Euphoria Episode 3
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90 Responses to “Euphoria Episode 3”
well… the sickness continues….but DAMN that dude must have stamina to cum a dozen times….
WHOO i’ve been waiting for so long
Love this Episode more than the first two!!!
Euphoria epsidoe 3 was the best due to electric shock stimulation on Kanae it was so cute!
That was episode 2. And you think electrocuting her was cute? XD
it totally was cute and hot because you got to see her face in pure Ecstasy as it was in pain
dam this is not euphoria
This wasnt as bad as the 2nd one. LOL
Dying to see how this is played out~
the ending was kind of stupid. not just because i was a little jealous, but because how long that last sex scene went on, and the dude just kept endlessly cumming. like come on.
dude, just cause you can’t do that doesn’t mean others can’t. ever heard of multiple orgasms? I got a huge libido, and can keep cumming and getting hard, 5-7 times is no problem if im really horny :p
i thought it would be bad but it was really good
best out of 3
hope they will keep up with the rest of the heroines >:)
I love Hentai but you must have a fucked up mind to come up with this shit
my body is ready
this is my favorite hentai i love euphoria
whelp, killed my boner in the first 3 secs. A NEW RECORD!!!
As expected, this was so fucked up.But don’t tell me he couldn’t get out of that choke
He appears to be alive in the end with similar behaviour as in Kanae’s route though
Well, that was boring. Its like it gets less hardcore per episode, and why so much focus only on this one girl?
It was like that last episode too. If there’s a 4th ep, the MC would pick a different girl. This episode seems to be alternative to the second if Keisuke picked a different girl than Kanae.
Finally! Hope there are more episodes in the future!
nope this is the last episode of euphoria
well that may be hard to do in real life, but in the fantasy world that is hentai, some of it is pretty hot. /^^\
Damn… that was some fucked up shit. After the first episode all these were boner kills. I thought this episode would change it but man lost my boner can’t fap when she was chokin hella bad.
OMG i did not know euphoria was coming with a 3rd episode. so excite
LOL ohh man ToT do you see the feedback from this LMAO im rolling over laughing was to be expected
Yea lol, as expected XD.
Hard Fisting, Tekoki, Hairjob, Sperm gargle…. Man this made my day
This is the best of the trilogy.
Hentai is supposed to be like this and its great that he kept pumping her full over and over until she was nearly broken this is how they should do it can’t wait for the loli and teacher episodes if they do them since that loli annoyed me when i played the eroge i really want to see her rape face
God damn, so much blood. Anyway, this one was mildly fappable cuz this bitch was the hottest of all the bitches in this series.
i love the crazy bitch of the first episode, I have a fetish for sadistic girls, although in real life I think that she would be really scary and creepy
second episode, after ending theme,… this is just the begining ^.^
So this is another route in which he chooses another girl which resulted in a diff ending
So basically just like in eroge/hentai games, this is just another route aside from the 1st route of Kanae making the series started with episode 1 with its continuation in either episode 2 or 3..1 and 2 or 1 and 3. Its up to us which among the 2 routes is better. This route seems to overlooked what the fate of the other girls which are not choosen or do they also all die but it wasnt shown in this episode as its alrady a given as it is shown in episode 2. So we will still have 3 more routes to come. 1 for the teacher,1 for the loli, and 1 for the girl who is the mastermind that is if he would choose her just like what she requested.
Not as bad as I dreaded it to be, but man that ending so lazy. So rushed and anti-climatic. The sex scene in the end was nice though.
I’m scared to watch. But oh well.. I started watching the series might as well finish this
some hentais comes and then they dont have coments but a sickness hentai comes and bang alot of ppl just comment…
I watched this together with my gf and this was pretty much our reaction, I’m not even kidding.
Gives a whole new meaning to fucking somebodies brains out.
Damn. Damn. DAMN!!!
It’s like somebody said to themselves:
“By god there is not enough internal uterus punching in hentai!”
And then this happened.
I am watching this using VPN, this better be good.
00:01 : Cool a new type of BDSM ! ^^
00:08 : ……….. ._.
ALT + F4.
(if you want watch this dont look the first 10 secondes, i just cant fap to this now)
Damn! We get someones head cut off in less than 10 seconds, that’s got to be a world record in hentai history…
Why don’t they ever fuck the hot teacher smh
So, you’re telling me that I basically waited 2 years for this episode to come out, which is the last episode I think, and they didn’t even do a damn thing to either the loli or the hot teacher?! Wtf were they even there for then?! Fucking waste of a hentai! All that waiting for a generic-looking girl!
true true!!!!
He should have used the loli
you pedobear
I think it’ll continue cause i found this game GS
Ikr . Night shift nurses was just fucked up !
First 5 seconds already a decapitation well this is promising. lol
I just love how she easily kill him and a pathetic joke this guy is.
Reminds you of yourself? lol
gotta remember he just finished cumming like 10 times hes gotta be exhausted.
very good just waiting for the subs now x)
I found this to be really hot all of it , although i wish he kept the pantyhose on those things are expensive and sexy . To bad there wasn’t the loli and teacher they could of even squeezed it in to be a threesome dam. ps im a girl and i think hentai is a art form Hashtag Respect for the voice actors and btw that would be so awkward doing those sounds in a studio just think about it while watching its hilarious.
“Respect for the voice actors and btw that would be so awkward doing those sounds in a studio just think about it while watching its hilarious.”
Right. Basically the first half of this video you see her being a cool character and at the end she suddenly just goes mad with pleasure, it may sound cheesy but I have great respect for people who can voiceact something as bizzare and extreme as (euphoria) hentai.
-Starts the video- well this aint so ba- ~boner dead already~
Yah Finaly i now whos the man behind this…….. I love this Episode this is a Good Ending for this… Never end
not the last episode this hentai has different endings
WAHAHAHA! Let the madness continue!! Ahem… I think we’ve got 1 or 2 more episodes left, seeing as it’s one episode per girl.
Can’t wait!
by the gods gfajhgfdjgfdk i like the ending ahahaha…..
I have been watching all the episodes of this series. It was the Sickest hentai after Night Shift Nurses. The best thing is that i don’t watch hardcore often, besides i like vanilla hentai. I liked the bed scene, it was pure vanilla. Aarigato and Kawaeee.
I figured that enemy was nemu since episode 1. She manipulated the guy since episode 1. Episode his desire took over his morale. Episode 3, showed you the guys good side. Last scene seriously, that man has stamina like me. that dudes tank should be empty after 2.