Mar 01 2014
Okusama wa moto Yariman Episode 1
Posted by ToT in Okusama wa moto Yariman -

Okusama wa moto Yariman Episode 1
You are going to watch/stream Okusama wa moto Yariman Episode 1 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Okusama wa moto Yariman Episode 1 is from the hentai series Okusama wa moto Yariman. If you enjoyed Okusama wa moto Yariman Episode 1 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.
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38 Responses to “Okusama wa moto Yariman Episode 1”
woo new hentai
I waited so long and was still beaten!
Rest in Pieces Mitty18 first post…
Every female has oversized tits… not one titfuck scene… ?_?
horrible voice acting lol where did he record that, garage?
there is a tit fuck scene like 3 in ep 2
What other hentai had animations similiar to this, I just can’t remember it right now and its bothering me
It personally reminded me of a less-detailed version of Bible Black.
or star jewel
boku no pico…. da expressions man
Weird….. 3 girls with VERY huge breasts + 1 guy = no titjob?
this… doesn’t add up@_@
Yoshiten is my favorite and he knows exactly what his core fans like.
It seems most guys don’t mind having a penis between those boobs. Me? I just like seeing girls and that’s all I need. Anything else only serves to block the view.
Not sure if this helps but you might be thinking of a number of hentai which were created by the same person. Possibly star jewel, Bible Black, megachu or even Bakunyuu maid. Yoshiten is the animation director and character designer. He’s definitely my favorite.
I don’t care about titjob, but no footjobs with that kind of poster. That’s criminal !
The one who designed the characters here was probably the same person who made “Oku-sama wa Michael”. It has Bible Black-ish character design and animation but I don’t think the creator of Bible Black made this. Anyway, this hentai was good though it could’ve been better. The sex was kinda slow and unexciting along with the lack of variety in sex positions. The voice acting was atrocious. However, I like that the main guy was young and I like how assertive the women were which made this hentai more erotic.
This takes place in the same universe as Sei Yariman Gakuen Enkou Nikki, hell in episode one of Sei Yariman Gakuen Enkou Nikki you can see the three milfs in the background!
yeah that what I was thinking too specially since they are wearing “slut academy” clothes at the end.
Oh wow, I’m sorry but the voice acting is horrible.
So many hentai *_* Lucky day
OH GOD! Isn’t this the same studio that made “Ane to Boin”?! O.O Gotta be awesome!
I doubt you guys even know how to speak Japanese, so how would you know if the VA is bad?
Because we watch loads of other anime/hentai and the VA in this one sucks compared to most
It’s only one episode? What the fuck?
I love how I can watch on tablet now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No lactation? :c
how do i get an invitation code to join up?
its going to be in the terms and agreement at the bottom
Those tits are probly heavier than he is!
these 3 gils apear in Sei Yariman Gakuen Enkou Nikki in the begining like 0:30
and in the end of this one they wear the gilrs uniform from Sei Yariman Gakuen Enkou Nikki
owwwww yeah:D
Arigatou gozaimasu
A guy would need a 4 foot long cock to get any benefit of a tittie fuck form those cow tit girls. LOL!
Quality checker must have been sick. Staff must have had a terribly hard time with this for whatever reason….the differences from ep 1 are night and day.
Best Neighbors ever XD