Feb 23 2013
Sei Yariman Gakuen Enkou Nikki Episode 1
Posted by ToT in Sei Yariman Gakuen Enkou Nikki -

Sei Yariman Gakuen Enkou Nikki Episode 1
You are going to watch/stream Sei Yariman Gakuen Enkou Nikki Episode 1 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Sei Yariman Gakuen Enkou Nikki Episode 1 is from the hentai series Sei Yariman Gakuen Enkou Nikki. If you enjoyed Sei Yariman Gakuen Enkou Nikki Episode 1 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.
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43 Responses to “Sei Yariman Gakuen Enkou Nikki Episode 1”
well thats nice.. the old man looks like a pretty nice dude for once.
Pretty sure that the first girl was a slut and the second only liked her reward after helping the old guy from being mugged.
it was sort of forced in a way seeing as he showed her that pic first then blah blah slut academy blah blah this will be your first time
yeah, thats why this one was boring as shit.
Get a life.
i love the animation! i hope they make another ep but with romance genre…
Yeah the production value is great. I too wish it was a more vanilla story.
Surprised to see I enjoyed this even more than the new Fault title. I don’t really like hentai involving old men either but this was very fun, well at least the first half was. I can’t say much about the second half as one scene felt extremely weird, the random what-seemed-to-be-tentacles-scene.
Actually the use of tentacles in a hentai is a symbolic representation of having sex with multiple partners with no established relationship prior to said event. In effect, the flash of tentacles is a visual method to portray the fetish this girl has towards exhibitionism, and the fantasies she enjoys.
I expected this one to be good but it was better than I expected.
@MyH-List Seems like you’re starting to be honest with yourself. Watch out though, let go too much and you might develop an NTR fetish.
But this ones dosnt seem to be about NTR…
the same ppl who worked on otome dori, worked on this one. same art, and this is not really important but notice between 9:19-9:40 the chick like took off her stockings and put them back on, little lol moment…
Holy s***! She must be a magic girl!
how long does it usually take for hentai to get subbed after the raws come out?
Lately it takes about a week or maybe 2 weeks at least.
First old man with no rape? What sorcery is this?
Good ending. (At the last bit I’m not sure if it said to be continued or not but NO NTR please.)
not yet subbed??
when is this going to get subbed?
patience my friends, patience. when they sub it. you will come.
was the black girl doing the gangnam style at one point lol. news the gangnam style is not just a dance but also a sex move now lol epic.
when d they do that dandam style stuff
wat part i never catch it in the ep.
apa gk bisa
Not sure how i feel about this hentai, the girls kinda helped the guy forget his divorce but he exploited the tanned girl for money i guess since he let the guys cum in her for 10,000 yen a pop.
nice hentai
the first girl was a slug
dam she enjoy the old man dick as hell she loveeee ittt
their pose are really something
the best hentai EVER! thanks for amuse me
fucked up shit you guys are watching
Wow this site is fucking awesome
I really like this especially the first girl <3
it will be anothe episode?
No that ring was his ring which he wore on his hand
Not bad haa…..
Is there any other animations with Gyaru girls in them? I tend to randomly find them and never remember them.
testing :3
Am I the only one who noticed the gyaru girl fought off were from the Mad Gear Gang?
haha in 00:32 i see the characters in Okusama wa moto yariman ..LOL
slut academy? lol funny how the second girl was virgin at first then the old guy turned her into a slut…just like that ….episode two? XD
Anyone else see the woman from okusama wa moto yariman at 35 seconds in the video?
yea i saw them when u pointed it out haha i guess thats where they got there slut academy from since they wore the same uniforms at the end oof okusama as the uniform worn by the girls in this one
Hell yeah. I vote for a threesome too. That guy was truly a beast and I didn’t even mind that he was an old man. The two girls were hot (esp the dark skinned one) and I loved the forceful fucking in the 1st 2 scenes. The NTR and gangbang, well not so much.
at least, its not those DOM NTR themed hentai….
wait, where’s ep. 2 for this?
i fuvking loved it. very good animation
One of the Best Hentai I Ever Watched….