Sep 05 2016
Houkago Initiation Episode 2
Posted by ToT in Houkago Initiation -

Houkago Initiation Episode 2
You are going to watch/stream Houkago Initiation Episode 2 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Houkago Initiation Episode 2 is from the hentai series Houkago Initiation. If you enjoyed Houkago Initiation Episode 2 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.
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9 Responses to “Houkago Initiation Episode 2”
What in the actual fuck! Not only was this queen bee garbage, but that ending was just fucking demented…
You haven’t read the manga this was based on?
No but I’d still think it was demented regardless
lame standard vaginal stepmother thing and queen bee animations = Boring
Wasnt that standard. Rapist got murdered LOL that dont happen that much in these hentais
So let this be a lesson to you folks….. DON’T STICK YOUR DICK IN CRAZY!!!
nah that pussy was just too much for that boy
LOL that wasnt the lesson, if any lesson it is dont rape your step mother and then complain when she has a mental breakdown because of it
Unless you’re one of those “all PIV sex is rape” nutjobs, she wasn’t raped.