May 29 2015
Gakuen de Jikan yo Tomare Episode 1
Posted by ToT in Gakuen de Jikan yo Tomare -

Gakuen de Jikan yo Tomare Episode 1
You are going to watch/stream Gakuen de Jikan yo Tomare Episode 1 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Gakuen de Jikan yo Tomare Episode 1 is from the hentai series Gakuen de Jikan yo Tomare. If you enjoyed Gakuen de Jikan yo Tomare Episode 1 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.
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109 Responses to “Gakuen de Jikan yo Tomare Episode 1”
Just another story about a dude getting powers just to rape two girls.
Meh, I would rather watch these kind of *Time stop/Cell phone and so on* hentai that these annoying NTR with old fat bastard rapiing brainless little girls.
Looks like Kedamono-tachi really pissed some people off. Nice work Murakami.
Nay, not piss off just annoyed by the stupidity of the girls in these NTR hentai. lol
I do agree since it so stupid. And they said the anime world will die in 2 years it should be hentai instead LOL.
but do think that its hentai it should have No plot at all and just skip to the sex. but it does piss people off to see stupid girl getting raped and doing nothing what so ever but enjoying it
You are a cuckold so your arguments are invalid lol
The h scenes with the little sister was fking hot as hell..
Which one’s the little sister? And who’s little sister is it? ._.
well technically they are both his little sisters since they are half siblings hes the oldest the middle one is the one with the long hair and the youngest is the short hair one but hes basicly fucking his sisters
ikr. Her face, her tongue, ahhh……. Damn son, this is too much for me xD
Now that revenge has been taken is there any reason to milk this one?
Good time stop hentai. That genre is underdeveloped in hentai.
A 2nd episode has already been confirmed. It’ll be released in June.
Next episode he’ll be smart enough to win money at the casino and be a stinking rich, then continue with his revenge in style.
I don’t care about what others say, the scenes were hot and that’s all that matters. You seriously watch hentai for the plot and not for the fap?
Man you never read a decent doujin not? they are lots of doujins and VNS who have plot and hentai scenes tons better to this.
Pd: at least queen bee dont make this.
The plot was great. I think what people are complaining about is the rape genre
Need subs in order to know what happened
, though i wasnt really into the whole raping thing, the story seems ok
Revenge ah rape little sister
Subs, hurryXD
Fapped my dick off
hey me too!
I don’t know why they always do the same shtick..
its 10x hotter if I actually gave a shit about the characters, thats why doujins of animes are awesome.
As usual the animators can’t be bothered to give the guy any eyes.
if i have his power , i would do it to cheat on exam lol
Well, the character did have a proper backstory, at least it was a backstory were I understand why he was angry, so yeah, I liked this. Said it once and I will say it again 10/10, really good hentai, at least in my opinion…
This is the origins of the reverse stopman
This is so good. Please make more episode of this hentai. And make more episode of mc eroge h mo game mo and please rape me! MAKE MORE EPISODE OF COLABORATION WORKS AND THIS PAUSE PLAY HENTAI
Well, stop demanding free shit, and start supporting the stuff by buying the actual DVDs.
thank you.
I will give this hentai 10/10 and ???????????????????? so make more episode of this we realy love it thankyou hentaianimestigma ????????
Are they his biological half sisters? From what I understand, MC’s dad is the headmaster of the school who left his mother to poverty. So MC is getting revenge. Hmm
Just another day, i shall pray, to keep my penis at bay.
Just another day, revenge is mine. Your daughters i shall findn and rape they body and mind.
Story seems cool, art is like fine, animation is great. Everything seems fine. Untill you hear the main guy doing that annoying laugh a few times.
The MC’s dad married another woman and never gave him financial support, he saw the daughters and promised for revenge. That’s the plot.
Its a bit more than that, but I guess thats as simple as you can explain it
WOWW this is really good!
This guy really know how to pleasure himself, he is acting like if I were him
Girls was super cute and sexy, the h scene was to fucking hot
I fapped until my dick died
So 10/10
Plz put back the old player I want to be able to download the vid on my android.
But the old player is still there… Just switch over to it…
I did. there used to be able to a player I could click and hold in order to save link as on my android. Now it’s replaced by a player that requires flash player 10.1 or greater. Then the other player I could use but I can’t save videos.
Did you switch devices? Because it still work for my tablet and my phone.
I didnt but looks like my prayers were answered because I can now save again.
Dear God… Don’t give me that watch/clock or else I know a lot of woman at my job that are going to have a little creampie surprise…
this reminds me what happen when you have a Bottleneck in a switch XD
I like how Japan tries to justify him being a disgusting rapist by saying “he had a shitty past”. It’s the old guy that screwed him over. What do the students have to do with anything?
First of all-it’s hentai. I doubt the actual japanese people as a whole believe rape is at all justifiable. Second – it’s hentai. Imaginary characters, imaginary plot, imaginary logic. Don’t try to question it, you’ll just get a headache. Fap instead! Much better use of your time.
Just like the JAVs of the same theme! Awesome
finally no cuckolding
This useless mc rapist are pathetics, need magical artifacts to rape bleghhh the master of NTR and rape Kisaku the letch only use his brain and no more and take lots of girls and inclusive at the end they like him, but this news ntrs rapist are only fats otakus or emos….crap.
I like Kisaku too, but lets be fair, he never had to deal with a high level security private school.
xD the first one should be the cloaked girl….this guy dont worry of anything…..anyways it has good scenes but too much drama….just blow out the girls brains on that school and find angelina jolie or scarlet johanson next
I enjoyed this one, the rape and the plot was interesting. Personally I kinda understand why he unfroze them and such and took the photos so they couldnt say crap, but I wouldve just kept them unaware. Imagine the entire human race(Male and/or female depending on orientation) as your sex toy, and only you ever had to know. Sure its creepy as hell, but if no one knows, then whose to judge?
I love NTR when the woman is a bitch like in Gogo no Kouchou: Junai Mellow Yori, but i Hate it when its some old fat guy! I hate Rape but when it is like this with revenge and shit its okay than I like it! can’t wait for the second episode! I like some story’s from Ero manga too but it’s kinda hard to fap to standing pictures!!!!
I like Ero with story but without is okay too as long as the animation is good! take Shin Sei Yariman Gakuen Enkou Nikki The Animation! No story but fucking good animation! Games and mangas have more plot and so on but …. yeah hard to fap!
why this video load soo slow? the other load very fast
Wohooo! Finally something with nice animation and “this make some sense (even if little) plot. That’s Suzuki Mirano, couldn’t expect less.
Clearly,we need trigger warnings for ero anime like these because it causes PTSD among the PC police and social justice crowd.
If we had a Like button than I had pushed it 100 times for this comment
at least they spent 3 minutes outlining how the protagonist is really avenging against his half-sisters…
Wow they actually did a hentai about this garbage game. Now im flaccid.
I’m just going to spoil this garbage game and say that he goes around raping the swim team next some teachers and the rest of a classroom so people can wash their hands of this filth.
I feel like the second episode might have something to do with Blackmailing these two girls.
Like is said he just goes and rapes the entire school kinda boring and very stupid.
Well, why the fuck did u play it and watch it in the first place when u know it has to do with rape.
Iwana ride your gooch iwana smell your poon there’s nowhere youcan hide when I will bust inside when you fell my dick look real deep inside ill cum inside your eye you ll get legally blind don’t get close it comes alive the cum demons will rise release your daemons now
“At the school stop by time”… Ah, Japan and it’s great English.
I’m sure all the edge masters here enjoyed this so edgy
Looks like theres going to be a crossover between Yabai Fukushuu Yami Site! and this series…
Hell yeah, both of em have glorious rape scenes. Can’t wait
Damn I just find this hilarious! Hahahahahaha! XD
Is something wrong with the new player? everytime when I use it, it says “Error loading media, file could not be played”. The old player is working fine however.
Are you getting this on your computer? Because it works fine for me.
i played this game last time xD
Damn, this hentai is pretty depressing and tragic. A son who was abandoned by his father, losing his mother as a result, and sisters who end up paying for what he did. This is one of the few good stories in hentai. Can’t wait to see what he does in ep. 2
Even if time stopped, they’re bodies looked like they notices the feelings without realizing what’s going on in their minds. Strange! Hmm they seem nice if he could just talk to them but when I saw them when they’re were kids. The older sister has that “look at the disguising boy there” expression while the young sister has that “is he going to rape us” expression. Well all he has to do is deliver the pictures to his father and see what his reaction will be like or he might take things to a new level and rape them even more.