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Chicchana Onaka Naisho Desu Yo Anime Edition Episode 1
You are going to watch/stream Chicchana Onaka Naisho Desu Yo Anime Edition Episode 1 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Chicchana Onaka Naisho Desu Yo Anime Edition Episode 1 is from the hentai series Chicchana Onaka Naisho Desu Yo Anime Edition. If you enjoyed Chicchana Onaka Naisho Desu Yo Anime Edition Episode 1 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.


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45 Responses to “Chicchana Onaka Naisho Desu Yo Anime Edition Episode 1”
  1. Haseo San Tacoshe says:

    i know this artist it’s about damn time he start thinking about hentai for has good ass artwork ^___^ but.. =___=.. come on man did you really have to choose this pitiful Animation Studio to get the job done really.. I’m getting so sick of looking at it

  2. supah sajajin says:

    gif animation lol

  3. TW says:

    …. -sighs- Nofhing to see here. The girl isn’t draw cute enough, there’s no storyline, animation is low quality, and I feel no passion went into this work. This is the type of hentai that makes you buy good hentai just so you can indirectly hurt the company who made this.

    Sure queen bee isn’t ‘the best’ but at least the girls were super cute and you could see the effort they put, this hentai is in its own low tier.

    • Just here says:

      Hell, at least with queen bee you can say they like what they push out and it shows… This on the other hand was just plain bad even if your expections are low to being with.

  4. Franckducks says:

    Oh crap another bastard flashplayer studio….but i dont like lolis so who fucking care kakaka

  5. seriously says:

    seriously, how the fuck is pedophile hentai allowed? it makes me so fucking angry. don’t tell me this is not a pedophile porn because it just is.

    • EdginessDippedInFacts says:

      Because it’s not real… It also provides an outlet for actual pedophiles,
      because it seems not recommending any actual help and shaming a group of people so much they are scared of seeking a psychologist, worrying that they might go to jail, even though they haven’t actually committed a crime, doesn’t fucking work… Now it looks like I’m projecting…

    • Kevin says:

      Bro I can tell u this I had a girlfriend well she probably changed by
      Now but in 11nth grade she looked like a little 14 year girl
      She was 18 I was 17 now I’m in 12 grade we are not together
      Haven’t seen her then but if she looks the same then well
      Loli do exist hey I’m younger that’s not pedophilia

    • Dude says:

      This isn’t real life… This is a hentai why the fuck you care?

      Just shut up and fap.

    • Polar says:

      >literally getting angry over drawings

      This isn’t new. Lolicon is a very popular trend. Get over it.

      • Really says:

        That is not a fucking loli. A loli is just a flat chested woman that looks little. This girl fucking pissed her pants like a preschooler. I don’t want to watch her teacher or something cleaning her up while fingering her. That’s just fucking messed up.

        • ROFL says:

          haahahahahahahahaha wtf guys this isn’t loli this bastard is pedo we should send him to MJ


        • NotRealityGrowUpAndLearnTheDifference says:

          You must have lead a sheltered life if something like this bothers you when it’s just a series of drawings meant for masturbation material. You are probably also a teenage virgin or even younger if you think hentai is something to get worked up about.

    • Who Dini? says:

      It’s called culture shock buddy. That’s what you’re feeling right now. May I also inform you that the legal age of consent in Japan is around 12? Hope that gives you some nightmares at night lol.

    • Welcome2NOW says:

      Hello people and such. If you watch hentai you are already in pretty deep. By now you should well understand that abnormal themes starting from tentacles to incest to loli are the norm. As for the bunch that “relate” themselves to whatever they watch are just plain IGNORANT; get your boundaries right and don’t compare 3D with 2D. Learn to adapt or if it doesn’t work for you just move on. Nobody cares about your god dam self-righteousness.

      • Op here says:

        Hi, OP here. First of all, WOW really this is not real, these are just drawings? wow graphics are so realistic I thought those were actual people. Thanks for enlightening me.

        Tentacles and other shit is fine, (personally I like to fap to hentai whenever the art is good and the girls in it arent kids, I don’t care if it’s incest or whatever). But whenever a KID is getting fucked, it’s bothering me, even if it’s just a fiction. And it really really bothers me when people need to know that the girl IS A KID to get it hard. It sickens me that there are enough amount of demand in the world for this kind of pornography to keep them coming. And if a person is a pedophile, I’m sure there are ways to heal them, or somehow suppress these feelings for them. I wouldn’t say this for gay people because it’s ok for them to have an actual relationship and be happy with their choices. It’s NOT ok for pedos.

        • Glago says:

          Hey OP.
          >there are ways to supress these feelings for them

          u DO know what happened to Elsa in FROZEN when she supressed her feelings and powers for YEARs, right?
          she went crazy. what pedophiles need – is this – lolicon hentai! of course, it would be just a substitute, but it is better than giving them nothing at all. if people are attracted to young girls – there is nothing wrong with that (as u might know, it was totally fine to marry a girl in her 12 in 18-19th century) physically speaking. its just that society raised..oh wait..i meant to say SOME SHITTY POLITICIANS RAISED THEIR CONSENT AGE AND MADE IT ILLEGAL.
          and from another perspective – young boys ARE attracted to older females , i.e. Teachers. if female teacher in Middle/Highschool is hot – all/most guys(from 12 years old and above) would say to each other that they would tap that ass or whatever.
          about young females. i would say that girls and boys share their interests in sex (generally speaking) and that would mean that young girls are attracted to older guys as well. i bet you saw some girls in your middle school who was dating some guys from high school right? i had at least.
          – ping pong -ping pong – being attracted to younger people is completely OK/ DEAl WITH IT/CLOSE YOUR EYES-IT AINT YOUR DAMN BUSINESS

    • Plund3r says:

      Because it’s not real. Get over it.

    • philiphish says:

      gore and extreme violence and shit is ok even in live action movies but drawn child sex? omg NO, the world is going to explode

  6. Noob says:

    Seems like the queen bee business model is going good enough for other studios to copy it. Queen Bee must be enjoying times of prosperity in Japan.

  7. KangarooKanon says:

    I don’t usually comment on porn stuff, but damn this was some low tier garbage.

  8. Kevin says:

    (Facepalm) Come on… This is alright, but looking at the arm of the guy at 00:50 is that MSPaint?

  9. Uncle Phil says:

    I wasted 30 seconds of my life fast forwarding through this video

  10. Brosif says:

    It really looks like a sexual pop-up book.

  11. Disgust says:

    Yeeaa it seems everyone has already mentioned the bad animation. But I want to say is that why the fuck does this girl look like a 10 year old? She fucking pissed herself. Don’t preschoolers do that? Why the fuck is this older man who is her teacher or whatever cleaning her? I don’t want to watch fucking pedophilia. Don’t say she’s a fucking loli because she clearly isn’t and I don’t give a shit if this is fake. This is fucking pedophilia in my books. I don’t know why I’m getting worked up over this, its just a hentai. A garbage one at that.

    • anonymous says:

      Yeah. If it was actually decent, I wouldn’t be upset even if it were blatant pedophilia. I love lolicon, but this is just garbage.

  12. dark says:

    it is hentai, real <12 year old girl don´t are cute <,< loli only live in 2d & 3d and queenbee killed other hentai T___T

  13. ScooterXXX says:

    Im missing Hentais like Kuroinu :c

  14. SermenKing says:

    oh damn.Queen’s bee again@

    • The one says:

      This is not Queen bee it’s another company using there style only worse plus Queen bee work is getting copy now man it must be popular in Japan Good drawing bad animation in my opinion

  15. Dragun says:

    I might be a creep for watching hentai, but I ain’t no pedophile.

    Not watching this shit.

  16. GamerGoodies says:

    Am I the only one weirded out on their choice in sex music?

  17. Cut says:

    There’s no point in stating your ‘hentai morals’on loli video because no one gives a fuck. if your’re not gonna fap then move the fuck on. This is not a direct representation of real life and its not promoting anything other than what it is: fap material. And if you can’t accept Hentai in its entirety then you are in the wrong place.

  18. RuckusRanger says:

    ma the only hentai I was looking forward too and it is one of the most low quality things I have ever seen…. and for all teh people freakign out you do realize there is a japanese game where you own an orphanage that is secretly a brothel and you train little girls to be prostitutes you can whore them out to make you money so you can buy bondage gear and the like and even beat them with whips this hentais concepts and ideas are incredibly tame… and its an art medium its a fantasy do you want to rape people because you like rape hentai do you want to murder people because you like movies with a lot of killing no because its all for entertainment and when it comes to sexual fantasies I find the more messed up and taboo it is the more sexually arousing it gets like a hentai about the mc raping his mother super messed up but ridiculously hot…. f you dont like it dont watch it nobody cares dont ruin it for people that do like it though…

  19. Blue_Ballz says:

    Whoah, this isn’t Queen Bee but this company got infected by the Queen Bee virus. Why are you letting this happened Japan!?

  20. It's too late says:

    The first of Queen Bee’s eggs has been laid and hatched and thus we’re doomed…

  21. mundane says:

    You’re complaining about porn you haven’t paid for.

    Lolicon is nothing new. If it isn’t lolicon, it’s a petite girl.

  22. why says:

    I watch some weird ass shit. But this is way beyond weird ass shit.

  23. FSS says:

    FYI it’s spelled Chicchana, not Chitchana.

  24. lol says:

    video=shit however i have to say the comments make this hentai worth clicking on

  25. lol says:

    I would fap to it if it had better animation.

  26. CommonSense says:


  27. jared says:

    I like this!

  28. HistoryProven says:

    How soon US citizens forget their ancestors were all 11-14 years old and having 5-8 kids and building a country and all while dying around 35 years of age. As little as the 1930′s girls were still as young as 13 or 14 getting married off and in a lot of religions it is completely legal in the US to marry an underage child (12 years +) so long as both the parent’s of the child agree to the terms and it is religion based. Funny how cartoons which are not pedophilia (Pedo = someone who is attracted to a being from 6-11 years in age) but are considered artistic expressions and completely legal in the US. So he can sit and whine and bitch all he/she wants but the truth is, the very LAW of the US protects this content. So have fun on your “I’m a fucktard PC asshole who was told what to believe because my mind is too small to research on my own and learn the real history of the world” train but as far as I am concerned I am off this wreck waiting to happen. You can’t get through to small minded unintelligent people.

  29. FSS says:

    The ending song is so cute! GODDAMNIT IT’S SO CUTE YOU GUYS!


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