Koi Maguwai Episode 1
You are going to watch/stream Koi Maguwai Episode 1 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Koi Maguwai Episode 1 is from the hentai series Koi Maguwai. If you enjoyed Koi Maguwai Episode 1 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.
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31 Responses to “Koi Maguwai Episode 1”
The picture is never like the actual hentai lol…
I am purely disappointed.
the animation and art was really good except the dull color. im waiting for the sub to know the story coz i like it.
I was so excited but sexy is not what I got
The second part of the video maybe yes. I skipped all the way to the back part. Hahah!
twas k not as sexy looking in the picture but still ok..
What was the beginning about?
Sure the animation wasn’t all that but it still is a good video nonetheless.
What the beginning and ending about? She went into prostitution and then vanish into thin air after having sex with her saviour? Straight w t f
yeah, just…..ignore everything before 9:15
I didnt think this Hentai was bad at all, Its preaty good IMO, It isnt Raunchy like most others its rather tamed. The Kitsune babe is hot and im sure with the subs this story would be a psuedo tear jerker. Can’t say anything bad other than the editing and pacing was Weirdly off
Solid B
I actually really liked it. The savior guy is really cute and the scenes weren’t bad.
not as sexy as the picture looked. (Kind of pissed on that considering it looked like a slutty cat god.)
but the artworks alright and theirs a dominant hot looking pale demon chick that goes the mile. Least it just doesnt just outright suck like seemingly everything in november.
so what is the beginning and ending about? what is the main plot actually? any1 explain?
i liked it but anyone else knows more videos like this? having foxgirls?
very very few with any decent quality. I believe one of the only other ones is dragon pink. Furry is a hard thing to come by.
I thought this was good. most of yall all fussy fucks
The story is about a Bake-Gitsune ( monster fox) an japanese yôkai/ayakashi ( its a monster doe )
She is telling about her current life. That she is at a house where “hearts easy connect” ( i guess u know what i mean)
and she playing around with the people going there taking their “life” force = sperm.
After that she meet her old “master” who kinda raised her when she got hurt healed her and stuff.
And after he found out about her being an ayakashi, he even treated her like family and continued living with her.
Her feelings become stronger that even kinda love came up, but she knew human and ayakashi cant live tatogether
and she was scared that she might kill her master ( cuz she sucks up life force :3 ) so she left.
SOOO as she remembered him she kinda got in the mood cause she cant forget his scent and stuff
so they having sex. BUUT shes not eating his life force doe. She said something like ” right now im not an ayakashi, right now i am yours ” after that he asked her to come back to his house and she said ” well, that wouldnt be so bad” but then she thought ” to love a men, that was the first and last time ” and then comes the new morning
the guy waking up saying ” GINKO, are you realy, really again?”
Now shes on the roof of the gate saying ” at the end, master is a humanchild, i should think about this as some game/some fun, and follow my path” then she vanishe cuz thats what ayakashi usually do
AND I WRITING THIS IN TEARS cuz its really full of feels and i simpley love ayakashi storys that much Q^Q
hope i could help someone :3
im sorry for my english its 3:30 am here q_q
and i like the hentai part ofc, but i liked the part with the old man actually better made i think… BUT I HATE IT CUZ THERE IS SOMEONE SHE LOVES. no hate to rape or netoare.
who is that old man anyway..? I hate those !!
That man was from the past when the girl was still a human. maybe the girl was cursed to be a half monster.
No, she was an ayakashi to begin with. That man were just another ‘meal’. She was a fox then got healed and taken care of by the young kid. When she was fully healed, she gotta leave because ayakashi and human cannot form bond (human usually is one who gets hurt). The scene with the old man is long after she left the young kid. After that, she found that young kid, now turned to adult. Read the comment above, it’s correct.
Started out halfway decent but turned into yet another shamless shitty hentai anime. For those who couldn’t figure it out, she’s a Kitsune, a fox demon of sorts that turn into a beautiful woman to fuck and manipulate men. The first scene is just her doing what she does and the rest if the shameless story.
I liked it. Its a fairy decent story for what it is and the animation is pretty entertaining. Music gets old.
Alright! Gonna wait for the sub..
Happy new year again! Ikaros-san. Sorry, no complaints to stress you yet.. q_q
The most good hentai i ever see
GOD That ending pissed me off.
Good hentai though.
But seriously… One night with someone who loves you, and you love them back like that beats a lifetime of wishing you had them again.
watched Spice and Wolf before this… i know wolf and fox aren’t the same but still…..
this is the first hentaii have watched from start to finish and i really enjoyed it
dat ending…the feels are too real
I don’t know the lore for that kind of fox spirit, but it sounds like she keeps doing him a favor. What is this consuming, and what is the effect? That is the perquisite to being with her for me. Hottest and only non-monstergirlquest video I’ve found. She is beautiful…
For some fucking reason this hentai made me lookup courtesan cause i didmt know what it meant and its actually really interesti g heres the article btw