Sep 30 2014
Helter Skelter: Hakudaku no Mura Episode 3
Posted by ToT in Helter Skelter: Hakudaku no Mura -

Helter Skelter: Hakudaku no Mura Episode 3
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47 Responses to “Helter Skelter: Hakudaku no Mura Episode 3”
I love me some rape gangbang.
There is wide gap in animation improvement between this one and the last two episode. I’m so turned on right now. ) Suck that they reset the story, but who cares, this one is better anyways.
I actually prefer the older animation style compared to this one.
I admit that the face look weird when they are talking, but when they are in action, it actually look better and they have more positions than the last one did. There is also less screaming than the first ep, which I appreciate.
Nice. And it looks like there just might an episode 4
I really liked the original helterskelter but this one is completely out of story….the real one was like a good real life painfulgangbang but now its like all other hentai where girls liked being raped…..people wants fear not the smiling face.
You need help.
LIKE his said
Don’t listen to the haters mate, i get what you’re sayin
I liked how in the original that the characters were strong willed women that never gave in and were trying their best to protect each other. It makes the plot all the more hard hitting and memorable. This is just a carbon copy of every fcking gangbang hentai with the old characters for a cheap cash grab. its not even a alternative ending, it’s just bad.
Wow can’t believe the animation quality actually went down… Can’t pinpoint it, but the faces look really weird.
The fuck was with that purple hair, chucky looking mother fucker. He clearly isnt human and was hella disturbing. And this is coming from the guy who watched that entire series were hunchback dude was cutting limbs off the girl he was screwing. Dont know what they did to this series bruh but its got me feeling some kinda way
So this is an alternate retelling? The artstyle is not as good as the first one either. Well whatever, gangbang sucks anyways.
Gangbanging in hentai is usually always dark but older hentais have always made it feel exciting. Maybe here its because the characters keep talking too much during sex. Its also probably because the guys raping the girls are not easy on the eyes and are also complete assholes. Thus, they are painfully distracting making it hard to project yourselves onto them.
i thought Miu was lost her vagina to the old men, not to the purple hair guy
this episode and the first episode make me feel confused.i dont know which one í real
i dont know who fuck thoes girls and which is the real one.which is real,ep 1 or ep3?????
some one explain to me quickly
WTF is that Dr. Who Wannabe
how can fap when you see that strange purple hair guy O_O
Going back to that village after all this years. You would think they would have learned their lesson from last time.
why the ep 1 and ep3 is not fit each other
Wondering how to improve your hentai gangrape series?
Simple, just make the same thing all over again, just change the order of who comes first, add a fucking creepy Chucky wannabe in the gang (Only god knows how much i fapped to the sex scene in “Bride of Chucky”, it’s not like it’s a insta boner kill or something) and show more of the ugly fuckers faces, because it’s exactly what i want to see.
Now i have to wait for episode 4 for the guy in juggernaut suit comes in and KILLS everyone except the girls? What a rip off! Better happen or i’ll be pissed.
Were with you hahah juggernaut
long wait….to be disapointed -.-… old eps are better… well thx for ur hard work bringing it
Well it seems like they are trap in a NEW kind of ritual thing. That purple hair dude was kind of weird. Looks like this episode has no relation to the old episodes. Well at least they got the gangbang in there. At least Haruka personality change on this episode than the previous episodes.
the film is good but its make me confused a lot. Idont know which is the start ep,ep 1 or ep 3?
This is obviously a retelling of the story; They shouldn’t have named it episode 3…. Also, not a big fan of chucky :/
Hahah that doll sucks
I don’t get how people can get off to this.
I guess if you’ve never experienced a decent sex life, have a fear of women, or just never mentally matured… then this this is probably for you.
– King/Queen of everything
pretty much the nicer version of what i wanted to say
you fucking shit bag go dump yourself in gasoline and roll into traffic nobody gives a shit what you like
You are just as bad, actually worse than who you replied to for saying such a disgusting inhuman thing.
I study Psychology, you are quite easily in the Psychopath region.
If you don’t seem to see how it’s disgusting you will only have proved what I’ve said about you being a Psychopath.
I agree with that perspective on the whole gang rape… Its rather sickening and makes me go “wtf creators!? Do you really think women act like this when confronted with this shit!?”. Though instead of going about and calling everyone that enjoys this shit sick, twisted, and depraved Virgins, which i don’t know if they are, i just call the guy/gal who made these that. Everyone gets pff in their own ways,i love fake lolis and these people love gang rape, we have differences and that’s ok, we all know not to actually do the but the artist/creator may need to take a test to make sure they don’t do this. Animation was good not great, chucky shit bag was creepy as fuck, the men faces made this even worst, and the worst thing about this us that they didn’t get the fuck out of there as soon as they saw the mascot! Hell I’m surprised they even went when they KNEW the islands festival back story which is remarkable the people who made this thought that was an awesome thing to have in! I definitely love having cannibalism mentioned in a Hentai.
Honestly, is it asking too much to learn to agree to disagree and stick to ero anime instead of pissing and moaning EVERY CHANCE YOU(a non-specific YOU) get?
How hard is it to act like a fucking adult?(or at least pretend to act like one)
I swear this place is cesspool of 4 year olds.
My guess is if there is a person that hasn’t no experience with women or has a grudge against them or revenge for a girl teasing him having a funny looking puppet then this must be the hentai for them. It maybe bad but at least its making other guys happy if they have a taste for gangbang and scary face puppet.
Can’t wait to see how far this comment goes.
This “hate” comment reminds me of what NTR (and its fans) had to go through. Although I understand that fans of other genres were pissed that month after month it was nothing but one NTR hentai after another.
Now the “hate” is on the other “genre”. So to speak.
Really sad hentai. I don’t enjoy anymore.
Makes me sad that after 5 years we get this. I mean it was decent, if you minus that weird purple haired thing, but by far is this great. I can only hope ep 4 can redeem ep 3 but i won’t hold my breath on it.
Just ask yourself would you REALLY really wanna see episode 4? When if its another purple hair puppet rape scene again? Only this time the puppet rapes Haruka! Either way this is going to end BADLY! No matter what happens. After looking at episode 2, all I can about is whats going to happen to them. Will they continue to be raped for all eternally? This festival or ritual whatever they call it, is just so they “ALL guys” can freely rape women as they please. I just can’t fap to this. Makes me wanna run back to Jk to inkou kyoushi or oni chichi rebirth again. If I do see episode 4 omg this is going to end even worse than episode 2. I think episode 3 is just an alternative since Haukra’s personality changed. I must say that is one weird ugly purple that I have ever seen.
the fuck is that doll thing?
this would’ve been better if that purple haired guy looked better.
man if i was her id say no you can film someone else, LEAVE, run, or like idk grap something and smack them in the head, RUN, go where my sisterhood was, call 911, LEAVE. If they killed me for running well guess what then they got a missing/murder case on their hands and they aint get shit hell nah
i would prefer this a gang bang girls gangbanging only 1 guy and not a rape type rape type and gangbang with so beautifull girls just sucks it feels like they are wasted
Yeah hate them
Dafuq dafuq dafuq everything..
What did I just watched… Who wants to kill those villagers …
And that fucking doll ill gonna cut its own dick and his shit
I finally got around to checking this out. In the end I can only conclude that the characters in this must suffer from some horrible mental retardation, to act and react the way that they did. In addition these women might want to see a doctor for this “sudden paralysis syndrome” they seem to have whenever they get touched.
If you’re going to depict characters of this diminished capacity you might as well make child pr0n. It’s a shame because the graphics artists clearly have a little talent.