Nov 21 2015
Kedamono-tachi no Sumu Ie de Episode 2
Posted by ToT in Kedamono-tachi no Sumu Ie de -

Kedamono-tachi no Sumu Ie de Episode 2
You are going to watch/stream Kedamono-tachi no Sumu Ie de Episode 2 in English Sub/English Dub for free. Kedamono-tachi no Sumu Ie de Episode 2 is from the hentai series Kedamono-tachi no Sumu Ie de. If you enjoyed Kedamono-tachi no Sumu Ie de Episode 2 please share it with your friends! Note that this video is hosted on a third-party video sharing website, and not affiliated with HentaiStigma or it's server.
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79 Responses to “Kedamono-tachi no Sumu Ie de Episode 2”
WTF, I think I might go back to Yandere land where stuff makes sense.
akun is such a wuss that i don’t even feel sorry for him. koharu is an idiot for being so timid, i can’t even. she deserves it.
i swear on everything i cannot stand a hentai with weak characters. I’m starting to believe that women over there in Asia must be this weak for real. maybe not all but damn the dude just needs his fucking ass kicked.
The entire village fucking your girl because you was to bitchmade to make sure she was always safe. and why almost all hentai chicks have this pride fear that leads them to situations with a simple resolve. damn!
This is hentai get over it. I’m sick of hearing comments comparing real life to an animated fucking cartoon directed towards rape and mysogynistic views. You’re all brainwashed or braindead hentai addicted weeaboos.
What happened to Arata’s mom?
I think its implied that she died, otherwise she would have probably been included, like in that last scene like in Tokubetsu Jugyou 3SLG The Animation EXTEND. Which, if the mom had and turned dom just like in that scene with that would have been hot as hell.
i swear cucks are the worst, the art is so good but the story sucks, he didnt fight or anything, bullshit woman dont get that drunk off rape either, it kinda fucks them up in a depression kinda way, and those videos, pure cuck fantasy
… I don’t think you should be taking H that serious. but yeah the animation is awesome but the story is… wait we actuarially watch H for the story?
This is Hentai, Teruaki Murakami Hentai, story makes no sense and it leads all to the target girl getting fucked into pieces and her womb filled to the brim with thick bad guy sperm, over and over.. until she can’t get enough.
Luckily the drunken cam is reduced again and you’ve got lots of nice angles, with nice squishy soundeffects where the girl is on perfect display while getting fucked senseless.
A slave girl needs her pussy creamed properly, so you will get lots of audible creampie action, where her little womb gets pumped full of rich bad guy semen, after some nice rough fucking. The guy also really enjoy using her and filling her to the brim with his heat.
Again this is a Teruaki Murakami piece, so you can expect: rape, abuse, nice angles, nice soundeffects and lots of thick sperm inside the very submissive girl’s pussy
Well, honestly I loved this anime so much!! YeAH KILL KOHARU AND RAPE HER, THAT SLUT!!!!!!!!! owo
These videos are just plain traumatizing. Everything in these two episodes are fucked up. It makes me question the creators sanity and how he goes about his daily life . He must have a criminal background to make videos like this. For two months I was just so depressed that I couldn’t even look at a girl with out thinking about this shit. Hopefully someday hentai will not have this shit anymore (abuse, cheating, rape, blackmail, and tragedy.) Just make normal hentai for once and stop this madness.
Wow, I feel very sympathetic for Arata, the girl should’ve told him what was going on in the first place instead of hiding. Such a shame that she gives in at the end while he is in a apartment looking at the videos and what is left of her. There has to be another episode that he steps up or becomes happy with someone else. Since this series isn’t finished I guess what we are seeing is incomplete.
Now remember kids, when your girlfriend asks to have sex, DO IT.
And when will we ever get an actual somewhat realistic end for such plot? Where either the boy who got NTRared comit seppuku over it/go onto a rampage and kill everyone or the girl in question comits seppuku AFTER killing every body? And I do believe its not the women who are weak, but the MALES…they dont have the guts to either stop teh abusing (to the girls he loves, BY the girls he loves…)and go apeshit on the bastards doing the raping…Hentai writers (SPECIALLY NTR/RAPE speciallists…) have a serious problem….fuck its just another Otome Dori schenario where the main girl get her ass raped and she ended up loving it for the sake of it….
I would poison both the father and brother. Then pay a gang of gay bikers to rape them to death slowly.
I feel so bad for Arata. His girl promised him that she wouldn’t hurt him like his Mom did, and then goes and hurts him even worse than his Mom did by having sex with the two people he hates the most AND kicking him out of the place he moved her into. Yes he’s a “wimp” according to you brainless fucks but the reality of it is that he’s pretty broke and wasn’t even able to afford to move out until now, which we can assume was because of his father paying his rent to get his ass out of the house so they can fuck his ex in peace. I loathe NTR hentai because 9/10 the MC gets no revenge, but I pray that this time I’m wrong.
I know right i started crying and the comments were so rude and just left me speechless I hope he get’s a better girlfriend and she won’t turn out like this slut of a women
I feel so bad for Arata. He didn’t deserve that I feel ashamed of watching this and I do hope this get’s a 3rd eposide so Arata can find a better girl he really didn’t deserve I started crying from what i witness I hope something bad happens to those 3 I feel a terrible disgust towards everyone in this comment section the fact that y’all are supporting this disgust me this is just No i cant even he isn’t even “wimp” how was he supposed to know this the fact she didn’t tell him upsets me i feel bad for this guy the zoom ins were bothering as well I didn’t enjoy this at all. ( english isn’t my first langue so my grammar is quite bad )