Jul 04 2015
Maid-san to Boin Damashii The Animation Episode 1
Posted by ToT in Maid-san to Boin Damashii The Animation -

Maid-san to Boin Damashii The Animation Episode 1
You are going to watch/stream Maid-san to Boin Damashii The Animation Episode 1 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Maid-san to Boin Damashii The Animation Episode 1 is from the hentai series Maid-san to Boin Damashii The Animation. If you enjoyed Maid-san to Boin Damashii The Animation Episode 1 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.
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45 Responses to “Maid-san to Boin Damashii The Animation Episode 1”
This animation is way too old for this age.
Right? ten years ago this would’ve fit right in, but common its 2015, get out of here with this shit.
Some people like that style xD
lol everytime i read your comment man i cant help but laugh its so true this shit is horrible as far as how it looks.
agreed. this is ridiculous
Soooooooo disappointed
this looks bad :/
be satisfied what you can watch and stop saying things unless you can make arts like those
This was bad, and I don’t have to be an artist to have this opinion.
I’m assuming that you are not a chef, but I’m sure you have had an opinion of poor tasting food.
And I’m assuming that you are no Picasso, but I’m sure you’ve seen some art that you did not enjoy.
Just like I’m assuming you are no Mozart, but have opinions on songs or genres you don’t like.
Truth is, opinions aren’t always based on facts, and the argument, “You can’t do it, so don’t complain.”, is stupid.
The guy has a point but it is misplaced; there is no policing an open forum such as this. The comments so far are not directed at the staff or the website in general so nobody is showing signs of being ungrateful for the uploads. Sure, voicing negative opinions on things that are free to enjoy is the mark of a jackass but it’s not a crime. Comments may be utter garbage and of no real value but this is the internet and the fact is it’s littered with self-entitled ‘whiny little bitch’ opinions. We should never be satisfied with what we get – even if it’s free. It may be selfish and unreasonable – especially in the eyes of the people who produce the work – but needed for progress versus stagnation.
Ah, I still have hope in the world.
Yeah because that “progress” will happen because they’ll listen to a practically non-existent market that, as you said, are made up of self-entitled leeches. Sure, opinions are valid but they are hardly ever truly constructive. They are usually simple opinions that always seems to dismiss the included notions that you mentioned. Even the constructive ones ruin themselves by simply forgetting the fact that the content was free and was not made with them in mind. If you take a look at the translation scene, people constantly verbally abuses free translations, accepting no less than content equal and/or superior to paid works. Criticism is one thing but as expected, those of the Internet always go too far.
I can accurately tell you that over the past few years that I have picked up drawing and doing various projects that before I was able to make things better than this hentai I could still tell you that the hard drive that this thing was created on belongs in the trash, just like your horrendously faulty attitude of ‘don’t judge it unless you can make something better than it’.
You don’t need to be able to make something better than what you’re judging to judge it, all you need to do is have a means of comparison to similar content. I want you to think about what you just said before you say literally anything negative about any piece of media, like if you watch a movie like Jaws 5 or listen to something like Friday by Rebecca Black, then I want you to say to yourself ‘I can’t make anything better than this, so I suppose that was alright by my standards’.
The heck. Feels like they really half assed this animation.
You know :/ the art is bad but but that bad i saw even worse animation and this is nice…..i know that in 2015 people want someting better but i like it
How absurd. This should have been the surprise of the year but even this early it’s obvious this is the worst H release of the year. does absolutely no justice to the source material (which is great). Can’t believe what I’m seeing.
was bad, still fapped
Bit of a let down in the animation department, def doesn’t do the h-game justice which is very good i recommend checking it out in fact all sano toshides works are pretty good. i feel like they tried to copy the older boin animations in the art since it’s by the same h-game creator. which when they came out the art was fine but now meh. thanks for the upload anyways!
This is lowest quality I’ve ever seen… Even voice acting was pretty bad… And as an Animator this is disturbing to watch…… It is painful to see how a great potential is wasted like this.. even ten years ago there wasn’t any anime or hentai that did such primitive mistakes….. People who animated this don’t even know basics of animating… Total Amateurs..
Wow guys, I can use MSPaint too. Should I start drawing fap material?
Wait, It’s a Game Flash 20 FPS ??
It’s ok, always Fapping no problem
huge disappointment, the cover image looked great, watched episode my god what happen? looks pretty bad
Very dissapointed, the animation is a epic fail, really Milky sucks this time alot and ruined a good vgame of G.J and Toshihide sano artist.
Really so Toranoana maked this sure be another good hentai, remembed to that company maked Victorian Maid Maria no Houshi who have the most delicius fapbolous maid of this year and a very decent quality.
Wth is with this scooby-doo animation
Ah! Thats itz! Was wondering what it reminded me of lol. Hana Barbera got into hentai late.
It was especially shet when he was sucking the milk…..
2001 called, they want their animation back.
another company jackn off with one hand and a crayon in the other.
Wow…I didn’t expect the animation to be THAT bad. I would rather watch a Queen Bee animated hentai, no joke.
As dated as this is, it can’t match the lazy ass animation that Queen Bee does. At least this doesn’t have traced frames and flash animation.
I just had to answer because you are so right, this is at least animation
That sexy neck at 04:53
Hey guys, at least it’s not Queen Bee…
That cover art was a fuckin lie.
Same to the covers of Burger King and Mcdonalds plop.
We’re in a brink of extinction (LOL) get a hold of yourself Artists! :v
Milky make a horrible animation…
Queen Bee: Challenge accepted!
Er, lmao, everyone is bitching about old school animation but I recall several flicks back then and beyond that were animated better than this. What an insult to old school!
Am I The Only One Who Thought The Guy Looked Like Romano From Hetalia!?!?!?
Dammit. Way to ruin the work of one of my favorite hentai artist, Sano Toshihide.
Awesome release. Thanks ToT. Just gotta love dem eroboisu :L
Good idea . Bad animation . Useless anime hentai . Sry for u
The animation style is not a problem for me…. But there were alot of lapses in the way they position every scene
Clearly you never see a work of Toshihide sano not? search in google Toshihide sano and compare man.
” I wish you’d always dress that way, you’ve got me hard”
*stands up and epilepsy kicks in, flinging laptop across the room