Feb 23 2015
Boku no Pico Episode 2 Pico & Chico
Posted by hentaidude in Boku no Pico -

Boku no Pico Episode 2 Pico & Chico
You are going to watch/stream Boku no Pico Episode 2 Pico & Chico in English Sub/English Dub for free. Boku no Pico Episode 2 Pico & Chico is from the hentai series Boku no Pico. If you enjoyed Boku no Pico Episode 2 Pico & Chico please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.
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36 Responses to “Boku no Pico Episode 2 Pico & Chico”
LOL…. you guys actually decided to put this in. I dont know rather to THANK you guys or something else
Goddamnit PENIS!!! I said NO!!!!
“Don’t tempt me Frodo! I dare not take it. Not even to keep it safe. Understand Frodo (or whoever upload this), I would use this Ring (what ring?) from a desire (lol) to do good. But through me, it would wield a power too great and terrible to imagine.”– gandalf the ge..gray
Just because the animation director/character designer is done by Yoshiten doesn’t mean I need to watch this!
The episode that took me down the rabbit hole of yaoi. I keep seeing people rage over something like this but I’ve always thought those were people who didn’t even know what hentai was because I’d tell them “believe me, it gets a lot more fucked up than this. You don’t even want to know what they do to little girls.”
my penis is confused and yet having fun
Yay~ I finally get to watch this! Ive read rumors, it seems to be the best worst one out there! Thanks for the upload~
It’s not so bad if you keep telling urself that they’re futanari… datte they’re drawn with a girl figure… machigainai… they are definitely futa… Fk who am I kidding.
So yo watch your 8 year old brother get fucked by his best friend, and all you do is masturbate too it?
This was actually pretty good
oh my god
People: Don’t watch Boku no Pico. Me: TOO BAD.
Oh my god. Don’t watch it. xD
HELL NO!!! This is wrong IN SO FUCKING MANY WAYS. Those fuckers didn’t say what this was all about
This is just- so amazing. :3 You guys know, this is about finding who you are, I mean….. it’s not that bad. It’s a good hentai/anime.
Bullshit just because they turned gay doesn’t mean they find themselves chico would’ve been straight if pick didn’t give him a blow job and make Chico bone him.
Ha gay
There is tentacle hentai with little girls, there are tons of raping hentai movies, tons of orcs and goblins group raping girls, liters of blood in these movies… But you say Bocu no Pico is wrong? Actually, it’s quite nice. I know those boys are kids, but they both enjoy it. I have seen hentai about girls screaming for help and bleeding alot… And in the comments no one said it was wrong. Something is wrong with people.
Thank you! People complain about how it’s gay and it’s little boys, but it’s consensual. No one is being raped because either party could have said no if t hey didn’t want it. Nobody bats an eye when it’s rape, just because it’s straight, but I guess today’s society thinks it’s fucking sexy as hell when someone is screaming for help, bleeding, crying out in pain, obviously not wanting it. I’m glad I’ve found someone that agrees that this isn’t messed up, at least not as messed up as other stuff. I get that some hentai is not for everyone, but this isn’t some kind of atrocity that ruins people’s lives.
This was so fucked up it was amazing i pride myself on enjoying the most sickening of things and this definitky hitsbthe to twenty
The fact that people actually enjoy this kind of hentai is sickening. I don’t know why the Producers produced such Child Pornography. I know this isn’t the only hentai I’ve seen where there is little kids. For example; little girls getting raped by monsters or goblins; some even have the girls screaming out for help and how they don’t want it. Ugh, What scrutiny, I am ashamed of what this world has become.
You all are complaining that it’s sick yet your on the 2nd episode you damn hipocrits
Dam I am a guy and still find this some what pretty F°°° Hot $
I know this is yaoi hentai but, I still think it would have been awsome for Pico and Chico to have double teamed the sister.
Great idea, why they left sister?
I’m jus shocked tht they can kiss better than me LOL
These comments are the best lol. More entertaining that whatever I was watching.
THIS IS………….WTF IS THIS??????!!!!!! i only know the masturbating with banana part but Pico and Chico WTH ARE YOU DOING??!!!
Oh, i come here? Whats this? Boku No Pico? Ok.. That famous anime , oh ok.
Fcuk. Pause
(Im girl, and its make me turn on.. wet damn =__=)
Is it wrong to have a boner while watching this? Cause im a dude and for some reason i m liking this
Na man it’s not lol exact to homophobes but I’m not so Ya all acceptance here
it’s not because it’s gay it’s because there obviously under 18
Better to f**k the lonely lady
…ermm…. uhh….. hmm…. okay i have no idea what to say…
Agh I didnt actually mind it . I actually didn’t even react much heck I’d watch the rest of the episodes if i can find them
as part of the one percent of ladies who enjoy hentai, I approve of this, so long as I can live with the illusion that these two are 18 yr old twinks.