a lot and I very much appreciate you doing it.

  10. Gogeta says:

    Honestly this month doesn’t look to good, then I saw on another website June is going to be Great.

  11. Laval says:

    Futabu!! is all i’m looking forward to this month

  12. shinigoroshi says:

    I think 3 ping gonna be 1st place and futabu 2nd place.can’t wait to watch it.

  13. Loli says:

    OMFFTLOG!!!!! Maro no Kanja wa Gatenkei An ANIME!?!?!?!?


  14. Odz says:

    futabu has a new ep coming out next month ! Hope more to come !!

  15. futabu fan says:

    OMG FUTABU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but where is it? shouldnt it be out on may 1st? the previous futabu never was delayed…

  16. Unoshot says:

    By the cover for Gakuen de Jikan yo Tomare with 2 girls looking scared and with writing on their bodies, hmmm, I think it’s a vanilla Hentai. No way in hell it has rape or NTR in it.

  17. Noob says:

    Im actually looking forward to Iinari! Saimin Kanojo .-.

  18. Kick Fapkowski says:


  19. ChaikaTrabant says:

    Futabu!! is the only thing that looks intresting this month

  20. DMC says:

    We should really get an update bar that post if the episode got subbed or updated

  21. Dake says:

    “Allargando: The Animation”, the new master piece from SETO YUKI finally animated…..
    No one here says a goddamn thing about it.

    Am I the only one who finds a problem in all this or am I the one being too old school?

    • CB says:

      Some may have forgotten the Accelerando, Stringendo and Stretta series since the picture does tell that much or majority
      at present are searching for a different sub genre of hentai.

      For me I just wish Amamori will be included in this animated series, I really like her story.

  22. King_of_Hentai says:

    Futabu!! is going to be amazing. Plus that girl is black! Not tan, but black. Happy to see that. Also Shoujo Kyouiku and 3Ping Lovers! Ippu Nisai no Sekai e Youkoso The Animation is something I have high hopes for.

  23. TheK1 says:

    So everything except “Maro wa no kanja wa Gatenkei” is on my radar. I’ll probably skip “Gakuen de Jikan yo Tomare” though, because really… another fucking hypnosis hentai with what appears to be barely average girls? Why the fuck would anyone bother? I just hope the animation doesn’t suck.

    With the exception or “Futabu” and “3Ping”, all of these seem mediocre to the max, like all of this could be done with real people on some set or something. None of this warrants commissioning studios to write, draw, and animate this crap.

  24. bunny1ov3r says:

    posters always look delicious, but most of the times real production has shitty artwork

  25. LGCYMNDR says:

    Momoiro Milk is animated by queen bee. . . Skip

  26. Noone says:

    Here are same old examples for the one who just one see a hentai for the good parts (you know what)
    Netorare Fighter Yaricchingu
    Rinkan Club
    RIN×SEN+Ran Sem Cross Mix haru urara, uragiri to zetsubo no kisetsu hen
    Eroge! H mo Game mo Kaihatsu Zanmai
    Elf Hime Nima

  27. wow says:

    Holeeee Allargando, same work as legend Accelerando

  28. mlawson990 says:

    Though a lot of these looks decent…still no BakuAne episode 2.

    How long will they keep me waiting goddammit?!?!?

  29. saimin says:

    Why is there no hype for Allargando?
    I mean duh it’s from the creator of Accelerando , Stretta nd Stringendo

  30. GFmazaker says:

    Still no Madonna-Kanjuku Body Collection

  31. newbie says:

    I m new here, guys can u suggests the good vanilla hentai. I hate gangbang, Rape.I want to watch straight good hentai for example teninoha.I m also fine with harem.Thanks.

  32. Aeon says:

    Can’t wait for Allargando the animation. I like the Level C and 375 stories, but I’m hopeful that they will include the Amamori part in the Allargando series which is my favorite.

  33. Softly touch says:

    best vanilla look for purely kiss animation episode 1

  34. The Fap Master says:

    Damn Im fapping hard with these good hentai’s!!!! Where them buckets at? xD

  35. Zergkin says:

    For those curious, Gakuen Jikan one is a time stop hentai. It is rape based on the visual novel it’s based off of. It’s one I’ve played before and I’m curious and interested to see how it’s adapted as a hentai. For time for me :P I can’t wait

  36. Noob says:

    Noob here again, Im always here, god dammit, notice me ToT… Eh, watched a few pvs, wasnt so hyped for this month before (thought all the good shit already came out), but now, well fuck, I cant wait… Espescially hyped for Gakuen de Jikan.

  37. Ezkrela says:

    I didn’t noticed the 3Ping Lovers! I hope Its great, kinda reminds me of Rance (Hope it gets ep 2).
    I wonder on that Gakuen hentai…. she looks… yandere-ish :v

  38. Nekorandom says:

    Momoiro Milk…. another crapp FLASHPLAYER 8 hentai from queen shitt….why god take much time to send to bankrupt that studio?.

  39. Bob says:

    Sorry if this is unrelated, but I was wonder who are the 2 girls on the left side of the Hentai Stigma Banner?

  40. Noob says:

    Just watched Gakuen and fuck is it great 10/10. Like, fuck man… I cant even.

  41. Ezkrela says:

    I can’t wait to see the upcoming hentai this month! *q*


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