Dec 06 2014
Kichiku: Oyako Choukyou Nikki Episode 3
Posted by ToT in Kichiku: Haha Shimai Choukyou Nikki -

Kichiku: Oyako Choukyou Nikki Episode 3
You are going to watch/stream Kichiku: Oyako Choukyou Nikki Episode 3 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Kichiku: Oyako Choukyou Nikki Episode 3 is from the hentai series Kichiku: Haha Shimai Choukyou Nikki. If you enjoyed Kichiku: Oyako Choukyou Nikki Episode 3 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.
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48 Responses to “Kichiku: Oyako Choukyou Nikki Episode 3”
Finally ,,,, Its here
Know what else is finally here? My boner.
It was great, but I would prefer that the last scene was longer
Yeah the scene with that Mother sd have been longer and in Bed and in Many Places
OMG finally been waiting for this my whole life. THE FAP HAS BEGUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
This series has easily been one of the best.
a series that I appreciated
Hirokis flasback had me rolling XD That shit reminded me of ME!ME!ME! Then they showed us more of Hiroki, which had me rolling and laughing again. I guess Hiroki is best boy for now. Kinichi suddenly turns badass and awesome music is running in the bg. Shit that was actually kinda intense, and i didnt even understand them. Did his voice change btw, it sounds better now. Why is Kinichi so badass now anyways, i dont understand. My point is, that this hentai did something amazing, it actually made me watch every damn second without wanting to skip. This thing gets 10/10 faps from me. It was the third episode we needed after the rather disappointing second episode.
Whats the complete title of Me Me Me hentai? Thanks
Its not a hentai.
are u taht retarded how do u compare this to me! me! me!???
this series was awesome
This was better than I thought.
The art and sex was perfect.
The story is another matter entirely. But I can’t complain.
I haven’t been so excited for an ep since otomedori.
Not amazing but still better than all the shameless shit that anime and hentai seems to be all about these days.
OH WOW! WOW! WOW! That’s new on 3:15! Who does that? Please ANYONE tell me? 3,300 yen= $27.54 for rest and 5,300= $44.23 for stay. Take your pick on 12:35! Either way they are having a foursome together. Can’t tell for sure who is more aggressive when it comes to sex either the twintail hair girl or the mother one.
Great epsiode, Did any see the red hair woman leg at 18:36 that shit look broken if I am not mistaken
Just tell me why can the male protagonist be an attractive young guy?.. This totally sucks, i think most people who are buying these shits are Young (not conparing to this hentai!).. Nowadays most of the every hentais i watch are some old/ugly guy forcing with some poor innocent young girls. I hate netorare/gangbang/rapes! (Because i have a mother,sister and a beautiful girlfriend ).. Me myself being young and attractive disapprove this shit!
dude you need to chill Hentai animations and eroges are for 18+ therefor they cant characters no younger than 18 but that doesn’t mean they cant make them look young which they do all the tim.if you have problems with hentais such as these then dont watch them.besides if you have a girlfriend why are you watching porn/hentai anyway?? ( ?° ?? ?°)
Well i can’t just go to her house and do her everyday! And we never had our first sex.. we are still at highschool. And i just happened to the watch first episode without noticing the tag, and why i commented you ask, because i can’t take it when many are supporting this shit!
chill out it’s just hentai a.k.a fap material you don’t just watch porn to see it you fap…. besides what’s wrong with watching porn and having a girlfriend….
Because not everyone is young and attractive like you claim to be. I wonder what you would think if the male lead would be the type you want. I guess you’re looking for an excuse to imagine having an orgy with those people you mentioned.
Isn’t the entire series NTR/Gangbang/Rape ? So why do you even watch it?
this was actually good.but the previous episodes where much better due to story built up at its peek during the 2nd episode.episode 1 & 2 where better in terms of scenes.this episode just lacked better scenes prob because its towards the ending so the story died down a bit.animations & other things remain the same which is good love the vanilla feel to it.
aww the 1st 2 had sub when it first release but not sure why this one didn’t; i don’t mind but i was just wondering why? Thank for the content and i will support this website 24/7!!! i give this 8 out of 10 frap
Now that was interesting, had to watch the whole series to get acquainted.
[Art & Animation]
Again, animation and art is all pretty good, and meets a certain standard that all modern hentai should adhere to.
[Plot & Characters]
We’ve all seen it before, the MC taking advantage of family members in order to make them some kind of sex slave. The likes of “Stepmother’s Sin” and “Oni Chichi”(as far as the usage of drugs, and not really the loli aspect). And on a personal note, does the MC have to be some guy who acts creepy? I guess it’s more for the plot to make sense, but lost some faps from me for that. The story is simple enough, the MC wants to get his dick wet, and he’s in a house full of hot women to achieve said goal. Not a whole lot of creativity, like I said, it’s been done.
[Scene Variety/Creativity]
Scene variety was decent (talking of the series as a whole), and really I understand that a lot of the plot takes place in their house, so there really isn’t much space or variety in rooms. Boob leashing was new, never saw that before, some hardcore deepthroating involved too. I liked the scene that involved the balcony, don’t see enough “out on the balcony” scenes.
I give “Kichiku: Oyako Choukyou Nikki: Episode 1-3?, 6 Faps out of 10; might fap again.
dude please post a list of your 10/10 fap cos the kichiku series has been 10/10 for me so im really looking forward to your reply
I’m not a huge fan of the art style, but that scene where the MILF goes full on nympho is insanely hot!
Heck, I’m not handsome boy who rapes 3 innocent girls one by one. Not to be on HIS side or anything but at least he can have sex with them as he please without ANYONE from school teasing him or bullying him. Heck at least this is not as worst as Helter Skelter and Kowaku no Toki! Now that is a different story.
Was this the last episode?
chubby nerdy guys sure are popular in Japan.
am I missing something or is this really fucked up balckmail/rape hentai? I just don’t see what everone likes about it…
When the ecstasy suddenly kicks in.
That music though… never heard anything like that before 0.0 HENTAI RAVE!!!
Holy what’s the ending song’s name? anyone know?
Great fap too bad its over
I dont usually leave comments but.. that is one lucky son of a b!tch..
I loved the planking blowjob lol.
Holy Shit that was awsome! Guess i’m going to watch the first two, too.
that scene on the stairs tho.
hi there, can some one help me to watch this episode with English sub. because i could not understand Japanese language.
Read the FAQ, it doesn’t get sub right away. Might take 1-4 weeks.
thanks. you are kind
id rewatch…but i cant…theres no more left….
i dont have the strength….
Good fuck. I would bone the brains out off the milf and then the daughters and return to bone the milf again.
this guy was a genius he planned it perfect he took the youngest/virgin 1st cuz all u have to do is break her and she’ll do watever u want then the sister get the boyfriend involved and drug him to take suspicion off then get the mother after exposing her to wat her daughters were doing i dont count this as NTR mostly becuz the boyfriend and the husband arent really a big part of this story and plus the boyfriend did get some so i dont think he is too mad plus i think he is afraid of his ex girl now and wants nothing to do with them i think of this as just a mind break.
wish there was one with him and the mother only.. that would b epic
never seen anything like on the stairs
I love the milf, too bad she got the shortest time, but i hate the guy.Only in it for the milf from the very start!