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This is the upcoming hentai for February 2014, please be patient until it comes out according to the release date below each cover. (HENTAI MIGHT BE 1-14 DAYS LATE. SO STOP ASKING!!!)
Kichiku: Oyako Choukyou Nikki [episode 02]
Futabu! [episode 01]
Shiiba-san no Ura no Kao [episode 01]
Imako System [episode 01]
JK to Orc Heidan: Aku Buta Oni ni Ryougyaku Sareta Seijo Gakuen [episode 02]
No cover yet
Yabai! Fukushuu Yami Site [episode 01]
Okusama wa moto Yariman
Mou hasamazu ni haira renai [episode 01]
Upcoming Hentai for February 2014
You are going to watch/stream Upcoming Hentai for February 2014 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Upcoming Hentai for February 2014 is from the hentai series .H Stigma News. If you enjoyed Upcoming Hentai for February 2014 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.
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71 Responses to “Upcoming Hentai for February 2014”
can any1 tell me when is D spray ep 2
wow i can believe
JK to Orc Heidan: Aku Buta Oni ni Ryougyaku Sareta Seijo Gakuen [episode 02]
This is a pleasant surprise.(JK to Orc Heidan) Thought it was just one episode thing.
Also Kichiku looks nice as well as Yabai.
Just a tip. You can browse getchu for any upcoming releases (I use it for preview images). This link is in the search for January hentai items, just change the dates on the right.
If you get an age restriction just press the left option.
Am I allowed to post this? ._.
yes but no too…. Cause i already posted them with cover…
futabu futabu futabu!!
From the cover pic, I hope there’s a lot of foot action in Okusama wa moto Yariman! I also can’t wait for Kichiku: Oyako Choukyou Nikki ep 2. Just a few days!!
futabu looks good
futabu is that from the manga that has 6-7 chapters and all about futanari ?
I guess this will be a slow month.
oh thank god finally a futanari vidoe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Shiiba-san no Ura no Kao only one I am interested in.
Shiiba-san no ura no kao
Futabu….FUCK YES! Why does it have to be so far off though? D:
i have the stigma… Futabu looks nice! =3 TOT for president
Shiiba-san no Ura no Kao—so i read the manga and was very good but i hope it will not turn in ntr like messu dere no tachi or something like that
I saw somewhere else that on 28th Koikishi Purely?Kiss episode 2 would be out, but I see it isnt listed on here. Do you know what might be the case here? It is going to be out or not on february 28?
hell yess…imako system its an NTR time people!
F-F-Futabu!!! The moons must’ve aligned or something! This is fantastic!
Finally! Some Futabu to break this stagnant cycle of man ass getting in the way during a sex scene!
btw admin . Can i suggest something ?Can you add the name of the studio for these hentais ?
Will be coded later as part of info section.
You’re a sexy human being!!! Thank for this website and i wanna HUG YOU FOR THIS WENSITE!!!!
Futabu FTW!!!! I Already know this is going to be the hottest hentai ever! Mou hasamazu ni haira renai could be good. I see bloomers so that could mean big booty girls.
Still no animations with plump juicy girls like in Aneki. //*crai*//
ng..where koikishi purely kiss 2 ??? isn’t that supposed to out this month ??
there actually might be a god futabu finally comes out this month ive been waiting since last year
OMG!!!! Futabu!!! *DROOOOOL*
FUTABU!!!!!!!!!! cant wait till it gets here i am going to enjoy the day when that finally gets here. Boshi you are a futa god
yesss futabu woot :3 something new.
Looking at the comments, I have realized most of you are some sick fucks for liking Futa hentai.
Ban this sick filth!
Shut the hell up, and leave the site if you got a problem with the hentai. Fuckin idiot.
You’re not the only one who had that thought cross their mind.
I can’t wait Mou hasamazu ni haira renai
How about Pisu hame and Kansen day break
I believe Pisu Hame is already done. Not sure about Kansen Daybreak.
Okusama wa moto Yariman-awesome
Futabu so long waited for futa hentai and here it is cant wait for it !!!
I’m asking the web designers when will you come out with a mobile version of this web site for the one who don’t have flash on there mobile devices?
Been asked multiple times already, i’m not adding it yet. Too many problems with it.
If you have an android, then get Puffin browser. It uses the newest flash player and is software based so no need to panic. If you are an apple user, go get an android and be a real man.
Haha sadly your comment makes no sense. A: iOS has the puffin browser app as well (using it right now) and B: if you believe the choice of phone you have determines your level of manhood then clearly a man you are not. Either way we’re all here for the same thing so keep the fanboy talk to the forums.
Look what’s coming out in April everyone:
The hardcore tentacle rape mind break descends eh?
An ACUTAL release date for PANDRA?! *drops to my knees and proclaims to the heavens* TANK YOUUUUUUU
More mature ladies! YES!
YES 3 BIG TITTY AT THE END OF THE MONTH!!!! BIG TITTY FTW….. but why girls witj dicks Q_Q waaaaaaaaaaaaa. i Hope there more big titty next month.
Futa = Gross
thats not true !! It take the disgusting guy and replaces him with an angel…. that fcks the girl !! Better if u ask me…
Better than a man’s ass being all up in the scene when the shot pans out, fucking up the view. In a sense, you’re fapping to both man and woman, making you bisexual. When its futa its girl on girl, giving you more to enjoy.
Futa = delicious!
What the other two guys say:
You only see girls, and no men. :3
Also, I think a futa is simply hot, not just because it will be girl on girl then.
I didn’t even know they were animating Futabu! I’ve lost the feeling in my legs, thankfully nothing higher. ^_^
Say ToT, due to the low number of hentai that comes out per month, how about also uploading 3d hentai as well? I know in probability they won’t be subbed or anything, but it’s still sex and animation, and it can get pretty hot. I could offer or recommend some stuff. (I mean, considering Queen Bee resorts to badly done flash, this can’t be any worse right?)
Idk… maybe, set a contactable email on the email section so i can email you about it.
I’m quite certain the samus one works, ok then how about this one?
Imako System. I can’t. I just… It’s so good.
Futabuuuuuuuuuuuu :<
when u going to upload futabu bro !? Hope its not disapointing and i hope they make mora than 1 ep
Damns eet I need da futa
Last 3 titles look interesting. Just like Imako and Shiba-san.
Dunno what to think of Futabu: I can handle Futa and I love the art of White Bear works… Might check it out someday…
On a sidenote, but still a bit ontopic: Yabai 01 isn’t out yet and Suzuki Mirano’s (producer) site already has set a releasedate for ep 2.
Just a suggestion…
I noticed that there are tags for “most” series, and I understand that the tagging process is handled by viewers in general but I cannot for the life of me find any way to “search for” titles by tags.
I mean, if I click on a tag for a particular anime I can then try to find another anime on that tag page that has a tag I actually want, but there doesn’t seem to be any centralized “search by tag” option to begin with.
Am I just missing something incredible obvious, or am I right in thinking the only way to actually sort by tags, is to find a tag first, click it, and then pray there is an anime with more tags to search through?
There isn’t that option cause your not a register user. Since it’s still in beta, only user can see all the tags.
why the fuck is everyone waiting for futabu? Seeing those futanari bitches makes me sick
*Places Care Button* Your point is?
Does anyone know when Futabu is supposed to release. it says 21st of FEB 2014, but where can I watch it? if anyone knows please place a link.
If you don’t know how to read the home page then…… That’s all i’m going to say >.>
when is the march list added ?
Keepp on writing, great job!