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Amakano Episode 1
You are going to watch/stream Amakano Episode 1 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Amakano Episode 1 is from the hentai series Amakano. If you enjoyed Amakano Episode 1 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.


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23 Responses to “Amakano Episode 1”
  1. Me!!! says:

    Wooohooooo xD no rape….. I think xD

  2. fearH80 says:

    Yo ToT,

    Can I ask why the recent hentai upload sizes are the same as torrents?
    Is there any way to get the low size encoded ones like before and is the new video played is gone as well :(

  3. Japanzai says:

    Thanks for the upload Hentaidude.

  4. senpai G says:

    This was a much need change of pace. I do enjoy alot of the other weird, freaky, and very questionable content other hentai has to offer, but this was nice and vanillia. Though I could only make out a few of the words they were saying, I still enjoyed and understood what was going on. Wish there were alot more hentai like this. And of the same quality. Idk maybe I’m just asking for to much. Will time to go watch some monster incest loli rape freaky shit. Jk

  5. senpai G says:


  6. hy says:

    That was cute.

  7. ErogeMaster says:

    Oh its based on that visual novel.

  8. Spear-Rules says:

    Such purity in this.

    I got a tooth ache because of the sweetness.

  9. Passing by says:

    Haha, the thing Hentai always get wrong is in most cases the guy cum before the gal. Most gal don’t cum from penetration. I wonder when will hentai put more effort into their characters and body movement.

  10. Diavolo says:

    The animation was decent yet the most astounding aspect of this movie is just the sheer, heartful love between the two. While I could understand some bits, it’s safe to assume that genuine love was made that night. Both fapped and had some feels.

  11. ???? says:

    play the eroge maybe you can die because of the sweetness.

  12. says:


  13. Player 9191 says:

    details were nicely shown, bouncing and all of that but overall, this was 2 vanilla 5 me. I’ll go see “A size classmate”

  14. astiN says:

    is it e or her peft eye is uncoloured ? Howe6 the art is fantastic i wish more hentais to be with such art and while we talk about art where the fuck is the 2nd ep of Baku-Ane . The amakano series will be good im starving and fapping to watch them thoght no subs yet

  15. softcorevanillashit says:

    not my type

  16. Giesterfarher says:

    I could live with more like this. That was nice.

  17. Alpha says:

    Yum. Sweet scrumptious delicious vanilla. I’m getting diabetes watching it

  18. Bad says:

    Very nice

  19. Ultimarix says:

    Does anyone know the tune at the beginning??

  20. The Name is Quack says:

    Dat heterochromia tho. (The discolored eyes, that is.)

  21. Ozbloke says:

    Why is this censored?


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