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Otomedori Episode 2
You are going to watch/stream Otomedori Episode 2 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Otomedori Episode 2 is from the hentai series Otomedori. If you enjoyed Otomedori Episode 2 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.


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162 Responses to “Otomedori Episode 2”
  1. Crazy psycho says:

    WTF…..okay I’m a really fucked up person but I legit couldn’t fap to any of this cruel piece of shit , come on I can’t be the only person who wants to rip everybody’s guts out in this hentai , never a hentai had made me so sad and angry , okay I’m done with my ranting 0/10 would never watch again!????

    • SeiZui says:

      yeah this made me really sad and angry. .. I hated it since ep 1.. . Icame to watch ep 2 but turns out bad for my taste

    • hmmmm says:

      yea, fuck this hentai… shes hot but i cant fap to this shit man… i fucking hate 2+ guys and 1 girl or rape shit

    • hmmmm says:

      this isn’t even making me hard.. not a bit… even tho im a guy but i can kinda control it.. and i hate it so much makes me wanna sue the place! OMG why do we have these kind of hentai! It makes me so mad to see the wife gets banged all the time and i hate it SOOO much that the guy doesnt do crap about it… what an idiot..

    • Cucksaredeadin2019 says:

      Yeah this ntr are shit and should not exist

  2. shinn says:

    fuck this ep2

  3. the dude says:

    Can’t fap with this shit. This shit make me really sad.

  4. ranmdom guy says:

    WTF. I FCKING FEEL SO BAD FOR THIS GUY. First his big love and now even his sister. FeelsBadMan :(

  5. EroLover34 says:

    Fuck this shit. This is just to fucking disgusting. Though I can’t feel bad for that guy because he didn’t do shit. I would’ve beaten the living shit out of the other guys.

    • DarkDemon says:

      If the story it make that girls regret it but he dont wanna be her great if the story make it like that but this hentai it make me wanna kill that woman..and all that make me sickk!!

  6. dark demon says:

    Who the directors this hentai ?? U know if u make story line when he found that girl he love have a sex with anyone else..he try to suicide and tell that girls that her betray him or sething like that..and she want to apologies and dont want do it again but he dont accept it.hee wanna be with him again but he never wanna be great if u do like that story love this hentai ep 1 n ep 2 but u know that story line dont make me feel excited but make me angry..if u make hentai like this once again please dont make like this story make me sick

  7. Zxzx says:

    To be honest this hentai makes me sick. I was disgusted by it at the beginning. But what happened? Why his memories of all the stuff with his sister rapery, otome rapery and on and on vanished? The reason may be that he blocked the memories… His brain blocked it. I mean that if there are some bad memories from which human suffers – his brain starts to degrade the memories. But reminding the memory would renew all of them to their true state. The reaction of the guy when he seen the video was different. He didn’t “renewed” his memories. I just think that this guy is in “hell” or something – suffering endless “memory implanting” with his further suffer of discovery that whole his life was nothing, noone loved him and he was betrayed whole time and on and on.

  8. Amit Biswas says:

    fck this made me sick angry and sad..

  9. Louis says:

    I am sad now

  10. Aiden says:

    What’s the thumbnail for every video from?

  11. pathetic says:

    Dear Diary,

    Today I got angry from watching a Hentai, from now on I swear to refrain from visiting Adult websites as I’m obviously too immature to handle seeing intercourse.

    -Lil Timmy

    Kids you have to watch the characters on screen to receive visual stimulation and then fap, you don’t pay attention to the storyline let alone take it seriously like the moron(s) that you are. God forbid a RL issue with actual consequences occurs and you breakdown in tears.

    • jo says:

      This guy gets it. Fuck all the self-righteous faggots complaining that their always-graphic and super perverted hentai got a little TOO graphic and a little TOO perverted for their precious jerkoff daydreams.

      Jesus. Embarrassing that you’re men.

  12. Miriam says:

    I like this. The same animator to baku ane. Makes me squirm in a good way

  13. Ebina says:

    I watch it again after 2 months and i over the affection of angerness i felt before , now i enjoying it ,lol

  14. says:

    This episode is fucked up

  15. Anon says:

    Lmao ppl take it too seriously in comments. We all came to fap hopefully. But my god, this is my 1st time seeing this hentai and the lil sister is savage af! “Youve lost everything brother, and now i have you.” Way to salt in the wound wtf

  16. Legato says:

    Anyone who can happily fap to this should be killed i don’t need the trash of humanity breathing up my air! The only way this should’ve ended was with him killing all the men from the videos his sister and his whore wife who should’ve gone to the police first thing then he leaves the DVDs at the crime scene minus any that mention him and then quickly leave the country with his daughter it’s not her fault. but that’s not the ending we got.

  17. Whatever says:

    No joke I never comment on hentai or anything like that. But I only logged in just to write a comment for this hentai. Anway. This is so fucked up it’s incredible. Since the first episode at about 10 minutes I thought to myself that I hope Otome loses everything or just stops going with them. The joke’s on me. She gets absolutely everything she wanted. And about the sister. Call me trash for it but I think it was kind of right of her to show her brother in secret what Otome was doing. Even if she is fucked up as hell too. And at the start of the second episode Otome even says to herself that she wants the MCs help. That time I really thought this. How impudent can you be to even after all that you did to expect him to help you. You didn’t even tell him or anything. Considering that the MC got together with him and she is the love of his life, I would have probably lost it. Which is probably why he married her anyway. He broke down. He ignored it all and pretended to be that girl’s child just to be reminded by his sister again that all wasn’t a bad dream. Fuck it. I pity the MC. No matter how much of a push-over you are you didn’t deserve all of this…

  18. Gezo says:

    I am another one of the people who never log in to comment…. but like…just wow, shit. I didn’t like that at all.

  19. karui says:

    one word Japanese madness this a bad end. well i said FAP ABORTED

  20. Daka says:

    WTF, this shit is so dumb. When the brother caught his little sister get fucked from some fucked up old man why the fuck didn`t he get a knife or something to kill this asshole, this would make more sense. This story is so bad written, I think the author was just lazy to think of a better story.
    It would be kind of cool if the brother gets on a vendeta and kills all this assholes in a clumsy way.
    (that`s just my opinion)

    Sorry if it`s bad written, thats not my native language. Cheers

  21. the_breaker_744 says:

    this makes me sick if you fap op this shit just die it btter for you and everyone

  22. she's clit says:

    I’m honestly not surprise at the r*ape concept this one has, every hentai has it, move on. However the pedo thing here is fucked up. Also don’t feel bad about the guy, he watches all of the videos when he can just throw the dvd’s away or hand it to the police since it includes the dude’s faces. Not to mention in the first episode he came watching his “beloved” one being raped. Don’t feel bad about the dude, feel bad about the sister. Obviously i don’t have to tell you why unless your brain cells are dead.

    Your’s truly, her <3.

  23. Thetruth says:

    The artist name carn that guy making mess up ntr like this

  24. Eggsonbread says:

    This shit actually had me tearing up, sad af this is the most fucked up anime ive ever seen and ive seen a lot of shit

  25. ganta says:

    Apart from other things her voice acting is amazing on hentai anime
    It give great immersion.
    I hope to see her voice acting in H anime

  26. Deepak says:

    Sooo bad..I was like beat the shit out of that man..I am soo angry after watching this..after he waking up from dream I thought it must be his dream but this hentai seems to be so cruel and pleasureless. Fuck this hentai. Really getting disgusted after watching this.

  27. WTF says:

    Im happy im not alone here… No one likes this piece of shit… Why this is the num1 on the site?? WHAT THE FUCK is this shit?


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