May 04 2013
Hitou Meguri Kakure Yu Mao Hen Episode 2
Posted by ToT in Hitou Meguri Kakure Yu Mao Hen -

Hitou Meguri Kakure Yu Mao Hen Episode 2
You are going to watch/stream Hitou Meguri Kakure Yu Mao Hen Episode 2 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Hitou Meguri Kakure Yu Mao Hen Episode 2 is from the hentai series Hitou Meguri Kakure Yu Mao Hen. If you enjoyed Hitou Meguri Kakure Yu Mao Hen Episode 2 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.
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51 Responses to “Hitou Meguri Kakure Yu Mao Hen Episode 2”
Expect my crappy sub today, just bored and want to practice a little XD
Edit 1:
Longer than i thought… So much lines… Almost done.
Edit 2:
Done, now just need to wait for it to upload… Anyway, his hentai is fucking long 600+ words and 100+ lines so fucking annoying. Only going to ever sub a hentai if i’m bored as hell. At least this time i fapped before subbing which helped lol XD
Edit 3:
Enjoy my crappy subbing for now, and if anyone out there that know more about the words i don’t know then please explain.
yay! thanks
i believe that at 00:36/37. the word avanchu is actually adventure. may sound ridiculous but some words in japanese i have noticed have a rather damn close pronunciation with english words of the same meaning. it also somehow make sense.
just a guess though. ignore it if its incorrect lol.
It is because it’s supposed to be an english word. It’s like, for exemple, ??? (Teburu) which is meant to be from the word ”table”. It’s the japanese way to use foreigner’s language with their own accent and alphabet.
@Kres lol i wasn’t sure how “adventure” could be used in that sentence so I thought it was a Japanese word i never heard of.
have any information about episode 3 of this cuz if this anime end here then it’s gay.
Been a while! I’ll see what I can help you with/point out this time!
(after the “That’s not the reason, sorry about yesterday)
00:22 – That is… I(Mao) started to feel dizzy while in the bath, so I was resting
(like Kres mentioned)
00:36 – Are you enjoying your adventure with your new girlfriend?
(Before the “Want to go to the bath?”)
00:56 – You smell like sweat,
(Mao says “ikkai shichatte karatte, jibun no kanojou da to ka kanchigaeshitan dattara meiwaku nan desu kedo”)
01:02 – Just because we’ve done it once, it’s bothersome if you mistake me for your girlfriend.
(Not sure about this one)
02:17 – When I thrust into you, you get a nice expression.
(He says ‘dakara’ which TLs to ‘That is why’ instead of ‘Demo/daga’ which would TL to ‘But’)
04:24 – That’s why it feels good, right?
(He says: ‘Uwaki chinpo chou saikou darou na’)
04:36 – The cheating dick is totally the best, right?
(She says: ‘zettai ni ii to omowanai’)
05:32 – No it doesn’t, there’s no way I would think this feels good
(Not 100% confident about this one, but I think: kake masu)
05:42 – it’s gonna break?(her womb?)
(You can really leave this out like you have, lol)
05:55 – It’s big
05:56 – It reaches even there
05:58 – Not there!
(Onii-chan no kao, kiecha dame)
06:23 – Onii-chan’s face, it may not disappear
(not sure if I’m hearing this right but: Mao ga ittara, nyuusei shite)
09:24 – When I(Mao) say it, release your ‘milk’.
(hotobori sameru no de sotto demo buratsuite kuru ka)
10:24 – I guess I’ll linger around until she’s calmed down
literally it says: “I’ll linger around until the remaining heat has cooled down ))
(Umaku jyama mono opporaita na)
10:28 – You properly chased away the nuisance.
Well, what you have right now is also fine, I can’t find a proper english sentence for this atm XD ))
(Aitsu to yaru)
11:22 – No way, I’m doing until Mao wants to split/break up with him.
(Yowai toko darake da na, Mao)
11:58 – You have weak spots all over
(Datte Mao, sou rareru to bigu hanten ni nacchau)
12:03 – That’s because, when I’m being done like this, I’ll make a big reversal
Not sure how to TL hanten in this situation, she’s saying she’ll ‘change’ though.
(Teiuka, iikagen shinai to… Onii-chan ga..)
12:07 – If you don’t stop… then Onii-chan will…
(Kenzou, Mao no oku made kiiteru)
12:44 – Kenzou is reaching all the way inside of me(Mao)
Err the (Aitsu to yaru) is supposed to be (Aitsu to wakaretaku made, yaru) .. didn’t notice sentences between gets removed. xD
Also, you’re definitely improving! Keep it up!
What about one of the very last lines, where he asks if she’ll finally be his girlfriend? Is that one accurate, where she still says not right now, you told me to only think of dicks? Lol totally different from the other girl he banged.
@Dan Pretty much right; it’s pretty hard to notice when she ‘stops her sentence’ cause it’d kinda mess up the meaning.
So what I’m hearing is: “Ima ha iya, kanojou to ka, mou nandaka wakannakute kichatta no ni,
ii, sugoi~ mao ha ochinchi no koto dake kangaetteba iin deshou?”
Which would (literally) TL to: “Not right now, girlfriend or whatever, something I don’t understand is coming.
(the coming part could also be talking about her ‘feelings’ instead of the having sex and reaching an orgasm’ maybe..)
It feels good(Amazing~), I(Mao) should just think about penis, right?”
Hmm, well, you already did most of it so I think I only took about 30 minutes to an hour, unless you find that long XD? It helped that in general that they talk decently clearly so not that I always had to repeat it 10 times before I could figure out what they were saying properly.
haha, i had to repeat at least 5 times for some part XD. But the hardest part was adding the sub to the video, TL took around 1hr.
Yup, some sub are just repetitive or self explanatory so i left it out…
@Dan i’m pretty confidant that the part your asking about is correct (maybe 80-90% >.>)
@RandAnon Thanks again, some mistakes but i was pretty close lol. And yup, I can definitely see myself improving when i watch anime.
This must have took you some time to answer cause it sure took me a while subbing it >.>….
Putain qu’est ce qu’elle prend ! Il me faudrait ça à la maison.
Tiens un francais, sa fait plaisir.
I hope to God that dude isn’t another ball absent dumbfuck manbitch like most faggots in ntr, why is he even interested in that washboard slut anyway?
I mean, that whore isn’t even remotely attractive, if I was that guy I would leave that plank of wood and find a better girl, of course I wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye..
“I’m sorry but it would of never worked out between us, you know.. it’s you not me, I can’t love someone so ugly it makes me want to puke everytime I see your face, everytime I’m near you.. I feel scared for my life that you will murder me with your hideous aura, please.. I.. I just can’t, you should just do the world a favor and commit suicide, think of all the children you could save just by ending your pathetic.. ugly… life, well….. goodbye” *sad violin music plays in the background*
She isnt his woman she is he little cousin. He doesn’t want her he’s just mad cause the same dude that stole his girl is fucking her.
Stupid guy that’s why I hate this kind of genre they do nothing.
u guys care to much about the story. what matter is that they did a great job
on the scene. All the action/fucking is what matter (to me i only watch those part because family always around
dont have time or privacy to watch the full ep)
but knowing story might be a lot better than just the ……… I guess
to me the genre doesn’t matter if they did a great job on the scene, good graphic(not like those in 2000)
+ cute sexy lady, and doesn’t blurr the girl private part!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(sigh but all were blurr by the policy/rules)
this make me think is it girl who made all this hentai cux they blurr the girl part but not the
guys, they only want to stare at the guys part or something
hentai were made for man not woman we like to look at woman part not a dick(<– i wish i could say this
story or not it is made apparent during the scenes that it’s rape/ntr and that doesn’t turn me on, it makes me sick to my stomach
3 things
I get what you’re saying about the quality and the sex scenes trust me they did a great job in this, but I think ntr is literally trying to strike a nerve in some heads, im not a personal fan of ntr but hey I like to fap ~shrug~
Now to the funny business
LOL at this statement “All the action/fucking is what matter (to me i only watch those part because family always around
dont have time or privacy to watch the full ep)” honestly I was left crying from the laughter XD
And the last sentence you said and the statement you said after it, its cause you’re a female yourself isn’t it lol and I completely agree although I can say it ^3^
….this is one long ass reply….oh well x3
hahahahhahahha chill guys why so much hateful comments its just a story. and i like this kind of hentai i find it more interesting to watch.
so you must tell all your future girlfriends “hey cheat on me with some douche bag and tape it for me”
@unoshot Like he said it’s a work of fiction, but that reply reeks of immaturity, it’s like saying to me that I want a zombie apocalypse to happen to me because I like watching zombie movies.
one does not simply confuse real life to a work of fiction.
actually if you are getting aroused by this, then it is different from your zombie analogy, unless you get horny off zombie movies to. If not, the zombie movie is just entertainment, but if you are getting sexually aroused by rape/ntr than it does represent a real world problem
@hyjinx17 wahahhahahahhahha you’re thinking to much dude as Light the Reviewer says and i said it’s a work of fiction made for us or at least some of us to be entertained i like these kind of genres and im perfectly sure that i have no “real world problem” because of these kind of hentai. two words for you hyjinx17 OPEN MINDED and COMMONSENSE.
stupid guy
cant he find a hotter chick to bang instead of this hag -.-
Does the chest hair guy like hate the other guy or something? Cause I guess he just wants to make the glasses guy’s life miserable.
Well It’s a NTR storyline, so even if it’s stupid, it aint gotta explain shit.
Though I think it is much more interesting if you look at it as the bearded guy is just trying to help glasses-kun acknowledge that all women are just sluts and he should stick to 2D. Its much more enjoyable that way.
This guy gets ntr’ed way to much im starting to think that hes paying the guy to sleep with the girls that he likes to get off.
Guess they don’t have testosterone over there in japan. I sure would love to see the day when they introduce a character with balls, not just in hentai but in manga and anime in general. It doesn’t matter if it’s his woman, that girl is like a sister to him, he should’ve fucked the guy up just for the principles’ sake.
I wish there’s a NTR movie where the bitch is gonna betray her nice boyfriend then the MainCharacter(Boyfriend) goes Psycho mode and torture both of them and kill them then the boy discovers lot’s of money in his past Girlfriend and becomes a badass millionare that have a harem
I agree expect the last part with and after torturing the girlfriend and the bastard she’s cheating you on.
What if the main character bullied the chest haired guy when they were kids or something. The main character doesn’t remember, but the chest haired guy sought for revenge for all those years of getting his lunch money taken.
I wish the good guy will die, hes a gay fucking useless..
I wonder why the girl didnt tell who cares if the photo get spread atleast the rapest in jail and she not getting raped anymore just wondering comment if you agree
in japan, reputation is a very very big deal!!!!
Wait what? She dont even know the Name of the Guy who fucks the shit outta here?
Lol, I like NTR Animes but this is the worst shit NTR Anime I’ve ever seen srsly
Who needs names in NTR when you just need to rape them once or get a photo that dosen’t do sht but still allows the person to blackmail the chick ;D
Anyone else notice the art style kept changing? Like, constantly. Had absolutely no consistency.
I’ve been training to overcome the stupidity of an NTR. My heart is slowly getting colder and colder. Although it probably helped that neither the girl nor the guy was attractive. So, we are simply watching ugly people scuttle over first world problems. >.>
This is some hot sex scenes I love it, but since this is a 100% NCR let me guess the next episode is going to be like True Blue?
Where the other dude tries to fuck the girl, but she end up rejecting him because his dick is to small or since she is totally broken she only want her raping dick? (I hope hope it’s not going to happend or I will be very disappointed)
Sorry my bad I mean NTR… Also, I just hope there is going to be a nice and hot sex scene with the glasses dude in the next episode.
Just what I needed…. DAMN IT!!! My BODIES BEEN ACTING UP LATELY… I’ve been holding back…. BUT I CANT ANYMORE!!!!
fuc-k those old ugly fuckers~ damn shit~ the sex was good but the fucker was a freakin’ daaaaaaaaaaaaark uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugly barbarian ~damn, im very sure that the creator of these hentai was an ugly barbarian-looking lolicon~
and yeah~ im mad, and jealous of that ugly bastard. .
the dude with glasses kinda reminds me of Jin from samurai champloo xD
Kinda sucks that it ended with just ‘Oni-chan’ finding out about Mao’s little adventures, I rather have Mao and Oni-chann fucking instead of some weird, dont shave guy…
Damn that makes me so angry, but hey…. that’s what NTR is made to do.
fuck this shit, i always get angry when watching hitou meguri series, i do hope their next installment would be not ntr, but i guess thats the story’s distinct feature
I wish the season end with the Glassed guy killing that hairy bastard. Is enough already he fucked his girlfriend and now his little sister too … kill that mo fu**** . Fuck Mary Jane.. Most hated hentai developing company.