Apr 23 2015
POLL: On the new video player again… V2 (UPDATE 1)
Posted by ToT in .H Stigma News -

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For those that voted “No to All” on the previous poll, or if the old player worked for you before the changes. I want you to check out the old player that I haven’t made any changes to below. Please vote and tell me if it works or not.
Please only vote if the new player didn’t work for you.
Please also leave a message here or on the poll, so I know your vote is real. If it still doesn’t work then there’s really nothing I can do, since I haven’t made any changes at all to this old player…
Below is the updated version of the new player. The old player should work now. Does it? Please vote.
POLL: On the new video player again… V2 (UPDATE 1)
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41 Responses to “POLL: On the new video player again… V2 (UPDATE 1)”
Admin, i just want to ask how to get an invitation code for registration of new acct? thank you
It’s on the sign up page… Read the page carefully (it even tell you where it is…)
oopppsss, my bad Thanks Admin
Can you please keep the old one? It works with mobile (android, not sure about other platforms) and the new one requires flash 11 which a lot of android phones don’t have
I’m not removing it. Already said it’s just a extra choice.
i just want to add that the old player in its original format works looks better on my pc for some unknown reason. all players work for me but the old one has a higher resolution and i can not for the life of me figure out why the other ones look like shit. any advice would be wonderfull.
Can you give me a screen shot comparison? Cause I don’t see the difference…
its something with my pc. if you do not know of any reasons why it could be i wont bother you with my problems. i plan on building a new rig soon anyways. just thought it was a weard problem and should mention it but it looks like its just me.
All the video players worked for me before and after.
I liked it when you weren’t uploading old 3D content… it’s really annoying.
Don’t watch them then. Problem solved!
do you think you can move both players selections above the language selection? to me it’s really better like that
You only need to change it once so it would just be useless later.
The old works as always, the new doesn´t works as always.
Both work fine, but both also stretch in full screen, making things a little weird on an ultra wide monitor.
I run at 3440×1440, 43:18, 2.39:1, Anamorphic.
Both work, but also stretch in full-screen of an Anamorphic monitor
Hello Admin,
Initially there was a player which worked on mobile. But now none of them work. Is it possible to do something about it.
I don’t know why but the old player works for me fine. The new player works with audio but visuals are frozen on the screen 5 seconds in if I try to play it with no interruptions and no buffering. If I try to skip I see the screen change to the time allocated but as a still, the audio in the background plays fine just not the visuals.
I hope that my input helped and I use Firefox if that helps in someway.
Ok, the new video player have a couple of bugs: the sound cut off in the middle of the video, take a long time loading more than 1 video at same time.
I think the old video player works a lot better than the new one.
Only the old player works for me. But that’s fine. I watch on IOS 8.
ToT, isnt it also possible to convert some video that uses flash player 11 oorsomething to the normal one ?
2nd new player works on ps3 and 4, so good change
I like the old one, i hve a shitty internet on my mobile so i only download at night .(sorry for bad english)
Everything works for me so no complaints, just happiness
as a mobile user i has to say that i had serious problems on my tablet…that don’t exist anymore! Yay!
Both work fine, but I do not see it as necessary to add another video player, unless it’s just a choice to choose whichever one works better for you, then Yeah i’m all for it.
Why cant I view the videos with my player anymore.. it just streams there and I cant fullscreen
On my computer (Windows 8.1), Chrome both players (old and new) work perfectly fine and I have no complaints however, the old player loads up quicker and is by far much better for me personally.
My complaint comes when I am on my Samsung Galaxy S3 on either Chrome or Dolphin, I cannot full screen on the NEW player and can’t use the NEW player at all. The video plays but I cannot seem to go on full screen, which irritates me. The old player works like a charm on mobile, and so I would pretty much want the old player to be there.
I won’t be removing the old one.
As for the new player not working for your Samsung G S3…I’m not sure what the problem is… It works on my Samsung G S4 with firefox.
If the tool bar for going full screen don’t show up, you can try press and hold onto the video and then let go. It should popup full screen option.
both are working like they always did, I just have a little bug but it dosen’t bother me:
if i’m not in fullscreen, the video don’t fill the player properly but it dosen’t matter since I always watch in fullscreen.
P.S. this issue is only about the old player here is a screenshot http://i.gyazo.com/fff55e12f8c9e0d633e75ba6e07f058a.png
P.S.(2): Thanks admin for giving us your time, I really apreciate the work, that’s why this is the best H Website
Best regards from Morocco
Weird, i don’t know why it’s like that. It actually happened to me a few times too…
I just wanted to say that the new player is great for me because it can load and skip to scenes without buffering! Thanks for both options admin.
I have to ask; why on earth did you change the video player? I can’t find a single thing that the new player does better, and quite a few things that it does decidedly far worse. For example, skipping to different parts of the video (even when it’s fully loaded) either takes forever, or gives an infinite loading (and yes, my internet connection is suberb).
I already answered this question… Just giving more choice. I”m not changing it.
Only the old player works for me and i like the old one
A lot of the videos for the old player show up as a 404 error, tentacles and witches and kyonyuu fantasy being 2
Nice to have more options, both works although player 1 is better as I can open the video through mx player on my phone.
Old player works fine, new player gets error when skipping
The new vid player is good on mobile. I can preview it before downloading tnx tot
Both players work on my laptop (window 7). But on my new android GS6, it can not play both players.
When I open the old player on chrome, it say “403 forbidden ngix/1.4.4.”
When I open the old player on mx player, it says “Can’t play this link.”
When I hit play on the new player, it says “error loading media: file could not be played.”
How do I fix this?